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Charles L. Aaron, Jr.

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Interrupting The Interruption -- John 11:1-44 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- All Saints Day - B -- 2005
Miracle Eleven Interrupting The InterruptionThe Text
Jesus Meets The Official Spokesdemon -- Mark 1:21-28 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Epiphany 4 | Ordinary Time 4 - B -- 2005
Miracle One Jesus Meets The Official SpokesdemonThe Text
Begging, Touching, Healing, Growling -- Mark 1:40-45 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Epiphany 6 | Ordinary Time 6 - B -- 2005
Miracle Three Begging, Touching, Healing, GrowlingThe Text
Forgiveness Starts A Fight -- Mark 2:1-12 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Epiphany 7 | Ordinary Time 7 - B -- 2005
Miracle Four Forgiveness Starts A FightThe Text
Breaking The Law To Fulfill It -- Mark 2:23--3:6 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Proper 4 | Ordinary Time 9 - B -- 2005
Miracle Five Breaking The Law To Fulfill ItThe Text
The (Demonic) Empire Strikes Back -- Mark 4:35-41 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Proper 7 | Ordinary Time 12 - B -- 2005
Miracle Six The (Demonic) Empire Strikes BackThe Text
The Gift Of Life For The Givers Of Life -- Mark 5:21-43 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Proper 8 | Ordinary Time 13 - B -- 2005
Miracle Seven The Gift Of Life For The Givers Of LifeThe Text
Getting Back Into The Conversation -- Mark 7:31-37 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Proper 18 | Ordinary Time 23 - B -- 2005
Miracle Eight Getting Back Into The ConversationThe Text
Enabling And Receiving Hospitality -- Mark 1:29-39 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Epiphany 5 | Ordinary Time 5 - B -- 2005
The Text
Leftover Grace -- John 6:1-21 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - B -- 2005
After this Jesus went to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, also called the Sea of Tiberias.
From Beggar To Follower -- Mark 10:46-52 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Proper 25 | Ordinary Time 30 - B -- 2005
Miracle Nine From Beggar To FollowerThe Text

Free Access

Enabling And Receiving Hospitality -- Mark 1:29-39 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Epiphany 5 | Ordinary Time 5 - B -- 2005
The Text



Ruining The Christmas Spirit -- Matthew 24:36-44 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- First Sunday of Advent - A -- 2007
This morning is the first Sunday of Advent, and therefore the first Sunday of the church year.
Hard Words To Hear At Christmas -- Matthew 3:1-12 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Second Sunday of Advent - A -- 2007
We've gathered here today on the second Sunday of Advent to continue to prepare ourselves for the co
A Shepherd's Story -- Luke 2:1-20 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- The Nativity of our Lord - A -- 2007
It's not an easy life, I'll tell you that.
The Horror Before The Blessing -- Matthew 2:13-23 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- First Sunday after Christmas Day - A -- 2007
A few years ago, a woman wrote in exasperation to the editor of her newspaper.
Light And Hope For The New Year -- John 1:(1-9) 10-18 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Second Sunday after Christmas - A -- 2007
Early January always feels like a fresh start. The Christmas whirlwind has settled down.
Center Stage -- Matthew 1:18-25 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Fourth Sunday of Advent - A -- 2007
Now that Matthew has finished his genealogy, he starts his narrative.
Looking At Jesus From Behind Prison Bars -- Matthew 11:2-11 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Third Sunday of Advent - A -- 2007
How different things must have looked for John behind prison walls.
A Strange Way In And A New Way Out -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Epiphany of the Lord - A -- 2007
The heroes of this little narrative certainly seem familiar to us.
John The (Reluctant) Baptizer -- Matthew 3:13-17 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- The Baptism of our Lord | Epiphany 1 | Ordinary Time 1 - A -- 2007
Many pastors and church boards have a policy against flash photography during any worship service, e
Who's Who? -- John 1:29-42 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Epiphany 2 | Ordinary Time 2 - A -- 2007
The first chapter of John bears some similarity to the pilot episode of a television series.
Letting Go Of Our Nets -- Matthew 4:12-23 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Epiphany 3 | Ordinary Time 3 - A -- 2007
Did they have any idea what they were getting themselves into?
Scaring The Church, So It Will Be The Church -- Matthew 5:13-20 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Epiphany 5 | Ordinary Time 5 - A -- 2007
Sometimes when we read a passage of scripture, we may need to pay careful attention to who in the te
Becoming Good Trees -- Matthew 5:21-37 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Epiphany 6 | Ordinary Time 6 - A -- 2007
Most pastors have seen the damage caused when a purple-faced preacher has sought to scare a person i
God's Weather Report -- Matthew 5:38-48 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Epiphany 7 | Ordinary Time 7 - A -- 2007
In the 1985 movie, Witness, Harrison Ford plays a tough Philadelphia detective who uncovers c
Choosing A Master -- Matthew 6:24-34 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Epiphany 8 | Ordinary Time 8 - A -- 2007
It was supposed to have been fun. No one was supposed to have gotten hurt.
What Storms Blow Away -- Matthew 7:21-29 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- 2007
A friend once pastored a church with a beautiful building.
Sneak Preview -- Matthew 17:1-9 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Transfiguration Sunday - A -- 2007
How much do we miss when we don't really look?
Those Who Most Need A Blessing -- Matthew 5:1-12 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Epiphany 4 | Ordinary Time 4 - A -- 2007
Can a child pass up a tasty marshmallow? A researcher who wanted to know set up an experiment.
What Was Broken Is Healed -- 2 Corinthians 5:1-5, Isaiah 65:17-25 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr., Charles Cammarata -- 2006
For a young woman killed by a drunk driver
Those We Have Hurt Will Be Healed -- 1 Corinthians 15:17-22 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr., Charles Cammarata -- 2006
For a sexual abuserThose We Have Hurt Will Be Healed
We Were Blessed By His Talent -- 1 Samuel 16:14-23, Revelation 7:9-17 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr., Charles Cammarata -- 2006
For an openly gay musicianWe Were Blessed By His Talent
A Peek At The Resurrection -- Revelation 7:9-17 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- All Saints Day - A -- 2004
As the movie Contact opens, the audience sees a precocious girl named Eleanor learning how to
Healing The Pain From The Past -- Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Christ The King (Proper 29) - A -- 2004
A pastor friend and his wife once adopted a young cat that bounced up to his parsonage looking hungr
Strong Medicine -- Judges 4:1-7 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - A -- 2004
We get only a sip from the book of Judges.

