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Derl G. Keefer

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Emphasis Preaching Journal

Dr. Tom Barnard wrote... -- Ephesians 3:1-12 -- Derl G. Keefer -- Epiphany of the Lord - A -- 2013
Christ came into... -- Romans 13:11-14 -- Derl G. Keefer -- First Sunday of Advent - A -- 2013
Christ came into the world to forgive sin.
Sermon Illustrations for Epiphany 2 | Ordinary Time 2 (2014) -- Isaiah 49:1-7, 1 Corinthians 1:1-9, John 1:29-42 -- Bob Ove, Mark Ellingsen, Derl G. Keefer, Ron Love -- Epiphany 2 | Ordinary Time 2 - A -- 2013
Isaiah 49:1-7
Sermon Illustrations for Advent 2 (2013) -- Isaiah 11:1-10, Romans 15:4-13, Matthew 3:1-12 -- Mark Ellingsen, Ron Love, Bob Ove, Derl G. Keefer -- Second Sunday of Advent - A -- 2013
Isaiah 11:1-10
Ever wonder what God... -- 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 -- Derl G. Keefer -- Epiphany 2 | Ordinary Time 2 - A -- 2013
Ever wonder what God looks like?
According to... -- Isaiah 11:1-10 -- Derl G. Keefer -- Second Sunday of Advent - A -- 2013
According to Prairie Overcomer the story is told of Crowfoot, chief of the Blackfoot confeder
The renegade... -- Matthew 3:1-12 -- Derl G. Keefer -- Second Sunday of Advent - A -- 2013
The renegade prophet/preacher used his human voice to articulate a message from God.
Sermon Illustrations for Advent 3 (2013) -- Isaiah 35:1-10, James 5:7-10, Matthew 11:2-11 -- Derl G. Keefer, Mark Ellingsen, Bob Ove, Ron Love -- Third Sunday of Advent - A -- 2013
Isaiah 35:1-10
Most people... -- James 5:7-10 -- Derl G. Keefer -- Third Sunday of Advent - A -- 2013
Most people I know do not have the virtue known as patience.
Children are... -- Isaiah 7:10-16 -- Derl G. Keefer -- Fourth Sunday of Advent - A -- 2013
Children are an important part of the scriptures.
Sermon Illustrations for Advent 4 (2013) -- Isaiah 7:10-16, Romans 1:1-7, Matthew 1:18-25 -- Ron Love, Mark Ellingsen, Derl G. Keefer, Bob Ove -- Fourth Sunday of Advent - A -- 2013
Isaiah 7:10-16
Sermon Illustrations for Christmas Day (2013) -- Isaiah 9:2-7, Titus 2:11-14, Luke 2:1-14 (15-20) -- Bob Ove, Mark Ellingsen, Derl G. Keefer, Ron Love -- The Nativity of our Lord - A -- 2013
Isaiah 9:2-7
God's grace... -- Titus 2:11-14 -- Derl G. Keefer -- The Nativity of our Lord - A -- 2013
God's grace has appeared in Jesus Christ to offer salvation (God's forgiveness) to all people accord
Sermon Illustrations for Christmas 1 (2013) -- Isaiah 63:7-9, Hebrews 2:10-18, Matthew 2:13-23 -- Mark Ellingsen, Ron Love, Derl G. Keefer, Bob Ove -- First Sunday after Christmas Day - A -- 2013
Isaiah 63:7-9
Recently my wife... -- Isaiah 63:7-9 -- Derl G. Keefer -- First Sunday after Christmas Day - A -- 2013
Recently my wife came home from a ladies Bible study and related this story of mistaken compassion.
William McCumber says... -- Matthew 2:13-23 -- Derl G. Keefer -- First Sunday after Christmas Day - A -- 2013
William McCumber says that the men in this section of the scripture are "unwise men." These religiou
Sermon Illustrations for Christmas 2 (2014) -- Jeremiah 31:7-14, Ephesians 1:3-14, John 1:(1-9) 10-18 -- Bob Ove, Mark Ellingsen, Derl G. Keefer, Ron Love -- Second Sunday after Christmas - A -- 2013
Jeremiah 31:7-14
Redemption stimulates... -- Jeremiah 31:7-14 -- Derl G. Keefer -- Second Sunday after Christmas - A -- 2013
Redemption stimulates joy in the heart.
According to Paul... -- John 1:(1-9) 10-18 -- Derl G. Keefer -- Second Sunday after Christmas - A -- 2013
According to Paul Harvey, a farmer heard an irregular thumping sound against his kitchen window duri
Sermon Illustrations for Baptism of Our Lord (2014) -- Isaiah 42:1-9, Acts 10:34-43, Matthew 3:13-17 -- Ron Love, Mark Ellingsen, Bob Ove, Derl G. Keefer -- The Baptism of our Lord | Epiphany 1 | Ordinary Time 1 - A -- 2013
Isaiah 42:1-9
Often one thinks... -- Isaiah 42:1-9 -- Derl G. Keefer -- The Baptism of our Lord | Epiphany 1 | Ordinary Time 1 - A -- 2013
Often one thinks of service as needing to be a big event, but service is simply giving of one's self
Hearing voices from... -- Matthew 3:13-17 -- Derl G. Keefer -- The Baptism of our Lord | Epiphany 1 | Ordinary Time 1 - A -- 2013
Hearing voices from the sky is sometimes viewed as a psychological problem where the person is in ne
Sermon Illustrations for New Year's Day (2014) -- Ecclesiastes 3:1-13, Revelation 21:1-6a, Matthew 25:31-46 -- Mark Ellingsen, Bob Ove, Derl G. Keefer, Ron Love -- New Year's Day - A, New Year's Day - B, New Year's Day - C -- 2013
Ecclesiastes 3:1-13
Suffering is not... -- Revelation 21:1-6a -- Derl G. Keefer -- New Year's Day - A, New Year's Day - B, New Year's Day - C -- 2013
Suffering is not something that we seek, but it does come to all people at times in life.
This passage... -- Matthew 1:18-25 -- Derl G. Keefer -- Fourth Sunday of Advent - A -- 2013
This passage deals with the entrance of the Savior on the planet earth.





