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Sermon illustrations for Day of Pentecost (2022)

Acts 2:1-21
In his book, The Dangerous Act of Worship, pastor and president of Fuller Seminary Mark Labberton, shares a powerful story of how the Holy Spirit transforms people. Labberton wrote:

Ben was a very successful man. His professional life flourished. His family life was challenging, as a parent of several teenagers. For him, Christian faith was a distant and disconnected reality. But he began to have conversations about it with his wife and later with me.

 One Sunday I was surprised but pleased to see him in the worship service. As he approached me at the door afterward, his eyes began to fill with tears. He explained that while visiting Washington, D.C, for a professional conference, he had gone to visit the National Cathedral. He slipped into an empty side chapel and sat down for some quiet time and reflection. There, unexpected and unsought, God’s Spirit simply came upon him. Ben became a new person. The awe and wonder of grace and truth beyond his own mind, his own questions, his own needs, simply met him and changed him. It was as though his life was utterly redefined, and it has been ever since.

On the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came to transform people. On that day, thousands of people heard the life-changing message of Jesus in their own language! The Holy Spirit changes lives. How? I think Michael Haykin may have the answer. Haykin writes in his book, The God Who Draw Near: An Introduction to Biblical Spirituality, “The work and ministry of the Holy Spirit has this one indispensable genuine mark then: it is Christ-centered—it is designed to exalt Christ and glorify him in the minds and hearts of men and women and boys and girls.”

By directing people to Jesus, the Holy Spirit changes lives. He did it then and he does it today.
Bill T.

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Genesis 11:1-9
I don’t know if you have access to The Hebrew Bible: A Translation with Commentary produced by Robert Alter, but both his translation and notes provide plenty of food for thought. With regards to the story of the Tower of Babel, he suggests that building “a tower with its top in the heavens” is hyperbole, the kind of boast made about many tall buildings in the ancient world. Instead, the real targets of this story were the growth of cities and the misuse of technology.

The sundering of languages which is the end result of the pride that led humanity to put its trust in the creation of its hands is undone with Pentecost, where the pilgrims from across the Roman Empire who have come to Jerusalem each hear the apostle Peter speaking in their own language. If the Tower of Babel is a warning against the building of cities, then the irony is that the early Christian faith was an urban religion. The early inroads occurred in cities. The apostles visited cities. Indeed, the word pagan seems to have derived from the Latin term paison, which meant country yokel.
Frank R.

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Romans 8:14-17
John Calvin offers a thoughtful way of describing the Trinity as like a fountain, like an eternal Old Faithful which is always gushing. He claims that the Father is the fountain, the son is wisdom always gushing from the fountain (the divine fountain gushes wisdom, not water), and the Spirit is the power (the force with which the water/wisdom gushes from the fountain) (Institutes of the Christian Religion, I.XIII.18,26). The Spirit is the power of God! In all the activities God calls us to undertake (in faith and in acts of love), we have the power of God to do them. For the Holy Spirit gives you and me the power to do good and to have faith. We need this power, as Martin Luther wrote:  

I believe that by my own strength or reason I cannot believe in Jesus Christ my Lord or come to him. But the Holy Spirit has called me through the gospel, enlightened me with his gifts, and sanctified and preserved me in the true faith. (The Book of Concord [Tappert, ed.], p.345)
Mark E.

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Acts 2:1-21
Martin Luther once elaborated on the benefits of the Pentecost message:

The Pentecost message should remove all terror of sin and death. The more joyful you are and the more certain and surer the faith in your heart is, the nearer the Holy Spirit is to you and the more you benefit from the new Pentecost. (Complete Sermons, Vol. 6, p.160)

St. Augustine also nicely offers thoughtful insights on why miracles like the experience of tongues no longer transpires among most Christians. They have not continued, he contends, lest the mind seek visible signs and the human race grow cold by becoming accustomed to these faith-kindling experiences (The Library of Christian Classics, Vol. 6, p.248).
Mark E.

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John 14:8-17 (25-27)
J.I. Packer, in his book Your Father Loves You, uses an interesting metaphor for the work of the Holy Spirit. Packer wrote:

I remember walking to church one winter evening to preach… and seeing the building floodlit as I turned a corner and realizing that this was exactly the illustration my message needed. When floodlighting is well done, the floodlights are placed so that you do not see them; in fact, you are not supposed to see where the light is coming from; what you are meant to see is just the building on which the floodlights are trained. The intended effect is to make it visible when otherwise it would not be seen for the darkness, and to maximize its dignity by throwing all its details into relief so that you can see it properly. This perfectly illustrated the Spirit's new covenant role. He is, so to speak, the hidden floodlight shining on the Savior.

Jesus told the disciples, “But the advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you.” The Holy Spirit will point the disciples back to Jesus, to what he said and what he did. He will shine the light on Jesus.
Bill T.

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John 14:8-17 (25-27)
In his extremely influential translation of the New Testament, William Tyndale chose the word “comforter” to translate the Greek parakletos in John 14:26, which the even more influential King James followed. The word, however, seems to have a multitude of meanings and this has led to a number of different translations: “companion” (Common English Bible), “helper” (Good News Translation), “…the one who is coming to stand by you…” (Phillips), “counselor” (Revised Standard Version), “friend” (The Message), “Holy Spirit” (Contemporary English Version), and in one case, the Douay-Rheims, no translation was attempted. The word was transliterated “paraclete.”

While there is something to be said about all these attempts, I think both the New Revised Standard Version and the New International Version made a good choice when they chose “advocate.” When you sit down and study the word, it’s obvious that this translation is helpful because in common usage at the time it referred to someone who is qualified to stand up as a reference for someone else in court. The advocate’s testimony could save someone from underserved punishment. (Taken from my StoryShare for this week).
Frank R.