Free Access

The Horror Before The Blessing -- Matthew 2:13-23 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- First Sunday after Christmas Day - A -- 2007
A few years ago, a woman wrote in exasperation to the editor of her newspaper.
In addition to the lectionary resources there are thousands of non-lectionary, scripture based resources...
Lent 2
20 – Sermons
170+ – Illustrations / Stories
26 – Children's Sermons / Resources
24 – Worship Resources
20 – Commentary / Exegesis
4 – Pastor's Devotions
and more...
Lent 3
34 – Sermons
160+ – Illustrations / Stories
32 – Children's Sermons / Resources
26 – Worship Resources
31 – Commentary / Exegesis
4 – Pastor's Devotions
and more...
Lent 4
30 – Sermons
160+ – Illustrations / Stories
33 – Children's Sermons / Resources
22 – Worship Resources
27 – Commentary / Exegesis
4 – Pastor's Devotions
and more...
Plus thousands of non-lectionary, scripture based resources...

New & Featured This Week


John Jamison
Object: A rock about the size of a tennis ball, baseball, or even a softball.

* * *

Hello, everyone! (Let them respond.) Are you ready for our story today? (Let them respond.) Excellent!

The Immediate Word

Dean Feldmeyer
Katy Stenta
Thomas Willadsen
Christopher Keating
George Reed
Mary Austin
For March 30, 2025:


Peter Andrew Smith
Paul reread the parable again and sighed. Why had he agreed to lead the Bible study this week? When Pastor Luke asked him, he had been all excited and enthusiastic. He knew the parable of the prodigal son inside and out having read commentaries and stories about it before. He had actually preached a sermon on the passage when Pastor Luke was away and received great feedback from the congregation.

Emphasis Preaching Journal

Mark Ellingsen
Joshua 5:9-12
Bill Thomas
Frank Ramirez
Mark Ellingsen
Joshua 9:5-12


Bonnie Bates
It is a well-known cliché that “God never gives us more than we can handle”, but I have sometimes found that not to be so. When my youngest brother died of brain cancer at age five, it was more than I could handle. When my first husband was emotionally and physically abusive, it was more than I could handle. When my second husband and I lost our twin sons at birth, it was more than I could handle. The COVID pandemic was more than we could handle. Wars and violence are often more than we can handle. Homelessness, poverty, grief, and loss are often more than we can handle.
John N. Brittain
I suppose we are all a little bit nervous about the prospect of a sermon on a Bible story as familiar and sometimes as overworked as the Parable of the Prodigal Son. "What can I possibly say that hasn't been said before?" And I know what's going through your minds: "Are we going to be subjected to the same old sermon yet another time?" Confronting a familiar Bible passage like this mid-Lent really serves to address the discipline of reading Scripture as part of our devotional life, particularly passages that are very familiar.
Charles D. Reeb
A. A. Milne, the creator of Winnie the Pooh, wrote a simple, yet telling poem in his work, Now We Are Six:

When I was One, I had just begun.
When I was Two, I was nearly new.
When I was Three, I was hardly Me.
When I was Four, I was not much more.
When I was Five, I was just alive.
But now I am Six, I'm as clever as ever.
So I think I'll be six now for ever and ever.1

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott
Call to worship:

While the Prodigal Son was still far off, his father saw him, ran to him, put his arms around him and kissed him. In our worship today, let us turn to God so that he may run to us, put his arms around and kiss us.

Invitation to confession:

Jesus, for the times when we run away from you,

Lord, have mercy.

Jesus, for the times when we have wasted our inheritance on dissolute living,

Christ, have mercy.

Jesus, when we return to you,

Lord, have mercy.

Special Occasion

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