Lectionary Worship Aids
Series V, Cycle A
First Lesson: Judges 4:1-7
Theme: Judge
Call To Worship
Like Deborah, the Israelite judge, we are called upon to reflect, to discuss, and to make decisions that lead to action. We have heard that we should not judge lest we be judged. However, there is a time for judgment when we are asked and after we have deliberated. Come, let us worship God.
So that we might move closer to becoming at one with you, O Just God, without spilling a drop of blood, guide our deliberations and our decision making, that we might increase fairness and justness in an unfair and unjust world. In the name of Christ. Amen.
Prayer Of Confession
Grateful for the respect of being asked to offer an opinion, we ask what Christ would have done. As we influence others with increasing accountability and responsibility, we seek patient wisdom to listen. We would hear all sides of an issue, think about it, and debate it before jumping to a decision. Be with us, O God. Amen.
63A Hymns
"Who Trusts In God A Strong Abode" Tune: BISHOPGARTH or WAS MEIN GOTT WILL
"Teach Me, My God And King" Tune: MORNINGTON
"These Things Shall Be" Tune: TRURO
Theme: Judge
Call To Worship
Like Deborah, the Israelite judge, we are called upon to reflect, to discuss, and to make decisions that lead to action. We have heard that we should not judge lest we be judged. However, there is a time for judgment when we are asked and after we have deliberated. Come, let us worship God.
So that we might move closer to becoming at one with you, O Just God, without spilling a drop of blood, guide our deliberations and our decision making, that we might increase fairness and justness in an unfair and unjust world. In the name of Christ. Amen.
Prayer Of Confession
Grateful for the respect of being asked to offer an opinion, we ask what Christ would have done. As we influence others with increasing accountability and responsibility, we seek patient wisdom to listen. We would hear all sides of an issue, think about it, and debate it before jumping to a decision. Be with us, O God. Amen.
63A Hymns
"Who Trusts In God A Strong Abode" Tune: BISHOPGARTH or WAS MEIN GOTT WILL
"Teach Me, My God And King" Tune: MORNINGTON
"These Things Shall Be" Tune: TRURO