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Sermon Illustrations For Lent 1 (2023)

Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7
The serpent may be diabolical, but it is not the diabolos, which is how the devil is referred to in Matthew 4:1-11. The creature is described, depending on your translation, as cunning, craft, or intelligent, these terms translate the Hebrew word ‘arum, and a deliberate play on words is made with “árumim, in the previous verse, the Hebrew word for “naked.” The serpent promises Eve that after they eat from the forbidden fruit their eyes will be opened and they will see clearly, but all they see clearly is the fact they are naked.

Eve’s response to the serpent’s leading question, “Did God say, ‘You shall not eat from any tree in the garden’?” calls for a response characteristic of most of us. God said no such thing, of course, but by inviting Eve to engage in the dialogue and answer his question, Eve did what we tend to do – not repeat what we’d been told exactly, but enlarge upon it. There’s only one tree that is forbidden, she replies, then adds the phrase “nor shall you touch it.” God said nothing about touching the fruit. I’m not condemning Eve at all. I’m reminding all of us how hard it is to pass along what we heard, saw, and remembered in an exact fashion.
Frank R.

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Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7
You may not have heard of George C. Parker. I hadn’t until I came across his story. Parker is remembered as one of the most successful and daring con-artists in American history. He set up an office in New York City and “sold” some of the city’s most famous attractions to tourists. His favorite was the Brooklyn Bridge, but he also sold the Statue of Liberty, Madison Square Garden, and Grant’s Tomb. He produced elaborately forged documents to convince his targets that he was the rightful owner of the landmarks he was selling. Parker was so persuasive that many times police had to come and explain why the new “owners” of the Brooklyn Bridge couldn’t put up tollbooths to collect money from those who tried to cross.

Parker was a notorious con artist who went to jail for his lies. As good as Parker was at lying, there is someone even better. The “father of lies,” Satan, makes his first appearance in Genesis 3. Like Parker, he promises things that are not his to give, and he tells lies. Eve succumbed to his lying tongue and sin tainted the creation. Satan is still in the lying business today. The question is, will we?
Bill T.

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Romans 5:12-19
We do not want to hear about our sin. Radio missionary to Asia, John Broger, neatly describes how we try to dodge our sin:

Man, in his own wisdom, has developed a vast number of philosophies and theories seeking to explain one’s thoughts, words, and actions. In doing so, man has pridefully sought to deny his own’s sinfulness and has confused any clear definition of God’s standards of right and wrong.

In so doing, soft-peddling sin in our ministries, we do great harm. It is like modern South African Baptist pastor author Erroll Hulse once put it:

A ministry which is weak and flabby on the subject of sin is a useless ministry. A preaching ministry that does not result in conviction of sin is useless. If it does not wound, how can it heal? The Good News is only for sinners. (What Are the Puritans?, p.172)

Martin Luther commented on the benefits of this text for us, the assurance it brings when we are no longer trying to justify ourselves and our good works:

It follows, then, that a Christian must not believe that we are justified by another righteousness. Let all works by which we aim to gain righteousness and all our own merits depart, because we are built upon the foundation not by doing works but by believing. Therefore let every godly man terrified by sin, run to Christ as mediator and propitiator, and let him leave all his own works behind. (Luther’s Works, Vol.16, pp.230-231)
Mark E.

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Romans 5:12-19
Proclaimed by Paul is the shift from our death in sin through the actions of human beings from the time of creation to eternal life through the actions of Jesus. This is the root of our faith – that Jesus came and changed our relationships with each other and with God, that we gain, through our faith, eternal life. I have sat at many death beds as a pastor. In each case, I assure the dying that Jesus is with them, that they are a beloved child of God. Many confess their insecurities about their faithfulness, and their redemption. I assure them, as I assure you, that God knows your struggles. Jesus knows the efforts human being make to repent, to avoid sin altogether. God is merciful, steadfast in love. That is one of the lessons that Jesus came to teach us – that God loves us, sees as part of the family, recognized our frailties and flaws and loves us anyway. That is the assurance of our faith. That is the “guarantee” from a loving God shared through our beloved brother and Savior. Rest in that certainty.
Bonnie B.

