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Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C

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Children's Activity


Monopoly -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Leah Thompson -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2010
Responsibility -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2007
Are you a good steward? -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
"Whoever is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much; and whoever is dishonest in a very l
"Don't cheat!" -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
Teachers or Parents: The Gospel this week gives us a
If the Shoe Fits -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
Parents or Teachers: The lesson today was about rules and finding
In God we trust -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
Teachers or Parents: Talk about the many ways money is
Serving only one master -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
Materials:Large sheets of paper

Gospel Grams 2

Children's Activity Bulletin -- Ages 8-10 -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2007

Gospel Grams 1

Children's Activity Bulletin -- Ages 5-7 -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2007


Emphasis Preaching Journal

From Evil to Grace and Wisdom -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13, Psalm 79:1-9 -- Mark Ellingsen -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2022
Jeremiah 8:18--9:1
What Do You Value? -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13 -- David Coffin -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2019
A pastor has been called to a certain congregation with one major mandate in mind: “Revitalize our y
Reality Check -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13 -- David Coffin -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2016
A church is located in either a small town or urban community where the leading economic indicators
Intercession -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13 -- Wayne Brouwer -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2013
When our oldest daughter began driver's training she needed to spend fifty hours behind the wheel of
Is there a doctor in the house? -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13, Psalm 79:1-9 -- David Kalas, Schuyler Rhodes -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2010
In the hymn "Grace Greater Than Our Sin," Julia Harriette Johnston expressed our circumstance in son
Word on the street -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13, Psalm 79:1-9 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2007
Over the years, I have been impressed with how the back streets of our land as much as
From lamentation to larceny -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13 -- Mark J. Molldrem -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2001
Our texts today take us over a varied landscape.
God's word -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 1998
Today's lessons are not necessarily connected by any particular theme, but as I read them I am moved
Act for tomorrow today! -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
In the parables of last Sunday Jesus presented two central characters who would discombobulate the s
Here comes the judge -- Amos 8:4-7, 1 Timothy 2:1-8, Luke 16:1-13 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
The reality therapy of this Pentecost season gets another sobering installment with the arrival of t
Say it ain't so! -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13, Psalm 79:1-9 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
The year was 1919, and it was the beginning of the first World Series after the "War to end all wars

Children's bulletin

Gospel Grams 2

Children's Activity Bulletin -- Ages 8-10 -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2007

Gospel Grams 1

Children's Activity Bulletin -- Ages 5-7 -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2007

Children's Liturgy and Story

The Village Shepherd

The Potato Race -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
Call to Worship:

Children's sermon


Say What? -- Luke 16:1-13 -- John Jamison -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2022
The master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly.
One Master Only -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Arley K. Fadness -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2019
“No slave can serve two masters...you cannot serve God and money.” (v.
A Gift To Be Shared -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Mary Kay Eichelman -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2016
I don't know what your favorite kind of gum is but I love "Juicy Fruit".
The Kindness Wheel -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Anna Shirey -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2013
First Thoughts
The mediator -- 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- Leah Thompson -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2010
"For there is one God; there is also one mediator between God and humankind, Christ Jesus, himsel
Monopoly -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Leah Thompson -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2010
"If then you have not been faithful with the dishonest wealth, who will entrust to you the true r
Pray for your leaders -- 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2007
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and
Responsibility -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2007
Whoever is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much; and whoever is
Pray for everyone -- 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
Who can tell me what prayer is? (responses) When have you heard people pray?
Are you a good steward? -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
I brought this plant from home this morning. Isn't it beautiful? I love this plant.
Who should we pray to? -- 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
Good morning! The Bible says that there is only one
Don't cheat! -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
Good morning! Jesus once told us about a man who was a
Lift it up -- 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
Good morning, boys and girls. Once in a while during church we hear a
Rules, rules, rules -- Luke 16:11-13 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
Good morning, boys and girls. Today I'd like to talk about rules. I know
The bridge -- 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
Good morning! Today I brought a bridge with me to tell the
In God we trust -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
If you think about it, it really is very silly. How can people
Sharing our faith -- Philemon 1:1-21 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective when you perceive all the good we m
Using a mediator to settle differences -- 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
For there is one God; there is also one mediator between God and humankind, Christ Jesus, himself hu
Serving only one master -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
No slave can serve two masters; for a slave will either hate the one and love the other, or be devot

