You've Got A Friend
Children's sermon
Friendship bracelet
But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you.” (v. 26)
Hello children,
I am so glad to see you this morning. Know why? It's a time for worship. And more than that, I get to tell you good news. The good news from John's gospel today, is about a very special friend who is here with us today.
But first, how many of you have friends? (children respond)
Does anybody have a best friend? (children respond)
Are you a true friend to someone? (children respond)
Why is a true friend important to you? (children respond) (show friendship bracelet)
Today, we read from the Bible that Jesus announces that he is going away.
The disciple's faces fall. Their shoulders slump. They get very sad.
They feel lost, lonely, and friendless. Jesus, their best friend and savior, is leaving.
But then Jesus says, “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you.”
“A friend will come to you, disciples. That friend will walk beside you, above you and within you. That friend, the Holy Spirit, will defend you and remind you of all that I, Jesus, have taught you.”
Children have you ever been afraid? Scared? (children respond)
Anybody been sad or lonely at some time in your life? (children respond)
Have you ever been forgetful of the way you should live? (children respond)
Well, you and I have a friend. A very, very special friend. Our best friend — the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will guide you, defend you, protect you and remind you that Jesus lived and taught “God is love.” Now isn't that the best good news?
Prayer: We thank you dear Lord for our friends. We especially thank you for the Holy Spirit, our very best Friend. Amen.
Hello children,
I am so glad to see you this morning. Know why? It's a time for worship. And more than that, I get to tell you good news. The good news from John's gospel today, is about a very special friend who is here with us today.
But first, how many of you have friends? (children respond)
Does anybody have a best friend? (children respond)
Are you a true friend to someone? (children respond)
Why is a true friend important to you? (children respond) (show friendship bracelet)
Today, we read from the Bible that Jesus announces that he is going away.
The disciple's faces fall. Their shoulders slump. They get very sad.
They feel lost, lonely, and friendless. Jesus, their best friend and savior, is leaving.
But then Jesus says, “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you.”
“A friend will come to you, disciples. That friend will walk beside you, above you and within you. That friend, the Holy Spirit, will defend you and remind you of all that I, Jesus, have taught you.”
Children have you ever been afraid? Scared? (children respond)
Anybody been sad or lonely at some time in your life? (children respond)
Have you ever been forgetful of the way you should live? (children respond)
Well, you and I have a friend. A very, very special friend. Our best friend — the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will guide you, defend you, protect you and remind you that Jesus lived and taught “God is love.” Now isn't that the best good news?
Prayer: We thank you dear Lord for our friends. We especially thank you for the Holy Spirit, our very best Friend. Amen.