Tiny crosses that can be put in one's pocket. (Earlier we
suggested you purchase small "Cross in my pocket" tokens. These
can be handed to each child at this time. Or the congregation or
you can make your own simple cross and give to each child.)
Lent is a time when many people give up something. Do you
know of anyone who has given up something for Lent? (Let them
answer.) Why do you suppose people would give up sweets, for
example, in Lent? (Let them answer. Let the children share other
things they have heard people in the congregation give up during
Lent. You might even ask if the children have given up anything
special during Lent.) We call this giving up something "self--
denial." (Here, if you use "self--denial" coin envelopes, comment
on their usage and remind the children to keep up their daily