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Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C

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Children's Activity


Fortune and fame -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Leah Thompson -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2010
Secret meeting -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2007
Share with all -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
Today's lesson is a very easy one to understand. It is practical. It is clear.
The problem with pride (Activity) -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
Teachers or Parents: Being humble does not come naturally.
It's Your Turn -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
Parents or Teachers: Throughout our lives there will always be people who
Humility -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
Teachers or Parents: The Christian view of God's concern for

Gospel Grams 2

Children's Activity Bulletin -- Ages 8-10 -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C

Gospel Grams 1

Children's Activity Bulletin -- Ages 5-7 -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C


Emphasis Preaching Journal

Style and Class -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Wayne Brouwer -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2022
Stan Wiersma, writing under his pen name “Sietze Buning,” explored the religious roots of being cons
Making Choices -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2019
As God's people we have a choice to make about what sort of covenant we want to live with.
Lying eyes, crying eyes -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Wayne Brouwer -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2016
The great composer Felix Mendelssohn loved to tell the marvelous story of how his grandparents Moses
Remembering who we are -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Wayne Brouwer -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2013
When Mahatma Gandhi traveled from his India homeland as a young man and studied for a time in Englan
Living under the tree -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14, Psalm 81:1, 10-16 -- David Kalas, Schuyler Rhodes -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2010
We're still several months from Christmas, but I have a Christmas scene on my mind going into this w
There is going to be an investigation -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14, Psalm 81:1, 10-16 -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2007
"There is going to be an investigation." Are there any more chilling or challenging words
In all the wrong places -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2001
Have you heard about the Question Box?
Grounded in faith -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 1998
There is a great deal of moral exhortation in the lessons for today, with a strong focus on the diff
Fear, faith and the future -- Genesis 15:1-6, Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16, Luke 12:32-40 -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
"Fear" and "faith" are the words that ring through the lessons before us for this Sunday.
Snake oil religion and tunnel vision -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
Browsing through a friend's collection of antique botties I came across a bottle of patent medicine.
Etiquette for God's realm -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14, Psalm 81:1, 10-16 -- Timothy B. Cargal -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
It has happened to me often enough in my ministry that I must conclude that it is a common experienc

Children's bulletin

Gospel Grams 2

Children's Activity Bulletin -- Ages 8-10 -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C

Gospel Grams 1

Children's Activity Bulletin -- Ages 5-7 -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C

Children's Liturgy and Story

The Village Shepherd

Maximus Hart -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
Call to Worship:

Children's sermon


Influencers! -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- John Jamison -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2022
One Sabbath, when Jesus went to eat in the house of a prominent Pharisee, he was being carefully
The True Place Of Honor (Chanticleer Be Gone!) -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Arley K. Fadness -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2019
“But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind.”
See How Great I Am! -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Mary Kay Eichelman -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2016
Look at my trophy/certificate! Isn't it great?! And it's all for my outstanding performance!
Who's in Front? -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Anna Shirey -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2013
First Thoughts
Entertaining angels -- Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 -- Leah Thompson -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2010
"Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels
Fortune and fame -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Leah Thompson -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2010
"For all who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted."
Imitation -- Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2007
Remember your leaders, those who spoke the word of God to you; consider
Secret meeting -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2007
On one occasion when Jesus was going to the house of a leader of the
Remember the right thing to do -- Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
Can anyone tell me what the word "neglect" means? It's a word in today's scripture reading. Listen.
Share with all -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
For today's lesson I need some help.
Everything changes -- Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
Good morning! Here is a map of the world showing all the
The problem with pride -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
Good morning! I brought this trophy to show you today. This
Good qualities of leaders -- Hebrews 13:1-8 -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
Good morning, boys and girls. It's time for school again. (Some of you
Learn to be humble -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
Good morning, boys and girls. How many of you still sit on a high chair?
Forever! -- Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
Good morning! Today I brought a diamond with me because they
Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Humility -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
Good morning. Today I want to give you a test: Which of these

