Second Sunday in Lent - C

Katy Stenta
Mary Austin
Christopher Keating
Dean Feldmeyer
George Reed
Tom Willadsen
- Are You Chicken? by Katy Stenta. People may ask, “Are you chicken, Jesus?” And Jesus may well reply, “Yes, I am exactly a chicken.”
- Second Thoughts: Monkey See, Monkey Do – Improved Version by Mary Austin based on Philippians 3:17--4:1.
- Sermon illustrations by Dean Feldmeyer, Tom Willadsen.
- Worship resources by George Reed.
- Children’s sermon: I Will Follow You! by Chris Keating. “Join in imitating me,” Paul says to his friends in Philippi — not by becoming copycats of the apostle, but by becoming like Jesus, picking up our crosses and learning from him.
What is The Immediate Word?
The Immediate Word gives a theological perspective on today's headlines and popular culture for your sermon, childrens sermon, and worship service. The Immediate Word gives a theological perspective on today's headlines and popular culture.
Cutting Edge: THE IMMEDIATE WORD gives you the tools to be cutting edge ... to put you in touch with today's most critical issues and to aid you in crafting messages and presentations that will truly help your congregants understand the Gospel in the context of what is current and most important to them.
Collaborative: THE IMMEDIATE WORD is a unique collaboration of some of the sharpest, most contemporary clergy of our day in an Internet-based service that gives you weekly information, inspiration, and presentation materials for your sermon, childrens sermon, and worship service.
Enabling: THE IMMEDIATE WORD will enable you to create high-impact sermons, childrens sermons, sermon outlines, worship services and compose pastoral prayers that help people pray with you, write compelling pastoral columns for your newsletter, arm your Sunday school teachers with meaningful, up-to-the-minute discussion sermon material, speak more constructively during the "Concerns of the Church" portion of your sermon, children's sermon and worship service about matters that worry your parishioners, advertise timely discussion topics to draw people into your church, and more.
Interactive: THE IMMEDIATE WORD is a dynamic, interactive process. First, among the team of clergy that creates it every week. Secondly, with you: you can personally participate in the creation process by providing your input and reactions to the input of others on new sermons, childrens sermons, sermon outlines and worship resources.
Timely: THE IMMEDIATE WORD sends participants the topic of the week on Friday and the final product on Tuesday afternoon, giving you time to digest the sermon and worship service materials and then incorporate them into your preparations for the coming Sunday service to deliver high-impact sermons and worship services.
Satisfaction Guaranteed: THE IMMEDIATE WORD is not only guaranteed to satisfy you, we believe it will actually energize your ministry. We are so confident that you will find THE IMMEDIATE WORD to be such a great value that if you are not completely satisfied with the service we will refund the balance of your subscription payment, no questions asked.