Proper 27 | OT 32 Worship Resources
Lectionary Worship Aids
Series VI, Cycle B
First Lesson: Ruth 3:1-5, 4:13-17
Theme: Happy Ending
Call To Worship
The story of Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz is one of love, loyalty, and responsibility. As we gather together to worship God Almighty, the Father of us all, let us receive his love, renew our loyalty, and accept our responsibility for our families, loved ones, and neighbors.
Come, let us worship.
Almighty God, we give you thanks for lives set free from despair when things go wrong. Enable us to see clearly one another's needs so that we may be a ministering community. Give us strength to do your will and courage to accept our responsibility for others. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
Prayer Of Confession
We confess, Lord, that sometimes when we put our trust in you we use that as an excuse for doing nothing ourselves. Wake us up, we pray, that we may seek your will and then plan and strategize to carry it out. Amen.
"Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee"
"God Will Take Care Of You"
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Second Lesson: Hebrews 9:24-28
Theme: Christ Takes Away Our Sins
Call To Worship
Christ died once and for all time to remove the barrier of sin that keeps us from God, and to demonstrate the forgiving and loving nature of our Heavenly Father. Christ continues to stand at the doorways of our hearts, pleading for us to let him enter and thus accept God's love.
Come, let us worship our merciful God made known to us through Jesus Christ.
O God, our help in ages past and our hope for years to come, we graciously accept your merciful and forgiving love. May your Holy Spirit inspire our prayers as we worship you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer Of Confession
Good Lord, save us from halfheartedness in our service to others. May our commitment to do your will be complete, and may we find joy in the full use of all that we are and have in the service of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
"Great Is Thy Faithfulness"
"How Like A Gentle Spirit"
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Gospel Lesson: Mark 12:38-44
Theme: Sacrificial Giving
Call To Worship
If our actions do not agree with our teachings then we are in trouble. Jesus warned us about giving out of our abundance to gain recognition, when he calls us to give sacrificially of our time, talents, and money in order to serve him.
Come, let us worship God who provides for our needs and asks us to provide for the needs of others.
Almighty God, what we give to you is nothing compared to the sacrifice of himself that Jesus made upon the cross for us. Bless this time of worship, we pray, that it may be a time when we rededicate ourselves that we may be used by you in the building of your kingdom, and in sharing the Good News of your forgiving love with those who do not know you. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
Prayer Of Confession
Yes, Lord, we, too, have been guilty of contributing to the work of your Church the crumbs left over after our feasting. We have not known the joy of giving because we have felt no pain in letting go such small amounts of our blessings. May your Spirit inspire us to give not what we think we can afford, but what we know in our hearts we ought to be giving for your work. Amen.
"Take My Life, And Let It Be"
"I Would Be True"
Theme: Happy Ending
Call To Worship
The story of Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz is one of love, loyalty, and responsibility. As we gather together to worship God Almighty, the Father of us all, let us receive his love, renew our loyalty, and accept our responsibility for our families, loved ones, and neighbors.
Come, let us worship.
Almighty God, we give you thanks for lives set free from despair when things go wrong. Enable us to see clearly one another's needs so that we may be a ministering community. Give us strength to do your will and courage to accept our responsibility for others. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
Prayer Of Confession
We confess, Lord, that sometimes when we put our trust in you we use that as an excuse for doing nothing ourselves. Wake us up, we pray, that we may seek your will and then plan and strategize to carry it out. Amen.
"Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee"
"God Will Take Care Of You"
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Second Lesson: Hebrews 9:24-28
Theme: Christ Takes Away Our Sins
Call To Worship
Christ died once and for all time to remove the barrier of sin that keeps us from God, and to demonstrate the forgiving and loving nature of our Heavenly Father. Christ continues to stand at the doorways of our hearts, pleading for us to let him enter and thus accept God's love.
Come, let us worship our merciful God made known to us through Jesus Christ.
O God, our help in ages past and our hope for years to come, we graciously accept your merciful and forgiving love. May your Holy Spirit inspire our prayers as we worship you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer Of Confession
Good Lord, save us from halfheartedness in our service to others. May our commitment to do your will be complete, and may we find joy in the full use of all that we are and have in the service of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
"Great Is Thy Faithfulness"
"How Like A Gentle Spirit"
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Gospel Lesson: Mark 12:38-44
Theme: Sacrificial Giving
Call To Worship
If our actions do not agree with our teachings then we are in trouble. Jesus warned us about giving out of our abundance to gain recognition, when he calls us to give sacrificially of our time, talents, and money in order to serve him.
Come, let us worship God who provides for our needs and asks us to provide for the needs of others.
Almighty God, what we give to you is nothing compared to the sacrifice of himself that Jesus made upon the cross for us. Bless this time of worship, we pray, that it may be a time when we rededicate ourselves that we may be used by you in the building of your kingdom, and in sharing the Good News of your forgiving love with those who do not know you. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
Prayer Of Confession
Yes, Lord, we, too, have been guilty of contributing to the work of your Church the crumbs left over after our feasting. We have not known the joy of giving because we have felt no pain in letting go such small amounts of our blessings. May your Spirit inspire us to give not what we think we can afford, but what we know in our hearts we ought to be giving for your work. Amen.
"Take My Life, And Let It Be"
"I Would Be True"