The Immediate Word

Gatekeepers and Humility -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14, Psalm 81:1, 10-16, Proverbs 25:6-7, Psalm 112 -- Thomas Willadsen, Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, George Reed, Katy Stenta, Quantisha Mason-Doll -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2022
For August 28, 2022:
Solidarity With the Imprisoned -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14, Psalm 81:1, 10-16 -- Bethany Peerbolte, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2019
For September 1, 2019:
Humility -- It's What's For Dinner -- Luke 14:1, 7-14, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, George Reed, Robin Lostetter -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2016
In this week’s lectionary gospel text, Jesus tells guests at a party -- who’ve been competing for pr
At The Head Of The Table -- Luke 14:1, 7-14, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Leah Lonsbury, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2013
In this week’s lectionary gospel text, Jesus tells a parable about a banquet host who eschews th
Jockeying And Jostling At The Table Of Prestige -- Luke 14:1, 7-14, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Jeremiah 2:4-13, Psalm 81:1, 10-16 -- Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2010
In this week's lectionary gospel passage from Luke, Jesus offers some strong comments on the importa
Economically, Politically, Or Faithfully? -- Luke 14:1, 7-14, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Jeremiah 2:4-13, Psalm 81:1, 10-16 -- Thom M. Shuman, Scott Suskovic -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2007
This Sunday falls on Labor Day weekend, which seems to be as much an unofficial "last fling" of summ
Who Gets The Gold? -- Luke 14:7-14, Jeremiah 2:4-13, Proverbs 25:6-7 -- George L. Murphy -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
For two weeks we've seen some almost incredible physical feats, a lot of spectacle (wonderfully prep

Children's Story

The Village Shepherd

Beatrice The Bee -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
Beatrice knew she was a princess, for her mother was Queen Bee.

Free Access

Beatrice The Bee -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
Beatrice knew she was a princess, for her mother was Queen Bee.



Proper 17 / Pentecost 15 / Ordinary Time 22 -- Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- Stephen P. McCutchan -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2009
But my people have changed their glory for something that does not profit.
Proper 17 / Pentecost 15 / Ordinary Time 22 -- Psalm 81:1, 10-16 -- Stephen P. McCutchan -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2009
I would feed you with the finest of wheat, and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.
Proper 17 / Pentecost 15 / Ordinary Time 22 -- Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 -- Stephen P. McCutchan -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2009
Let mutual love continue.
Proper 17 / Pentecost 15 / Ordinary Time 22 -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Stephen P. McCutchan -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2009
But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind.



Alexander The Mediocre -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Robert F. Crowley -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 1997
ThemeIt is never pleasant to be humbled but it is necessary to be used by God.


Emphasis Preaching Journal

Sermon Illustrations for Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 (2022) -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Mark Ellingsen, Bill Thomas, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2022
Jeremiah 2:4-13, Psalm 81:1, 10-16
Sermon Illustrations for Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 (2019) -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Mark Ellingsen, Bonnie Bates, Bill Thomas, Frank Ramirez, Bob Ove, Ron Love -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2019
Jeremiah 2:4-13
Sermon Illustrations for Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 (2016) -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Mark Ellingsen, Bonnie Bates, Bill Thomas, Frank Ramirez, Bob Ove, R. Robert Cueni, Ron Love -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2016
Jeremiah 2:4-13
Sermon Illustrations for Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 (2013) -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Mark Ellingsen, Scott A. Bryte, Ron Love, Bob Ove -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2013
Jeremiah 2:4-13
In the text God laments... -- Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- Mark Ellingsen -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2013
In the text God laments the waywardness of Israel, of our waywardness for changing our God for what
All children, they say... -- Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- Scott A. Bryte -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2013
All children, they say, tend to prefer the box.
Ariel Castro was sentenced... -- Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- Ron Love -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2013
Ariel Castro was sentenced to life in prison plus 1,000 years for his abduction, enslavement, and ph
Contentment is not easily achieved... -- Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 -- Mark J. Molldrem -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2013
Contentment is not easily achieved in our consumer society, where the art of advertising is to get u
The writer (Paul?)... -- Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 -- Bob Ove -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2013
The writer (Paul?) urges those to whom he is writing, to keep on loving each other.
In the election of 1888... -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Ron Love -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2013
In the election of 1888, Benjamin Harrison was most concerned about the results from his home state
We stand in line and wait... -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Scott A. Bryte -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2013
We stand in line and wait.
You've gotta promote yourself... -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Mark Ellingsen -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2013
You've gotta promote yourself, or you get nowhere in the economy.
NULL -- Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- Craig Kelly -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2010
Relief organizations like World Vision or Compassion International often show us pictures of women a
NULL -- Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- Ron Love -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2010
Stacy Finley knew people would go to any lengths and pay exorbitant sums of money for the promise of
NULL -- Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- Timothy Smith -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2010
Mike grew up in the church and like many people began drifting away after graduating from high schoo
NULL -- Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 -- Derl G. Keefer -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2010
Our world is experiencing one tragedy after another ...
NULL -- Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 -- Leah Thompson -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2010
When you are a child, your parents are invincible.
NULL -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Timothy Smith -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2010
One Sunday morning Greg was struck by something his pastor said in his message.
NULL -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Craig Kelly -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2010
A number of years back, I worked at a wholesale retail chain, and one day our manager invited Orland
NULL -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Ron Love -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2010
William Booth had just stepped into the pulpit when members of his Methodist congregation started th