Derl G. Keefer -- 2001
"To be sound in faith and holy in life -- this is the kernel of Christianity." (Augustine)
Derl G. Keefer -- 2001
The Holy Spirit has come to make peace for us.
Open Doors: Illustrations, Quotes, And Quips -- Derl G. Keefer -- 2001
Mom Is More Than A 3-Lettered Word -- Derl G. Keefer -- 2001
No touch is like a mother's touch.
Mom Is More Than A 3-Lettered Word -- Derl G. Keefer -- 2001
Men make cars, computers, and helicopters. Women make people.
Open Doors: Illustrations, Quotes, And Quips -- Derl G. Keefer -- 2001
Open Doors: Illustrations, Quotes, And Quips -- Derl G. Keefer -- 2001
Mom Is More Than A 3-Lettered Word -- Derl G. Keefer -- 2001
Mothers of the world can help produce an upsurge of vital, God-centered, intelligently grounded powe
Open Doors: Illustrations, Quotes, And Quips -- Derl G. Keefer -- 2001
Open Doors: Illustrations, Quotes, And Quips -- Derl G. Keefer -- 2001
Trials "Afflictions color your life, but you choose the color." (John Maxwell)
Derl G. Keefer -- 2001
The Holy Spirit speaks of a deeper life found to be richer, fuller, and spiritually satisfying to th
Open Doors: Illustrations, Quotes, And Quips -- Derl G. Keefer -- 2001
Open Doors: Illustrations, Quotes, And Quips -- Derl G. Keefer -- 2001
Holiness "Holiness apart from Christlikeness is hollowness." (E. Stanley Jones)
Derl G. Keefer -- 2001
"Holiness is not a series of do's and don'ts, but a conformity to God's character in the very depths
Derl G. Keefer -- 2001
Effective service to God is accomplished through a holiness lifestyle.
Open Doors: Illustrations, Quotes, And Quips -- Derl G. Keefer -- 2001
Mom Is More Than A 3-Lettered Word -- Derl G. Keefer -- 2001
I believe that the angels speak in soft tones when they speak the name of "Mother."
Mom Is More Than A 3-Lettered Word -- Derl G. Keefer -- 2001
"Children are the anchors that hold a mother to life." (Sophocles)
Open Doors: Illustrations, Quotes, And Quips -- Derl G. Keefer -- 2001
Open Doors: Illustrations, Quotes, And Quips -- Derl G. Keefer -- 2001
Mom Is More Than A 3-Lettered Word -- Derl G. Keefer -- 2001
Prejudice is the mother of ignorance and the sister of hate.
Open Doors: Illustrations, Quotes, And Quips -- Derl G. Keefer -- 2001
Open Doors: Illustrations, Quotes, And Quips -- Derl G. Keefer -- 2001
Derl G. Keefer -- 2001
The Holy Spirit is like Tide¨ soap, the deeper the stain, the deeper the cleansing.
Open Doors: Illustrations, Quotes, And Quips -- Derl G. Keefer -- 2001
Giving "Those who give most are least concerned about returns." (The Lunn Log)
In addition to the lectionary resources there are thousands of non-lectionary, scripture based resources...
Lent 2
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170+ – Illustrations / Stories
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and more...
Lent 3
34 – Sermons
160+ – Illustrations / Stories
32 – Children's Sermons / Resources
26 – Worship Resources
31 – Commentary / Exegesis
4 – Pastor's Devotions
and more...
Lent 4
30 – Sermons
160+ – Illustrations / Stories
33 – Children's Sermons / Resources
22 – Worship Resources
27 – Commentary / Exegesis
4 – Pastor's Devotions
and more...
Plus thousands of non-lectionary, scripture based resources...