The Immediate Word

Somehow It All Works Out -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13, Amos 8:4-7, Psalm 113 -- Katy Stenta, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Thomas Willadsen -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2022
For September 18, 2022:
Dishonest to Some, Clever to Others -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13, Psalm 79:1-9 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, Thomas Willadsen, George Reed, Bethany Peerbolte -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2019
For September 22, 2019:
Weeping Day And Night For The Slain -- Luke 16:1-13, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, Amos 8:4-7 -- Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, George Reed, Beth Herrinton-Hodge -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2016
In this week’s lectionary passage from the Hebrew scriptures, the prophet Jeremiah describes God’s f
Sleepless In Syria -- Luke 16:1-13, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Jeremiah 8:18--9:1 -- Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Leah Lonsbury, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, George Reed -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2013
Every day brings new twists and turns in the diplomatic negotiations over Syria.
Responsibility -- Luke 16:1-13, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, Psalm 79:1-9 -- Ron Love, Mary Austin, George Reed -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2010
This week's gospel text can be a difficult one to approach -- while the final verse, in which Jesus
The Sure Thing -- Luke 16:1-13, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, Psalm 79:1-9 -- Carlos Wilton, Paul Bresnahan, Thom M. Shuman -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2007
Understanding this difficult parable requires our people to follow along with Jesus as he turns a so

Children's Story

The Village Shepherd

Perry's Little Arrangements -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
Perry skipped and sang as he danced his way to the Elf King's palace.



Proper 20 / Pentecost 18 / Ordinary Time 25 -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1 -- Stephen P. McCutchan -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2009
For the hurt of my poor people I am hurt, I mourn, and dismay has taken hold of me.
Proper 20 / Pentecost 18 / Ordinary Time 25 -- Psalm 79:1-9 -- Stephen P. McCutchan -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2009
We have become a taunt to our neighbors, mocked and derided by those around us.
Proper 20 / Pentecost 18 / Ordinary Time 25 -- 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- Stephen P. McCutchan -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2009
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made
Proper 20 / Pentecost 18 / Ordinary Time 25 -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Stephen P. McCutchan -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2009
No slave can serve two masters; for a slave will either hate the one and love the other, or be de



Reward Time -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Robert F. Crowley -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 1997