The Immediate Word

Gatekeepers and Humility -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14, Psalm 81:1, 10-16, Proverbs 25:6-7, Psalm 112 -- Thomas Willadsen, Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, George Reed, Katy Stenta, Quantisha Mason-Doll -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2022
For August 28, 2022:
Solidarity With the Imprisoned -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14, Psalm 81:1, 10-16 -- Bethany Peerbolte, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2019
For September 1, 2019:
Humility -- It's What's For Dinner -- Luke 14:1, 7-14, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, George Reed, Robin Lostetter -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2016
In this week’s lectionary gospel text, Jesus tells guests at a party -- who’ve been competing for pr
At The Head Of The Table -- Luke 14:1, 7-14, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Leah Lonsbury, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2013
In this week’s lectionary gospel text, Jesus tells a parable about a banquet host who eschews th


Valley of the Shadow -- Psalm 112, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 -- John E. Sumwalt, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2022
Contents “Valley of the Shadow” by John Sumwalt


The Village Shepherd

God Of Humility... -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:



Status given versus status gained -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Dennis Koch -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 1994
Gospel Theme:Status given versus status gainedGospel Note:
PROPER 17 -- Ezekiel 18:1-9, 25-29, Psalm 15, Hebrews 13:1-8, Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- B. David Hostetter -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 1985


The Immediate Word

Gatekeepers and Humility -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14, Psalm 81:1, 10-16, Proverbs 25:6-7, Psalm 112 -- Thomas Willadsen, Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, George Reed, Katy Stenta, Quantisha Mason-Doll -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2022
For August 28, 2022:
Solidarity With the Imprisoned -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14, Psalm 81:1, 10-16 -- Bethany Peerbolte, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2019
For September 1, 2019:
Humility -- It's What's For Dinner -- Luke 14:1, 7-14, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, George Reed, Robin Lostetter -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2016
In this week’s lectionary gospel text, Jesus tells guests at a party -- who’ve been competing for pr
At The Head Of The Table -- Luke 14:1, 7-14, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Leah Lonsbury, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2013
In this week’s lectionary gospel text, Jesus tells a parable about a banquet host who eschews th
Jockeying And Jostling At The Table Of Prestige -- Luke 14:1, 7-14, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Jeremiah 2:4-13, Psalm 81:1, 10-16 -- Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2010
In this week's lectionary gospel passage from Luke, Jesus offers some strong comments on the importa
Economically, Politically, Or Faithfully? -- Luke 14:1, 7-14, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Jeremiah 2:4-13, Psalm 81:1, 10-16 -- Thom M. Shuman, Scott Suskovic -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2007
This Sunday falls on Labor Day weekend, which seems to be as much an unofficial "last fling" of summ
Who Gets The Gold? -- Luke 14:7-14, Jeremiah 2:4-13, Proverbs 25:6-7 -- George L. Murphy -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
For two weeks we've seen some almost incredible physical feats, a lot of spectacle (wonderfully prep