New & Featured This Week


John Jamison
Object: A rock about the size of a tennis ball, baseball, or even a softball.

* * *

Hello, everyone! (Let them respond.) Are you ready for our story today? (Let them respond.) Excellent!

The Immediate Word

Dean Feldmeyer
Katy Stenta
Thomas Willadsen
Christopher Keating
George Reed
Mary Austin
For March 30, 2025:


Peter Andrew Smith
Paul reread the parable again and sighed. Why had he agreed to lead the Bible study this week? When Pastor Luke asked him, he had been all excited and enthusiastic. He knew the parable of the prodigal son inside and out having read commentaries and stories about it before. He had actually preached a sermon on the passage when Pastor Luke was away and received great feedback from the congregation.

Emphasis Preaching Journal

Mark Ellingsen
Joshua 5:9-12
Bill Thomas
Frank Ramirez
Mark Ellingsen
Joshua 9:5-12


Bonnie Bates
It is a well-known cliché that “God never gives us more than we can handle”, but I have sometimes found that not to be so. When my youngest brother died of brain cancer at age five, it was more than I could handle. When my first husband was emotionally and physically abusive, it was more than I could handle. When my second husband and I lost our twin sons at birth, it was more than I could handle. The COVID pandemic was more than we could handle. Wars and violence are often more than we can handle. Homelessness, poverty, grief, and loss are often more than we can handle.
John N. Brittain
I suppose we are all a little bit nervous about the prospect of a sermon on a Bible story as familiar and sometimes as overworked as the Parable of the Prodigal Son. "What can I possibly say that hasn't been said before?" And I know what's going through your minds: "Are we going to be subjected to the same old sermon yet another time?" Confronting a familiar Bible passage like this mid-Lent really serves to address the discipline of reading Scripture as part of our devotional life, particularly passages that are very familiar.
Charles D. Reeb
A. A. Milne, the creator of Winnie the Pooh, wrote a simple, yet telling poem in his work, Now We Are Six:

When I was One, I had just begun.
When I was Two, I was nearly new.
When I was Three, I was hardly Me.
When I was Four, I was not much more.
When I was Five, I was just alive.
But now I am Six, I'm as clever as ever.
So I think I'll be six now for ever and ever.1

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott
Call to worship:

While the Prodigal Son was still far off, his father saw him, ran to him, put his arms around him and kissed him. In our worship today, let us turn to God so that he may run to us, put his arms around and kiss us.

Invitation to confession:

Jesus, for the times when we run away from you,

Lord, have mercy.

Jesus, for the times when we have wasted our inheritance on dissolute living,

Christ, have mercy.

Jesus, when we return to you,

Lord, have mercy.

Special Occasion

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