After 105 days as captive...
After 105 days as captive of the FARC (Armed Revolutionary Forces of Columbia) in the Andes Mountains, Ed Leonard, a 60-year-old Canadian gold and silver driller, suddenly learned he was a free man. On October 6, 1998, his boss, Norbert Reinhart, owner of the Ontario-based Terramundo Drilling Company, had traded places with him! The rebels have made a practice of kidnapping hostages for ransom. Leonard was being held for $500,000. Now, $2 million is wanted for Reinhart. But Leonard, who has returned to his wife and children in Creston, British Columbia, considers Reinhart a hero. He said, "Nowadays, nobody sacrifices himself for an employee. But drillers are a different breed."
Jesus was unique in that he offered himself as our substitute and suffered and died on the cross in our stead. His life, more precious than our own, was offered in order that we might live. He now calls upon each of us also to be willing to give our lives in love and service to him for all that he has done for us.
Jesus was unique in that he offered himself as our substitute and suffered and died on the cross in our stead. His life, more precious than our own, was offered in order that we might live. He now calls upon each of us also to be willing to give our lives in love and service to him for all that he has done for us.