Proper 17/Pentecost 15/Ordinary Time 22 -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Carlos Wilton -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2006
Theme For The DayOur faith calls us to offer hospitality to others.
Proper 17/Pentecost 15/Ordinary Time 22 -- Psalm 81:1, 10-16 -- James Evans, Stan Purdum, Carlos Wilton -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2006
The writer of Psalm 81 employs a most interesting mixed metaphor.
Proper 17 -- Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- Elizabeth Achtemeier -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2003
This passage forms some of the earliest preaching of Jeremiah after his call in 626 B.C.
Proper 17 -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Jerry L. Schmalenberger -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2003
Seasonal ThemeJesus' acts of compassion and teaching ministry.
Places Of Honor -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Dallas A. Brauninger -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2003
1. Text
The Generosity Of Humility -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Richard E. Gribble, CSC -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2000
One occasion when Jesus was going to the house of a leader of the Pharisees to eat a meal on the Sab
Proper 17 -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- E. Carver Mcgriff -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2000
COMMENTARY ON THE LESSONSLesson 1: Jeremiah 2:4-13 (C)
Honor Or Humility -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- William E. Keeney -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 1997
Emily Post was a well-known expert on etiquette. She would
Proper 17 -- Ezekiel 18:1-9, 25-29, Hebrews 13:1-8, Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- George M. Bass -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 1991
The Church Year Theological Clue
Proper 17 -- Ezekiel 18:1-9, 25-29, Hebrews 13:1-8, Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- George M. Bass -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 1991
The Church Year Theological Clue
Proper 17 -- Ezekiel 18:1-9, Hebrews 13:1-8, Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Perry H. Biddle, Jr. -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 1988
Comments on the Lessons
Proper 17 -- Ezekiel 18:1-9, 25-29, Proverbs 25:6-7, Sirach 3:17-18, 20, 28-29, Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- John R. Brokhoff -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 1985
The LessonsEzekiel 18:1-9, 25-29 (C)


The Immediate Word

Gatekeepers and Humility -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14, Psalm 81:1, 10-16, Proverbs 25:6-7, Psalm 112 -- Thomas Willadsen, Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, George Reed, Katy Stenta, Quantisha Mason-Doll -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2022
For August 28, 2022:
Solidarity With the Imprisoned -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14, Psalm 81:1, 10-16 -- Bethany Peerbolte, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2019
For September 1, 2019:
Humility -- It's What's For Dinner -- Luke 14:1, 7-14, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, George Reed, Robin Lostetter -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2016
In this week’s lectionary gospel text, Jesus tells guests at a party -- who’ve been competing for pr
At The Head Of The Table -- Luke 14:1, 7-14, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Leah Lonsbury, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2013
In this week’s lectionary gospel text, Jesus tells a parable about a banquet host who eschews th
Jockeying And Jostling At The Table Of Prestige -- Luke 14:1, 7-14, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Jeremiah 2:4-13, Psalm 81:1, 10-16 -- Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2010
In this week's lectionary gospel passage from Luke, Jesus offers some strong comments on the importa
Economically, Politically, Or Faithfully? -- Luke 14:1, 7-14, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Jeremiah 2:4-13, Psalm 81:1, 10-16 -- Thom M. Shuman, Scott Suskovic -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2007
This Sunday falls on Labor Day weekend, which seems to be as much an unofficial "last fling" of summ
Who Gets The Gold? -- Luke 14:7-14, Jeremiah 2:4-13, Proverbs 25:6-7 -- George L. Murphy -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
For two weeks we've seen some almost incredible physical feats, a lot of spectacle (wonderfully prep


Finding Fault With God -- Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- Chrysanne Timm -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2009
It is never a pleasant prospect to deal with someone who has a complaint with you.
The Unchanging Christ In A Changing World -- Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2009
When we come to church, we usually do not come primarily to learn about doctrine.
But I Really Like The Best Seat In The House! -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Rick McCracken-Bennett -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2009
Years ago I was a director of alcohol and drug programs in a neighboring county.
Only The Lonely -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Ron Lavin -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2006
There are three words I hope you will take home from church today.
The Cost Of A Priceless Gift -- Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 -- Clayton A. Lord Jr. -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2006
Sacrifice is not valued very highly by society.
Have We Been "Slicked"? -- Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- Lee Ann Dunlap -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2006
In many small towns across America the annual Volunteer Fireman's Fair is the social event of the ye
Be Thankful For What You Have -- Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- Richard E. Gribble, CSC -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2003
Once upon a time there was a fisherman who lived with his wife in a tiny hut by the sea.
Divine Dinner Party Decorum -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- R. Robert Cueni -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2003
Luke opens the fourteenth chapter by telling us that Jesus "was going to the house of a leader of th
Do The Do's! -- Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 -- Gary L. Carver -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2003
It was just unthinkable! The unbelievable had to be believed because it had just happened!
There Couldn't Be, Could There? -- Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- John W. Wurster -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2000
Jeremiah tells us that there was a time and a place when God was upset, when the heavens were shocke
Living It Down -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Thomas A. Renquist -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2000
You worship together with the People of God and it doesn't take long before you notice it: this cons
Who Can You Trust? -- Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 -- Kirk R. Webster -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2000
Eggs are good -- eggs are bad -- eggs are good if around two to three are eaten per week.
Kingdom Etiquette -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- W. Robert Mcclelland -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 1991
This parable of Jesus is often treated as a call for humility.
This Life Is Yours To Live! -- Ezekiel 18:1-9, 25-29 -- R. Keith Hammer -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 1991
There is a wonderful device that all of us have in our homes that reveals to us the solution to all