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John Jamison
Object: A 2025 calendar.

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Hello, everyone! (Let them respond.) Are you ready for our story today? (Let them respond.) Excellent! This is a story about something that happened after Jesus was baptized when he went back to his hometown of Nazareth to visit his family and friends. While he was visiting, he went to the service at the synagogue, just like we come to our church service. During the service, they asked Jesus to read the scripture, so he stood up and read. He said:

The Spirit of the Lord is on me,

The Immediate Word

Mary Austin
Dean Feldmeyer
Christopher Keating
Thomas Willadsen
George Reed
Katy Stenta
For January 26, 2025:

Emphasis Preaching Journal

Wayne Brouwer
It seems everybody knows about Victor Hugo’s greatest novel, even if few have actually read it. He called his masterpiece, Les Miserables, and said that it was “a religious work.” So it is. The story echoes the gospel message at nearly every turn.

The main character, Jean Valjean, has been beaten hard by the cruel twists of fate. He has seen the sham of hypocrisy on all sides. So he casts the name of the Lord to the ground like a curse. What does God know of him, and what does it matter?
Mark Ellingsen
Bill Thomas
Frank Ramirez
Bonnie Bates
Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10


Frank Ramirez
Did you ever notice in most of the old movies how the credits are at the front and they don’t share much information? Take the classic The Wizard of Oz. The overture begins with a rousing fanfare, followed by musical allusions to the key songs in the show. Visually, we see the Metro Goldwyn Mayer logo featuring the roaring lion and the words “Metro Goldwyn Mayer presents,” and of course the title of the film.

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott
Call to Worship:

The Spirit of the Lord was upon Jesus as he worshipped in the synagogue at Nazareth. Let us ask God's Spirit to fill us as we worship in church today.

Invitation to Confession:

Jesus, when we are unaware of your Spirit within us,
Lord, have mercy.

Jesus, when we deny your Spirit within us,
Christ, have mercy.

Jesus, when we reject or damage your Spirit within us,
Lord, have mercy.


Luke 4:14-21


Stephen P. McCutchan
Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.
-- Luke 4:21

Constance Berg
David led us the two blocks from our church to his place of worship: a synagogue. We all gathered around him to hear what he was saying. The mid-week church school students had been studying the Jewish faith for three weeks, and now it was time to visit a synagogue!

David's job was to help the rabbi, who could only come to town periodically. David spoke with much pride of the customs that have been handed down for centuries and that he now espoused.
Robert F. Crowley

Is the body of Christ able to work together in harmony because the spirit of the Lord is upon it, or is it meant to operate like any other organization?


Pastor Ralph needs some work on his car and he is also dealing with differing factions in his church. He is not having a good day. Earl, his friend and mechanic, gives him some good advice on taking care of his car and then relates it to his church -- get all the parts working together; after all, they all have the same manufacturer -- the Holy Spirit.

Playing Time
Dennis Koch
Gospel Theme:
An overture for the oppressed

Gospel Note:
Luke's moving of Jesus' hometown sermon from later in his ministry (as in Mark) to its inception makes it a kind of programmatic overture for the Master's entire career. Jesus' choice of passage (from Tito-Isaiah) to define his objective is as sobering today as it was then, for the recipients of the good news are to be, not the comfortable and contented, but the poor, the imprisoned, the blind, the oppressed.

Liturgical Color:

Suggested Hymns:
O God Of Light
James Evans
Psalm 19 celebrates two different media through which God is revealed: nature and the law.

The first part of the psalm calls our attention to the presence of God in nature -- "The heavens are telling the glory of God." The word "glory" is the Hebrew kabod and literally means weight or heaviness. The derived meaning is something akin to "reputation." God's reputation is evident in the heavens.

But reputation for what?

Elizabeth Achtemeier
We live in a society in which right and wrong have become largely a matter of personal opinion. All individuals are seen as a law unto themselves, and what is right for one person is not necessarily right for anyone else. Indeed, if any person tries to impose their ethical standards on another, the response is usually defensive anger. "Don't try to impose your middle-class morality on me," goes the complaint. "I know what is right for me, and you have no business trying to meddle in my life!"
Gary L. Carver
I shall never forget the night that Mae June came to church. Mae June was a workingwoman who, in our little community, was often seen in the late hours of the night in some of the darker places of our little town.

Harry N. Huxhold
In the Sundays of the Epiphany we are reminded in our worship how God continually reveals God's Person. That, of course, is done most clearly in the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ, who came to be one of us. Today the emphasis of the Lessons is on how God is revealed in the Word. In the Holy Gospel, Jesus himself points out how he is revealed in the word, or the word is revealed in him, but the people do not seem to understand. That is always a problem in communication. The words can be ever so clear, but do people get the message?
Robert S. Crilley
Let me offer you a hypothetical situation. Suppose you had a friend who was unfamiliar with the church. The person had never attended a worship service or sat in on a Sunday school class. He or she had never participated in any of the midweek fellowship activities or volunteered to help out with one of the mission trips. In effect, Christianity was a complete mystery to him/her. And so, more out of curiosity than anything else, the person asks you, "What exactly is the church?"
Julia Ross Strope
A single song is being inflected through all the colorations of the human choir.
The way to become human is to recognize the lineaments of God in all the wonderful modulations of the face [of humankind].
-- Joseph Campbell, The Hero With a Thousand Faces

Call To Worship
Leader: Welcome! Together we'll explore ancient stories about a public reading, the awesomeness of Creation, satisfying life together, and we will claim our God-given abilities.

Special Occasion

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