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Ash Wednesday

Lectionary Worship Aids
Cycle B, Series IV
Call To Worship
Leader: Let all who have received God's mercy come in repentance this day.
People: For even as we have been forgiven we have sinned before the Lord.
Leader: God calls to the faithful to repent and come before the Cross.
People: For at the Cross we are again washed clean.
Leader: And at the Cross we were called into the family of Almighty God!
All: Blessed be the name of the Lord!


O God, even though we are sinners, in Your mercy You have called us to repent and become members in Christ of Your family. Lead us, O Lord, back into Your ways. In Christ we pray. Amen.

Prayer Of Confession

Lord, in the passing of the days we have each again fallen short of the glory and blessings You intended our lives to be. Forgive us, Lord, and help us to return our focus to the cross and to turn our ways back to Your ways that we might bring honor and blessings to Your Holy Name. Through Christ our blessed Lord and Redeemer we lift our prayers. Amen.


"Blessed Assurance"

"Yield Not Temptation"

"I Need Thee Every Hour"

Ash Wednesday

Second Lesson: 2 Corinthians 5:20b--6:10
Theme: Faithful servants unto the Lord

Call To Worship
Leader: Let us come together, all who are brothers and sisters in Christ.
People: For Christ died that we might have eternal salvation.
Leader: Then let us live in the ways the Lord taught us to live.
People: And let us set our hearts to choose the ways of Christ each day.
Leader: For the true followers of Christ Judgment Day will bring glory.
All: Blessed be the name of the Lord!


O God, through the prophets You called the nations to repent. Through Christ You call us each one to repent and turn to follow Your will. Lord, sustain us and lead us home to You. In Christ we pray. Amen.

Prayer Of Confession

Lord, so often in the everyday matters of living we have allowed ourselves to slip little by little and day by day away from the paths You have called us to walk. Forgive us, God, and open our spiritual eyes that we might again see where we have fallen short, and help us to recommit all that we are to being the best servants we can be. In Christ our Lord we pray. Amen.


"Rescue The Perishing"

"O Master, Let Me Walk"

"Take My Life"

Ash Wednesday

Gospel: Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21
Theme: Personal repentance

Call To Worship
Leader: Come, let all who would follow Christ gather this day and repent.
People: Let us weigh the goals in our lives and know our innermost heart.
Leader: The Lord has called us to be true and in all things to be faithful.
People: Then let us set our hearts upon the ways of the Lord.
Leader: And let our hearts be filled with joy for God's redeeming grace.
All: Blessed be the name of the Lord!


O God, in Your love and wisdom You have called us to repentance not for punishment but that we should know eternal joy. By Your strong and gentle hand, Lord, lead us back to Your fold. In Christ we pray. Amen.

Prayer Of Confession

Lord, You have called each of us to be faithful and in Your mercy and grace granted us each Your eternal life. But we have each fallen and failed You, and we have each chosen to go our own ways. Forgive us, Lord, and once again open our hearts to Your divine guidance that You might draw us back to Your loving care. In Christ we pray. Amen.


"He Leadeth Me"

"Pass Me Not"

"Just As I Am"

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John Jamison
Object: A garbage bag.

* * *

The Immediate Word

Thomas Willadsen
Christopher Keating
Dean Feldmeyer
Mary Austin
Katy Stenta
George Reed
For January 12, 2025:

Emphasis Preaching Journal

David Kalas
In the logic of the church year, we have spent four weeks anticipating the coming of the Lord, followed by two that celebrate his arrival. Now, with the liturgical and seasonal remembrances of his birth and epiphany completed, we fast forward to his baptism. That is essentially what the gospels do, and we follow their lead.
Mark Ellingsen
Bill Thomas
Frank Ramirez
Bonnie Bates
Isaiah 43:1-7


Peter Andrew Smith
Ted looked out over the field behind his grandparent’s house and sighed. He tried to ignore the noise from the family gathering inside and concentrate on the trees next to the house. What was wrong with him? He had been so excited to be baptized, so enthusiastic about becoming a Christian and part of the church, and now that it was over all of that excitement seemed to evaporate. Had he made a mistake?

“What are you doing out here?” Sam asked from behind him.

Ted shrugged as his older brother joined him at the railing on the deck. “I just needed some air.”

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott
I was very disturbed to read in the papers recently about those two teenage girls who both died, apparently in a suicide pact, just before Christmas.

I was even more disturbed to learn that one of the girls had developed a deep interest in things spiritual. The implication was that it was partly due to her unshakeable belief in the eternal nature of the soul and the continuation of life after death, that had encouraged her to take this terrible path.


James Evans
The references in this psalm to God's appearance in the storm are strongly reminiscent of the creation narrative. The idea of the "Lord enthroned over the flood" (v. 10), connects with the image of God's presence "brooding over the waters."

Raising these images in connection with the baptism of Jesus, however, provides an opportunity to not only expand our thinking about baptism, but about creation as well.

Harold C. Warlick, Jr.
A certain physician started to practice medicine in a large city. His ambitions were strong and opportunities seemed plentiful there. Success was his right from the start. His practice became almost too large for him to handle. Fame and praise were heaped on him to overflowing. But he forgot that a doctor should do more than heal sick bodies. For this physician, a patient was only interesting if the sickness was interesting and then only as a stimulus to further his fame.
William G. Carter
One Saturday when I was seventeen or eighteen, I had an unusual religious experience. I was serving on my church's board of deacons, and one of the middle-aged members of the board was driving me around so we could drop in and visit some older members of our church.

This was during the late seventies, at a time when our congregation was going through some turmoil. A number of people had been caught up in the charismatic movement that was going through a numbexound that day was very involved in the movement.
Steven E. Albertin
I'm glad to see that so many of you are wearing your nametags this morning. We have been struggling for some time to get you to wear them and it seems as though our latest solution is working. Putting the nametag table right next to the greeters so that you can't miss them as you walk into the church seems to do the job. Having everyone wear nametags is important to us because at Christ Church we don't want people to feel anonymous, disconnected, alone. In this church relationships matter. Relationships are at the heart of what we are about.

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