Emphasis Preaching Journal

Sermons Illustrations for Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 (2022) -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13, Psalm 79:1-9 -- Mark Ellingsen, Bill Thomas, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2022
Jeremiah 8:18--9:1
Sermons Illustrations for Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 (2019) -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13 -- Mark Ellingsen, Bob Ove, Bill Thomas, Ron Love, Frank Ramirez, Bonnie Bates -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2019
Jeremiah 8:18--9:1
Sermons Illustrations for Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 (2016) -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13 -- Bob Ove, Mark Ellingsen, R. Robert Cueni, Bill Thomas, Ron Love, Frank Ramirez, Bonnie Bates -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2016
Jeremiah 8:18--9:1
Sermons Illustrations for Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 (2013) -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13 -- Bob Ove, Mark Ellingsen, Scott A. Bryte, Mark J. Molldrem, Ron Love -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2013
Jeremiah 8:18--9:1
They are in Babylon... -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1 -- Bob Ove -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2013
They are in Babylon, and Zion is vacant with the people gone.
Ann Weems writes in her... -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1 -- Mark J. Molldrem -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2013
Ann Weems writes in her Psalms of Lament how the stars fell from her sky on the day her son w
In the musical... -- 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- Scott A. Bryte -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2013
In the musical Fiddler on the Roof, set in a small Jewish village in Russia on the eve of the
Bald is in... -- 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- Ron Love -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2013
Bald is in. The 41st President of the United States, George H.W. Bush, has shaved his head.
At least two ways... -- 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- Mark Ellingsen -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2013
At least two ways present themselves for illustrating the comment in verse 4 that God desires all to
This is an odd one... -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Bob Ove -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2013
This is an odd one. I'm sure there are many today who are wasting the boss' money.
How are we managing... -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Mark J. Molldrem -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2013
How are we managing the resources with which God entrusts us? Debt in America is an embarrassment!
NULL -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1 -- Ron Love -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2010
We will never be sure of all the details. Separating fact from fiction may be nearly impossible.
NULL -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1 -- Leah Thompson -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2010
We spend a lot of our time ignoring big problems. It is not a new phenomenon.
NULL -- 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- Timothy Smith -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2010
Michelle knows first hand the power of prayer. She remembers the time when she was newly married.
NULL -- 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- Craig Kelly -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2010
The Presidential Prayer Team (www.presidentialprayer
NULL -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Leah Thompson -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2010
Samantha likes to bribe people.
NULL -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Ron Love -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2010
Tom Monaghan needed money if he were going to study architecture at the University of Michigan and o
NULL -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2010
Jeremiah 8:18--9:1
At 94, Father Pierre (Henri... -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2007
At 94, Father Pierre (Henri Groues) died in France 1/22/07. His life and ministry in many
No one is immune to... -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2007
No one is immune to the kind of dismay and discouragement that Jeremiah expressed --

The Immediate Word

Somehow It All Works Out -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13, Amos 8:4-7, Psalm 113 -- Katy Stenta, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Thomas Willadsen -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2022
For September 18, 2022:
Dishonest to Some, Clever to Others -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13, Psalm 79:1-9 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, Thomas Willadsen, George Reed, Bethany Peerbolte -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2019
For September 22, 2019:
Weeping Day And Night For The Slain -- Luke 16:1-13, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, Amos 8:4-7 -- Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, George Reed, Beth Herrinton-Hodge -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2016
In this week’s lectionary passage from the Hebrew scriptures, the prophet Jeremiah describes God’s f
Sleepless In Syria -- Luke 16:1-13, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Jeremiah 8:18--9:1 -- Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Leah Lonsbury, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, George Reed -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2013
Every day brings new twists and turns in the diplomatic negotiations over Syria.
Responsibility -- Luke 16:1-13, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, Psalm 79:1-9 -- Ron Love, Mary Austin, George Reed -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2010
This week's gospel text can be a difficult one to approach -- while the final verse, in which Jesus


The Village Shepherd

Generous God... -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:



The difficult dilemma -- riches or righteousness -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Dennis Koch -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 1994
Gospel Theme:The difficult dilemma -- riches or righteousness
PROPER 20 -- Hosea 11:1-11, Psalm 107:1-9, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13 -- B. David Hostetter -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 1985


The Immediate Word

Somehow It All Works Out -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13, Amos 8:4-7, Psalm 113 -- Katy Stenta, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Thomas Willadsen -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2022
For September 18, 2022:
Dishonest to Some, Clever to Others -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13, Psalm 79:1-9 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, Thomas Willadsen, George Reed, Bethany Peerbolte -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2019
For September 22, 2019:
Weeping Day And Night For The Slain -- Luke 16:1-13, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, Amos 8:4-7 -- Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, George Reed, Beth Herrinton-Hodge -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2016
In this week’s lectionary passage from the Hebrew scriptures, the prophet Jeremiah describes God’s f
Sleepless In Syria -- Luke 16:1-13, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Jeremiah 8:18--9:1 -- Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Leah Lonsbury, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, George Reed -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2013
Every day brings new twists and turns in the diplomatic negotiations over Syria.
Responsibility -- Luke 16:1-13, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, Psalm 79:1-9 -- Ron Love, Mary Austin, George Reed -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2010
This week's gospel text can be a difficult one to approach -- while the final verse, in which Jesus
The Sure Thing -- Luke 16:1-13, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, Psalm 79:1-9 -- Carlos Wilton, Paul Bresnahan, Thom M. Shuman -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2007
Understanding this difficult parable requires our people to follow along with Jesus as he turns a so
What If God Prayed For Us/u.s.? -- Amos 8:4-7, 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- Carter Shelley -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
Dear Fellow Preachers,


