There Is No Law Against Such Things
Children's sermon
Children's Sermons A To Z
Exegetical Aim: For some things there are no laws.
Props: Actual signs or pictures of signs that forbid things; i.e., No Smoking, STOP, No Talking, etc. Also, make a sign saying, "No Smiling," with a picture of a smile and an X through it.
Lesson: Today I want to talk to you about rules. I want you to tell me what rule each sign is talking about. Let's try one. Hold up the STOP sign. What does this sign mean? (response) Where do you see this sign? (response) Now do the same with the other signs. At the very last, bring out the No Smiling sign. Have you ever seen this sign? (response) Do you know what kind of sign this is? (response) This is a No Smiling sign. Is that a strange sort of sign to have? (response) Why? (response) You're right; there's nothing wrong with smiling. What are other things that there's nothing wrong with? (response) Is there anything wrong with loving someone, or helping someone, or being thoughtful? (response) Why? (response)
Application: That's exactly what the Apostle Paul said to one of the early churches. He said there's not a sign or a rule that says you can't be nice. And since we are disciples of Jesus, we have to live a life of love and care, because it doesn't break any rules. So let us do two things this week: every day love and care for everyone. There's not a single rule or a sign that says you can't do that! And it is what Jesus would want us to do.
Let's Pray: Dear Father, give us the strength to care for and love others, because there is not a law keeping us from doing that. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Props: Actual signs or pictures of signs that forbid things; i.e., No Smoking, STOP, No Talking, etc. Also, make a sign saying, "No Smiling," with a picture of a smile and an X through it.
Lesson: Today I want to talk to you about rules. I want you to tell me what rule each sign is talking about. Let's try one. Hold up the STOP sign. What does this sign mean? (response) Where do you see this sign? (response) Now do the same with the other signs. At the very last, bring out the No Smiling sign. Have you ever seen this sign? (response) Do you know what kind of sign this is? (response) This is a No Smiling sign. Is that a strange sort of sign to have? (response) Why? (response) You're right; there's nothing wrong with smiling. What are other things that there's nothing wrong with? (response) Is there anything wrong with loving someone, or helping someone, or being thoughtful? (response) Why? (response)
Application: That's exactly what the Apostle Paul said to one of the early churches. He said there's not a sign or a rule that says you can't be nice. And since we are disciples of Jesus, we have to live a life of love and care, because it doesn't break any rules. So let us do two things this week: every day love and care for everyone. There's not a single rule or a sign that says you can't do that! And it is what Jesus would want us to do.
Let's Pray: Dear Father, give us the strength to care for and love others, because there is not a law keeping us from doing that. In Jesus' name. Amen.