True Happiness
Children's sermon
3 to 5 pictures of people laughing
The Point: Happy and blessed are the children of God.
The Lesson: Welcome, girls and boys. I am happy that you came up to share this time together.
I brought some pictures of people. You don't know them. But they all have something in common. (show the pictures) Can you see what they have in common? (let children make suggestions) That is right -- they are all laughing. They are happy.
What makes you happy? A favorite treat? Going to a movie? Wearing your favorite dress or shirt? Playing with friends? (get responses)
Did you know that Jesus wants you to be happy? In our reading from the Bible this morning Jesus gives a list of things that will make our hearts happy. If we do these things, we are blessed by God and that makes us happy.
Jesus said you will be happy if you always put God first in your life. When God is important to you, Jesus will always be close to you. You will be happy if you feel sorry for your sins because you will be forgiven and will know the comfort of Jesus. You will be happy if you try to bring peace to everyone around you. When you are gentle and caring of others, you will be happy because you will know the love and caring of Jesus in return.
When we do what Jesus encourages us to do, we can be happy even when we don't "feel" like it. That's because we will know that we are God's children, his saints.
You are children of God. Doesn't that make you smile? (get responses) Happy and blessed are those who are God's children.
Closing Prayer: With happy hearts let us be one in prayer. Lord Jesus, help us to always seek your guidance and encouragement in life. Every day may we know the happiness of being children of God. Jesus, to that end, bless these children that they might be counted among your saints. Amen.
The Lesson: Welcome, girls and boys. I am happy that you came up to share this time together.
I brought some pictures of people. You don't know them. But they all have something in common. (show the pictures) Can you see what they have in common? (let children make suggestions) That is right -- they are all laughing. They are happy.
What makes you happy? A favorite treat? Going to a movie? Wearing your favorite dress or shirt? Playing with friends? (get responses)
Did you know that Jesus wants you to be happy? In our reading from the Bible this morning Jesus gives a list of things that will make our hearts happy. If we do these things, we are blessed by God and that makes us happy.
Jesus said you will be happy if you always put God first in your life. When God is important to you, Jesus will always be close to you. You will be happy if you feel sorry for your sins because you will be forgiven and will know the comfort of Jesus. You will be happy if you try to bring peace to everyone around you. When you are gentle and caring of others, you will be happy because you will know the love and caring of Jesus in return.
When we do what Jesus encourages us to do, we can be happy even when we don't "feel" like it. That's because we will know that we are God's children, his saints.
You are children of God. Doesn't that make you smile? (get responses) Happy and blessed are those who are God's children.
Closing Prayer: With happy hearts let us be one in prayer. Lord Jesus, help us to always seek your guidance and encouragement in life. Every day may we know the happiness of being children of God. Jesus, to that end, bless these children that they might be counted among your saints. Amen.