Proper 20/Pentecost 18/Ordinary Time 25 -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13 -- Carlos Wilton -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2006
Theme For The Day
Proper 20/Pentecost 18/Ordinary Time 25 -- Psalm 79:1-9 -- James Evans, Stan Purdum, Carlos Wilton -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2006
This poignant prayer of lament and community grief gives expression to what it feels like to suffer
Proper 20 -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1 -- Elizabeth Achtemeier -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2003
This moving elegy is the passage from which the Negro spiritual, "There is a balm in Gilead," is tak
Proper 20 -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13 -- Jerry L. Schmalenberger -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2003
Seasonal Theme Jesus' acts of compassion and teaching ministry.
The Clever Crook -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Dallas A. Brauninger -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2003
1. Text
Rightful Stewardship Of God's Gifts -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Richard E. Gribble, CSC -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2000
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "There was a rich man who had a manager, and the charges were brou
Proper 20 -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13 -- E. Carver Mcgriff -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2000
COMMENTARY ON THE LESSONSLesson 1: Jeremiah 8:18--9:1 (C)
The Shrewd Steward -- Luke 16:1-13 -- William E. Keeney -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 1997
1Then Jesus said to the disciples, "There was a rich man who
Proper 20 -- Hosea 11:1-11, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13 -- George M. Bass -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 1991
The Church Year Theological Clue
Proper 20 -- Hosea 11:1-11, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13 -- George M. Bass -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 1991
The Church Year Theological Clue
Proper 20 -- Hosea 11:1-11, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13 -- Perry H. Biddle, Jr. -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 1988
Comments on the Lessons
Proper 20 -- Hosea 11:1-11, Amos 8:4-7, 1 Timothy 2:1-8, Luke 16:1-13 -- John R. Brokhoff -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 1985
The LessonsHosea 11:1-11


The Immediate Word

Somehow It All Works Out -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13, Amos 8:4-7, Psalm 113 -- Katy Stenta, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Thomas Willadsen -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2022
For September 18, 2022:
Dishonest to Some, Clever to Others -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13, Psalm 79:1-9 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, Thomas Willadsen, George Reed, Bethany Peerbolte -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2019
For September 22, 2019:
Weeping Day And Night For The Slain -- Luke 16:1-13, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, Amos 8:4-7 -- Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, George Reed, Beth Herrinton-Hodge -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2016
In this week’s lectionary passage from the Hebrew scriptures, the prophet Jeremiah describes God’s f
Sleepless In Syria -- Luke 16:1-13, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Jeremiah 8:18--9:1 -- Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Leah Lonsbury, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, George Reed -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2013
Every day brings new twists and turns in the diplomatic negotiations over Syria.
Responsibility -- Luke 16:1-13, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, Psalm 79:1-9 -- Ron Love, Mary Austin, George Reed -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2010
This week's gospel text can be a difficult one to approach -- while the final verse, in which Jesus
The Sure Thing -- Luke 16:1-13, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, Psalm 79:1-9 -- Carlos Wilton, Paul Bresnahan, Thom M. Shuman -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2007
Understanding this difficult parable requires our people to follow along with Jesus as he turns a so
What If God Prayed For Us/u.s.? -- Amos 8:4-7, 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- Carter Shelley -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
Dear Fellow Preachers,