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Matthew 4:1-11
I came across an interesting description of the alligator snapping turtle. The National Wildlife Federation notes the dietary habits of this unusual animal. Their specially adapted tongue allows them to catch prey with little work—a lure-like projection of the tongue attracts curious fish that swim right into the turtle’s mouth. To attract an unsuspecting victim, this turtle will lay on the bottom of the riverbed and open his jaws to reveal what looks like a delicious bright red wriggling worm, luring prey by fiendishly twitching this appendage back and forth. A fish that gets duped by the turtle’s tongue will swim right into the range of the hungry predator’s jaws.

That sounds like a horrible trick for a fish or small gator, and a great tool for the turtle. Reading how the alligator snapping turtle gets food reminded me of this passage. Jesus fasted forty days and nights. Afterward, he was famished. Satan chose that time to press the attack. He came at Jesus with three specific and appealing temptations. He lured food, prestige, and power to Jesus. Jesus, unlike the unsuspecting fish, did not succumb to those temptations. He resisted the devil so he would flee (James 4:7). Will we?
Bill T.

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Matthew 4:1-11
It seems difficult to accept that Christ was tempted like we are in this lesson. Martin Luther offered some thoughts on this matter. As he put it:

So, first, we want to note and learn from the example of our dear Lord Christ that every Christian as soon as he’s baptized, is marshaled into an army in confrontation with the devil who harasses him as long as he lives. (Complete Sermons, Vol.5, p.313)

We also learn from Christ, Luther claims, how to resist these temptations:

It is the bounden duty, therefore, of every Christian to earnestly hear God’s Word and its preaching, diligently learn and become well-versed therein. We should also persevere in earnest prayer that God would let his kingdom come among us... (Ibid.

John Calvin advises us to use God’s means in our struggles, for to neglect them is to tempt God (v.7; Calvin’s Commentaries, Vol.XVI/1, pp.217, 219).  The Genevan reformer advises looking to baptism as a means of learning on Christ in the struggles with temptation:

Lastly, our faith receives from baptism the advantage of its sure testimony to us that we are not only engrafted into the death and life of Christ, but so united to Christ himself that we become sharers in all his blessings. (Institutes [Westminster Press ed.], p.1307)
Mark E.

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Matthew 4:1-11
“The devil” is the usual translation of the Greek word diabolos. While the word is used in the New Testament to specifically identify this individual with “the satan” (Hebrew ha-satan) that appears in the Hebrew scriptures, it also refers to people “making malicious accusations, slanderous”, and to a “slanderous” person.   Another form of the word, diabole, is defined as “slander, false accusation, misrepresentation.” (Source: The Cambridge Greek Lexicon). These characterizations seem especially appropriate considering the malicious and slanderous nature of the misrepresentations made by the devil in Matthew’s version of the temptation of Jesus. (Adapted from the author’s book No Room for The Inn, CSS 2022)
Frank R.
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John Jamison
Object: A large paper bag with candy or stickers inside, depending on what you are comfortable giving your children.

Note: When the child reaches into the bag, quickly squeeze or shake the bag and make a noise to surprise them. The goal is just to surprise them, not scare them. Have fun with this!

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John Jamison
Object: A small candle and a bright flashlight. If you have a really bright flashlight, just shine it in the children’s direction, and not directly into their eyes.

* * *

Hello, everyone! (Let them respond.) Are you ready for our story today? (Let them respond.) Excellent! Today’s story is about Jesus. But I need to warn you that the story may sound a little confusing when I tell it to you.