The Village Shepherd

The Importance Of Humility -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
Over recent years there have been some appalling bomb outrages.
Humility -- Proverbs 25:6-7 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
The wedding season starts around Easter each year, heats up during June, July and August, begins to
Encounters With Angels -- Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
I've just finished reading an unusual novel,



Valley of the Shadow -- Psalm 112, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 -- John E. Sumwalt, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2022
Contents “Valley of the Shadow” by John Sumwalt
Self-Serving -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Psalm 112 -- David O. Bales -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2019
ContentsWhat's Up This Week "Self-Serving" by David O. Bales
A Question Of Hospitality -- Luke 14:1, 7-14, Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Psalm 81:1, 10-16 -- Keith Hewitt, John Fitzgerald -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2016
Contents "A Question of Hospitality" by Keith Hewitt
Bubbles -- Luke 14:1, 7-14, Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Psalm 81:1, 10-16 -- Keith Hewitt, Peter Andrew Smith -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2013
Contents"Bubbles" by Keith Hewitt
Thirsty For Living Water -- Luke 14:1, 7-14, Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Psalm 81:1, 10-16 -- Peter Andrew Smith, Craig Kelly -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2010
Contents"Thirsty for Living Water" by Peter Andrew Smith
Translator's Preface: April, 1919 -- Luke 14:1, 7-14, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Jeremiah 2:4-13, Psalm 81:1, 10-16 -- David O. Bales, Frank R. Fisher, Timothy F. Merrill -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2007
ContentsWhat's Up This Week
Stranger -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14, Psalm 81:1, 10-16 -- John E. Sumwalt And Jo Perry-sumwalt -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels w


Dinner Guests -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- David E. Leininger -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2009
The lectionary uses verse 1 of Luke chapter 14 to set the scene: "When Jesus went to eat in the hous
Looking Past The Beautiful Blonde -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Gregory L. Tolle -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2006
"For all who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted."
Sex Is A Turnoff -- Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 -- Timothy F. Merrill -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2003
You've seen the ads.
Can Trust In God Be Restored? -- Psalm 14 -- John E. Sumwalt, Lois Rae Carlson -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2003
It was the end of my first year as a young widow on my own with two children.
A Place Of Honor -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Constance Berg -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2000
Stan's grandfather started a machine repair business that became successful: it had a steady stream
The Uninvited -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Richard A. Jensen -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 1994
"I was the guy that never got chosen by either side." The speaker of these words was a man by the na
Proper 17 -- Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 -- John Steward -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
One summer a farmer named Worthy Taylor hired a young man by the name of Jim to work the farm.


The Immediate Word

Gatekeepers and Humility -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14, Psalm 81:1, 10-16, Proverbs 25:6-7, Psalm 112 -- Thomas Willadsen, Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, George Reed, Katy Stenta, Quantisha Mason-Doll -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2022
For August 28, 2022:
Solidarity With the Imprisoned -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14, Psalm 81:1, 10-16 -- Bethany Peerbolte, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2019
For September 1, 2019:
Humility -- It's What's For Dinner -- Luke 14:1, 7-14, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, George Reed, Robin Lostetter -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2016
In this week’s lectionary gospel text, Jesus tells guests at a party -- who’ve been competing for pr
At The Head Of The Table -- Luke 14:1, 7-14, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Leah Lonsbury, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2013
In this week’s lectionary gospel text, Jesus tells a parable about a banquet host who eschews th
Jockeying And Jostling At The Table Of Prestige -- Luke 14:1, 7-14, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Jeremiah 2:4-13, Psalm 81:1, 10-16 -- Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2010
In this week's lectionary gospel passage from Luke, Jesus offers some strong comments on the importa
Economically, Politically, Or Faithfully? -- Luke 14:1, 7-14, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Jeremiah 2:4-13, Psalm 81:1, 10-16 -- Thom M. Shuman, Scott Suskovic -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2007
This Sunday falls on Labor Day weekend, which seems to be as much an unofficial "last fling" of summ
Who Gets The Gold? -- Luke 14:7-14, Jeremiah 2:4-13, Proverbs 25:6-7 -- George L. Murphy -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
For two weeks we've seen some almost incredible physical feats, a lot of spectacle (wonderfully prep