When There's Nothing Left To Do But Mourn -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1 -- Chrysanne Timm -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2009
When a person is diagnosed with a serious disorder, one that threatens their very existence, life as
A Peaceful Life In An Unpeaceful World -- 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2009
I'm tempted to ask for a show of hands.
How Do You Know The Good Guys From The Bad Guys? -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Rick McCracken-Bennett -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2009
I'm going to dispense with the niceties and cut to the chase.
A Puzzling Parable With A Sharp Point -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Ron Lavin -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2006
A young boy used to describe foods like spinach by saying, "I hate it." His wise mother responded, "
It All Begins With Prayer -- 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- Clayton A. Lord Jr. -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2006
Imagine you only have a short time to prepare your successor in ministry.
Listening For The "Ching-ching" -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1 -- Lee Ann Dunlap -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2006
When television producer, Dick Wolf, introduced a new "cop show" in the early 1990s, he could hardly
Be Compassionate As God Is Compassionate -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1 -- Richard E. Gribble, CSC -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2003
Once upon a time there was a great teacher, a guru, who had many followers.
Jesus' Most Perplexing Parable -- Luke 16:1-13 -- R. Robert Cueni -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2003
In the scripture lesson for today Jesus tells a perplexing parable about a thoroughly dishonest empl
All! -- 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- Gary L. Carver -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2003
"I pray that we will not become too introverted."
Changing Seasons, Constant Love -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1 -- John W. Wurster -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2000
Another season has come and gone. Promises that were made have not been fulfilled.
A Rogue Savior -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Thomas A. Renquist -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2000
It's a perplexing story.
Pray, Pray, Pray -- 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- Kirk R. Webster -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2000
If feedback is the breakfast of champions, perhaps we would do well to examine some of our prayer ha
Know What Time It Is! -- Luke 16:1-13 -- W. Robert Mcclelland -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 1991
While reading the Bible, Mark Twain once quipped, "It is not the parts of the Scripture that I don't
The Soft-touch God -- Hosea 11:1-11 -- R. Keith Hammer -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 1991
Every parent who has children approaching or into the early teenage years knows that the day of reck

The Village Shepherd

We Will Make The Shekel Great -- Amos 8:4-7 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
It is said that if everyone started their adult life on an equal footing with £1000 each, some would
Pray For All In Authority -- 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
A week last Wednesday, the day when we all awoke to discover that the events of the day before wer
God's Astounding Generosity -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
I remember a few years ago, the furore caused by Social Services when they adopted a scheme of sen



Feels A Little Light -- Amos 8:4-7, Luke 16:1-13 -- Frank Ramirez, John E. Sumwalt -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2022
Contents “Feels A Little Light” by Frank Ramirez
The Prisoner’s Houseboat Habits -- Luke 16:1-13, 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- David O. Bales -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2019
Contents “The Prisoner’s Houseboat Habits” by David O. Bales
They're All Crooks -- Luke 16:1-13, Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Psalm 79:1-9 -- C. David Mckirachan, Keith Hewitt -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2016
Contents "They’re all crooks" by C. David McKirachan
A Balm In Gilead -- Luke 16:1-13, Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Psalm 79:1-9 -- Sandra Herrmann, Keith Hewitt -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2013
Contents"A Balm in Gilead" by Sandra Herrmann
Balm In Gilead -- Luke 16:1-13, Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Psalm 79:1-9 -- John E. Sumwalt, Sandra Herrmann -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2010
Contents"Balm in Gilead" by John Sumwalt
Hero -- Luke 16:1-13, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Psalm 79:1-9 -- C. David Mckirachan, Scott Dalgarno -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2007
ContentsWhat's Up This Week "Hero" by C. David McKirachan
The Dishonest Woodcutter -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13, Psalm 79:1-9 -- John E. Sumwalt And Jo Perry-sumwalt -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
Contents What's Up This Week: "Balm in Viborg"