One day, a man named John was writing to people to tell them about Jesus, and this is what he wrote. He said:

Emphasis Preaching Journal

Mark Ellingsen
Frank Ramirez
Bill Thomas
Bonnie Bates
Isaiah 60:1-6
David Coffin
An upper middle-aged man is politely led out of the factory where he works by both the union and management representatives into mandatory early retirement. The company wants to hire two employees at a lower rate of pay rather than pay this skilled worker for the thirty years of seniority that he earned through days of sweat and toil.
Mark Ellingsen
Bill Thomas
Frank Ramirez
Bonnie Bates
Jeremiah 31:7-14
Frank Ramirez
Just when you thought the holidays were over, when the last of the holiday snacks, Chex Mix and cookies and the fruit in the basket that arrived in the mail, were finally eaten, New Year’s celebrated and the football games turned off for the moment, and things are almost back to normal — along comes a late Christmas card, with its traditional picture of shepherds and kings and angels and cows and sheep and the light shining out of the manger, a tried and true quotation from scripture or a reference to a Christmas carol, and a swiftly penned greeting from an old friend, to make it all real agai


John E. Sumwalt
Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
For darkness shall cover the earth
and thick darkness the peoples,
but the Lord will arise upon you,
and his glory will appear over you.
(vv. 1-2)
Frank Ramirez
See, I am going to bring them from the land of the north and gather them from the farthest parts of the earth…a great company, they shall return here (Jeremiah 7:8).

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott
Call to Worship:

When Jesus came, many people failed to recognise him. As we worship him today let us try to recognise him in each other.

Invitation to Confession:

Jesus, Lord, have mercy.

Jesus, Christ, have mercy.

Jesus, Lord, have mercy.


John 1:10-18


Stephen P. McCutchan
He has not dealt thus with any other nation; they do not know his ordinances. Praise the Lord!
-- Psalm 147:20

Constance Berg
Karny runs. She runs marathons. She runs races. She runs for fun. Karny loves to run because it reminds her that she is alive. Alive to feel the ocean breeze near her house. Alive to feel the gentle pain in her legs after a good ten-mile run. She is grateful for her life because she was so close to losing it.
Richard A. Jensen
The focus in Matthew 1 was on names. Name after name after name culminating in THE Name: Jesus! In Matthew 2 there is a focus on places. The first place mentioned is Bethlehem. Matthew begins his birth story by simply telling us that Jesus was born in Bethlehem. In the course of the story the Magi come from the east looking for the city in which the "child of the star" was to be found. Herod didn't know. The chief priests and scribes looked it up. Bethlehem!
John T. Ball
Today is an important day in the life of the world and the life of the church. In the northern hemisphere this is the first day of the New Year. Last night many of us celebrated the eve of this New Year -- noisily or somberly. Noisy types went out to dinner and danced until our feet grew weary. We counted down the last seconds of the old year, and wildly greeted one another with shouts, drinks, hugs, kisses, and fireworks. Then we sang the traditional lines of Robert Burn's poem, "Auld Lang Syne," and went home.
Mary S. Lautensleger
Walking in the dark is difficult, even in the familiarity of your own home. Furniture has a way of rearranging itself in the dark so that you can whack your shins a little easier. Small, sharp toys crawl out from their hiding places to park themselves in your path. Your dog or cat is stretched out on the carpet, sleeping blissfully until your foot makes contact with a tail or a paw.
Richard E. Gribble, CSC
One Christmas morning, Dennis, Nancy, and their young son, Eric, were traveling south from San Francisco to their home in Los Angeles. They had spent Christmas Eve with relatives in the Bay Area, but both parents had to work the next day, thus, it was necessary to travel on Christmas. About noon, Dennis and Nancy decided they were hungry so they stopped at a local diner for lunch. Naturally, because it was Christmas, the restaurant was nearly empty and Eric, their young son, was the only child in the restaurant.

Steven E. Albertin
"Sticks and stones may hurt my bones, but words can never harm me."

There has never been a bigger lie that has ever been so widely perpetuated. A friendly playground game erupts into a fight and insults fill the air. One of the combatants defiantly shouts, "Sticks and stones may hurt my bones, but words can never harm me." Even though such words attempt to minimize the harm inflicted by such insults, in fact they reveal just the opposite. These words have wounded him deeply.

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