Proper 27 / Pentecost 23 / Ordinary Time 32
Lectionary Worship Workbook
Series III, Cycle A
Begin with a choir anthem this morning, as an element of surprise, creating a sense that things will not always be the same. If possible, have the choir sing from a different place in the sanctuary.
Prayer Of The Day
P: O God of mercy, our hope is in you. Open our ears, that the proclamation of your coming kingdom may rouse us from our complacency, so that we would be ready to greet you when you come in glory, our Savior and our Lord.
C: Amen.
Offertory Prayer
A: Let your gifts be gifts of love;
your offerings, the fruit of God's peace.
C: Amen.
P: God grant you wisdom
to live each day as if it were your last,
letting go of that which is unnecessary
and taking hold of all that has been promised.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, + and of the Holy Spirit.
C: Amen.
Hymns And Songs
Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers -- LBW 25; PH 15; MBW 256
Wake, Awake For Night Is Flying -- LBW 31; UMH 720; PH 17; MBW 258
The Lord Will Come And Not Be Slow -- LBW 318 (alt. tune: KINGSFOLD)
God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending -- LBW 408 (alt. tune: BEACH SPRING); PH 422; MBW 652
Arise, My Soul, Arise -- LBW 516
Surely It Is God Who Saves Us -- WOV 635 (alt. tune: MISSISSIPPI)
O Day Of Peace -- WOV 762; UMH 729; PH 450
Let Justice Flow Like Streams -- WOV 763
Oh, Sing To The Lord/Cantad Al Senor -- WOV 795; PH 472; GATHER 365
Somebody's Knockin' At Your Door -- TFF 44; G&P 354
Choral Music
"The Lord Will Soon Appear" -- J. S. Bach, arr. Hal H. Hopson (Augsburg Fortress)
"Wake, Awake For Night Is Flying" -- arr. Freidrich Zipp (Concordia)
"Sign Me Up" -- GATHER 579
"Zion Hears The Watchman Singing" -- arr. Leavitt (GIA)
Begin with a choir anthem this morning, as an element of surprise, creating a sense that things will not always be the same. If possible, have the choir sing from a different place in the sanctuary.
Prayer Of The Day
P: O God of mercy, our hope is in you. Open our ears, that the proclamation of your coming kingdom may rouse us from our complacency, so that we would be ready to greet you when you come in glory, our Savior and our Lord.
C: Amen.
Offertory Prayer
A: Let your gifts be gifts of love;
your offerings, the fruit of God's peace.
C: Amen.
P: God grant you wisdom
to live each day as if it were your last,
letting go of that which is unnecessary
and taking hold of all that has been promised.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, + and of the Holy Spirit.
C: Amen.
Hymns And Songs
Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers -- LBW 25; PH 15; MBW 256
Wake, Awake For Night Is Flying -- LBW 31; UMH 720; PH 17; MBW 258
The Lord Will Come And Not Be Slow -- LBW 318 (alt. tune: KINGSFOLD)
God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending -- LBW 408 (alt. tune: BEACH SPRING); PH 422; MBW 652
Arise, My Soul, Arise -- LBW 516
Surely It Is God Who Saves Us -- WOV 635 (alt. tune: MISSISSIPPI)
O Day Of Peace -- WOV 762; UMH 729; PH 450
Let Justice Flow Like Streams -- WOV 763
Oh, Sing To The Lord/Cantad Al Senor -- WOV 795; PH 472; GATHER 365
Somebody's Knockin' At Your Door -- TFF 44; G&P 354
Choral Music
"The Lord Will Soon Appear" -- J. S. Bach, arr. Hal H. Hopson (Augsburg Fortress)
"Wake, Awake For Night Is Flying" -- arr. Freidrich Zipp (Concordia)
"Sign Me Up" -- GATHER 579
"Zion Hears The Watchman Singing" -- arr. Leavitt (GIA)