Prayers For The President -- 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- David E. Leininger -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2009
I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for eve
The Un-taming Of The Shrewd -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Gregory L. Tolle -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2006
And his master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly; for the children of
Prayer Meeting On The First Tee -- 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- Timothy F. Merrill -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2003
I attend a small country church where I volunteer my time to preach and plan worship.
I Am Sure That God Is Able -- 2 Timothy 1:1-14 -- John E. Sumwalt, Linda J. Vogel -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2003
In 1969 my father was dying (too slowly!) from a malignant brain tumor that changed his personality
Too Old To Work? -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Constance Berg -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2000
Carol was too old to be out of work and too young to be on Social Security.
Final Payment -- 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- Richard A. Jensen -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 1994
The story of Mary Gordon's book, Final Payments begins with a funeral.
Proper 20 -- 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- John Steward -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
One Sunday morning on a subway car in New York City people were traveling in relative peace and calm


The Immediate Word

Somehow It All Works Out -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13, Amos 8:4-7, Psalm 113 -- Katy Stenta, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Thomas Willadsen -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2022
For September 18, 2022:
Dishonest to Some, Clever to Others -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13, Psalm 79:1-9 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, Thomas Willadsen, George Reed, Bethany Peerbolte -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2019
For September 22, 2019:
Weeping Day And Night For The Slain -- Luke 16:1-13, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, Amos 8:4-7 -- Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, George Reed, Beth Herrinton-Hodge -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2016
In this week’s lectionary passage from the Hebrew scriptures, the prophet Jeremiah describes God’s f
Sleepless In Syria -- Luke 16:1-13, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Jeremiah 8:18--9:1 -- Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Leah Lonsbury, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, George Reed -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2013
Every day brings new twists and turns in the diplomatic negotiations over Syria.
Responsibility -- Luke 16:1-13, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, Psalm 79:1-9 -- Ron Love, Mary Austin, George Reed -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2010
This week's gospel text can be a difficult one to approach -- while the final verse, in which Jesus
The Sure Thing -- Luke 16:1-13, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, Psalm 79:1-9 -- Carlos Wilton, Paul Bresnahan, Thom M. Shuman -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2007
Understanding this difficult parable requires our people to follow along with Jesus as he turns a so
What If God Prayed For Us/u.s.? -- Amos 8:4-7, 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- Carter Shelley -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
Dear Fellow Preachers,


Proper 20 / Ordinary Time 25 / Pentecost 18 -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13, Psalm 79:1-9 -- Julia Ross Strope -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2009
If we love the Lord with all our hearts, minds, and strength,
Proper 20/Ordinary Time 25 -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2006
First Lesson: Jeremiah 8:18--9:1Theme: Real Relief
Proper 20/Ordinary Time 25 -- 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2006
Second Lesson: 1 Timothy 2:1-7Theme: Pray For Who?
Proper 20/Ordinary Time 25 -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2006
Gospel Lesson: Luke 16:1-13Theme: Follow The Money
Proper 21/Ordinary Time 26 -- Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2006
First Lesson: Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15Theme: The Long Term
Proper 20 -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2003
Theme: Sorrow For Those Who Do Not Obey GodCall To Worship
Heartsick -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1 -- Dallas A. Brauninger -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2000
First Lesson: Jeremiah 8:18--9:1Theme: Heartsick
Everyone Is Saved -- 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- Dallas A. Brauninger -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2000
Second Lesson: 1 Timothy 2:1-7Theme: Everyone Is Saved
A Little Dishonesty Goes A Long Way -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Dallas A. Brauninger -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2000
Gospel: Luke 16:1-13Theme: A Little Dishonesty Goes A Long Way
Proper 20, Pentecost 18, Ordinary Time 25 -- Luke 16:1-13 -- Wayne H. Keller -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2000
Liturgical Color: GreenGospel: Luke 16:1-13
The agony of God -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1 -- James R. Wilson -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 1997
Call To WorshipLeader: Come, let us celebrate God's wonderful redeeming love!
Proper 20 -- Psalm 107:1-9 -- Hugh H. Drennan -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 1991
O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;for his steadfast love endures forever.
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New & Featured This Week

