A Trick Question Exposed
Children's sermon
Offering Plate and a photo of Uncle Sam
“...give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperors and to God the things that are Gods.” (v. 21b)
Good morning boys and girls,
Welcome to worship today. So wonderful to see you. Thanks for joining me for this children's message. How are you? How am I? Fantastic!
I want to show you two things: An offering plate and a picture of Uncle Sam. Why Uncle Sam? Uncle Sam is America, and for this morning, Uncle Sam represents government.
The question today is: should we place our money in the offering plate for church missions or give taxes to Uncle Sam?
Not everybody liked Jesus like we do. Some religious guys tried to trap Jesus with a trick question. Should you obey the government or should you obey God?
Here's a funny example of a trick question: “How many animals did Moses take into the ark?” Answer: “It was not Moses but Noah in the Ark.”
Here's another example of a trick question: “If a rooster lays an egg on top of a barn, which way will the egg roll?” Answer: “It won't roll -- roosters don't lay eggs -- hens do.”
Trick questions are fun. But they are not so fun when they are meant to harm someone.
If Jesus answered that trick question, should you pay the government or should you pay God, one way or the other the trap would be sprung and Jesus would be caught. He could be accused of bad things.
How did Jesus wisely answer? Jesus said, “Both! You give to both -- to the offering plate and to Uncle Sam.” So when someone tries to trick you, for example, by asking who you love the most in your family -- your brother or your sister -- you too should answer wisely, both! And when you wonder who should get your gift -- tax or tithe -- you do both!
Prayer: Lord Jesus give us the wisdom to honor both God and our government. Amen.
Good morning boys and girls,
Welcome to worship today. So wonderful to see you. Thanks for joining me for this children's message. How are you? How am I? Fantastic!
I want to show you two things: An offering plate and a picture of Uncle Sam. Why Uncle Sam? Uncle Sam is America, and for this morning, Uncle Sam represents government.
The question today is: should we place our money in the offering plate for church missions or give taxes to Uncle Sam?
Not everybody liked Jesus like we do. Some religious guys tried to trap Jesus with a trick question. Should you obey the government or should you obey God?
Here's a funny example of a trick question: “How many animals did Moses take into the ark?” Answer: “It was not Moses but Noah in the Ark.”
Here's another example of a trick question: “If a rooster lays an egg on top of a barn, which way will the egg roll?” Answer: “It won't roll -- roosters don't lay eggs -- hens do.”
Trick questions are fun. But they are not so fun when they are meant to harm someone.
If Jesus answered that trick question, should you pay the government or should you pay God, one way or the other the trap would be sprung and Jesus would be caught. He could be accused of bad things.
How did Jesus wisely answer? Jesus said, “Both! You give to both -- to the offering plate and to Uncle Sam.” So when someone tries to trick you, for example, by asking who you love the most in your family -- your brother or your sister -- you too should answer wisely, both! And when you wonder who should get your gift -- tax or tithe -- you do both!
Prayer: Lord Jesus give us the wisdom to honor both God and our government. Amen.