Proper 17 / Ordinary Time 22 / Pentecost 15 -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14, Psalm 81:1, 10-16 -- Julia Ross Strope -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2009
If we love the Lord with all our hearts, minds, and strength,
Proper 17/Ordinary Time 22 -- Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2006
First Lesson: Jeremiah 2:4-13Theme: Memory AidCall To Worship
Proper 17/Ordinary Time 22 -- Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2006
Second Lesson: Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16Theme: Just A Brief Word, Please
Proper 17/Ordinary Time 22 -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2006
Gospel Lesson: Luke 14:1, 7-14Theme: First, Last, And Always
Proper 17 -- Jeremiah 2:4-13, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2003
Theme: The Price Of Forsaking GodCall To Worship
Cracked Cisterns -- Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- Dallas A. Brauninger -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2000
Call To Worship
Proper 17, Pentecost 15, Ordinary Time 22 -- Luke 14:1, 7-14 -- Wayne H. Keller -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2000
Liturgical Color: GreenGospel: Luke 14:1, 7-14
Iniquities of the unfaithful -- Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- James R. Wilson -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 1997
Call To Worship
Proper 17 -- Psalm 15 -- Hugh H. Drennan -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 1991
O Lord, who may abide in your tent?who may dwell on your holy hill?
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John Jamison
Object: A sign that says, “The Home of Jesus!” (Click here to download the sign I used.)

* * *

The Immediate Word

Christopher Keating
Thomas Willadsen
Katy Stenta
Mary Austin
George Reed
Dean Feldmeyer
For February 2, 2025:


John E. Sumwalt
Love never ends. But as for prophecies, they will come to an end; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will come to an end. For we know only in part, and we prophesy only in part; but when the complete comes, the partial will come to an end. (vv.8-10)

I, John Sumwalt, believe in God! It’s the reality in which, as the Apostle Paul wrote, “I live and move and have my being.”

Emphasis Preaching Journal

David Coffin
Imagine an aging church leader or preacher who has seen one technology tool after another change the face of how messages of fait are communicated. It started with the chalkboard, overhead plastic sheets on a projector to now various forms of computer software programs off a laptop onto a screen. With all the modern technology changes going at increasing megabytes per second, is God’s Word still as accurate and effective as in times past?
Mark Ellingsen
Bill Thomas
Frank Ramirez
Bonnie Bates
Jeremiah 1:4-10
There are plenty of things in contemporary American society which could use a prophetic voice to challenge them. We think of all the ugliness in our public discourse and on the net. There is the rising tide of anti-semitism. Reuters reported a 268.1 times wage gap in 2023 between the salary of the median employed worker and CEO pay. Racism is hardly vanishing given legislation passed in a number of state legislatures against teaching Critical Race Theory. John Calvin well described an important aspect of the sort of prophecy we need. He wrote:

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott
The story of the presentation of Jesus in the temple is strong on two 'bit-part' characters, Simeon and Anna, both of whom are old, and neither of whom has any other mention in the Bible. This story is an imaginary biography of Anna.


Schuyler Rhodes
Most people, at one time or another, have had the regrettable experience of needing refuge. Untold millions around this war-ripped world are literally refugees, whose lives are shattered as they are uprooted and left bereft of home, family, and any visible means of sustenance. Countless women around the world suffer from the brutality of abuse by their male partners and are in need of refuge. Each day the numbers of homeless poor on the streets of America grows and grows. They, too, need refuge.
Richard E. Gribble, CSC
During the 56 years of his life, Adolf Hitler did incredible harm and was responsible for the death of millions of people. Yet in all of the horror that he unleashed, there were pinpoints of light and nobility. One German soldier, Private Joseph Schultz, was one of those pinpoints.

Derl G. Keefer
Jeremiah had a task, a vision, and a promise from God. The prophet Jeremiah had a call from God to preach his word to a people needing to hear from God. His call has been duplicated multiple times over the centuries.
J. Ellsworth Kalas
David Kalas
In the church, most of us think of Epiphany simply as a season on the church calendar, and sometimes as a season we don't understand too well. We may recall that we are celebrating particularly the revealing of Christ to the Gentile world, via the Wise Men, but not much more.

The dictionary, however, adds further dimension to the word, listen: "a sudden, intuitive perception ... into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience."

Special Occasion

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