The Immediate Word

Thomas Willadsen
Christopher Keating
Dean Feldmeyer
Mary Austin
Katy Stenta
George Reed
For July 21, 2024:

Emphasis Preaching Journal

Frank Ramirez
Mark Ellingsen
Bonnie Bates
Bill Thomas
2 Samuel 7:1-14a
Frank Ramirez
In each of these scriptures it is up to recognize who is the star of the show. We might be surprised. David thinks he is honoring God by building a temple, but isn’t he really honoring himself as the typical conqueror who builds temples to the gods as a testimony to his accomplishments as a ruler?


John E. Sumwalt
Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! says the Lord... So I will attend to you for your evil doings... Then I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the lands... I will raise up shepherds over them... and they shall not fear any longer, or be dismayed, nor shall any be missing, says the Lord. (vv. 1-5)

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott
Call to Worship:

Let us join together to use this time for rest and relaxation within the preence of our Lord.

Invitation to Confession:

Jesus, sometimes we are lazy and don't do what you want us to do.
Lord, have mercy.

Jesus, sometimes we are too busy and wilfully refuse to take time off.
Christ, have mercy.

Jesus, help us to manage our time and our own physical and emotional needs.
Lord, have mercy.


Julia E. Bland
It is through Jesus, the Good Shepherd, that we become part of his flock.

Scripture: John 10:9

Background Devotions: Psalm 23

Visual Aids: Medicine, a large cup, perhaps a cane. If a cane is used, you will need to explain that the staff was shaped something like a cane but it was much longer and the rounded part was bigger.

Handouts: Activity sheets; star stickers for the color page of the activity sheet, if desired
John E. Sumwalt
Patricia M. Thaker
In February of 2000, my grandfather, Lloyd Dings, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He passed away just twelve days later. My grandparents were married 56 years. The legacy he leaves behind is a wonderful wife and a beautiful family
Kristin Borsgard Wee
Four years ago this week, I was walking through an African village in Namibia with my friend, Solveig Kjeseth. We stopped to look at a strange tower formed out of earth. It was about five feet high, crooked in shape, wide at the bottom and coming to a point at the top. I thought it looked like the top of a giant, rumpled witch's hat, only it was gray instead of black. Solveig informed me, much to my surprise, that it was an anthill. I was even more surprised when we came across many more, some of which towered over my head. They were huge!
William J. Carl, III
Have you ever noticed how some families move a lot? Some are corporate moves, some are military, and some are United Methodist pastors. Whatever the case, every time they move they have to find new lodging. In the military, quarters are often provided. The same may be true for clergy if churches own a manse or a parsonage. But, sometimes you have to look for a new home, which means spending some time with real estate agents traveling here and there to find the perfect house. Of course, no house is ever perfect. When you own a home, no matter where you sit you see something that needs fixing.
Mark Ellingson
On this last Sunday of the Church Year (we call it Christ the King Sunday) our attention is directed to the reign of Christ -- to his glorious reign which has already begun with the resurrection on Easter. It is a Sunday to think about salvation, because where Christ reigns salvation is effected. These themes are especially evident in our First Lesson.
Mark Ellingson
On this last Sunday of the Church Year (we call it Christ the King Sunday) our attention is directed to the reign of Christ -- to his glorious reign which has already begun with the resurrection on Easter. It is a Sunday to think about salvation, because where Christ reigns salvation is effected. These themes are especially evident in our First Lesson.
Through Christ, God has solved the problem of conflict between races.


Good morning! I don't know how much you know about sheep. I really don't know too much except this: sheep need shepherds or fences. Without either a shepherd or fences, sheep eat the grass and never know just where they are. They can wander away and become lost. Or something worse can happen to them. They can wander apart and be attacked by wild dogs or wolves or coyotes or some other dangerous animal. They can also fall into water and drown. Sheep without a shepherd or fence will find danger.

Today most sheep are in pastures with fences to protect them

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