You are God's field
Children's sermon
A package of seeds (or a picture of a farmer's field)
Good morning, boys and girls. I brought some seeds with me
this morning. What do you do with a seed? (Let them answer.)
That's right, you plant it. What happens when you plant it? (Let
them answer.) The seed grows into a plant. If it is a flower it
blooms and provides us with color and a fragrance. If it is a
vegetable or grain, it grows and provides us with something to
eat. I forgot one thing. What happens if the seed is never
watered, or if the seed is kept from the sunlight? (Let them
answer.) The seed may never sprout. The plant may never grow. If
these seeds were corn or wheat or soybean they might be planted
in a large field in the country. Then, in the summer we might see
hundreds of plants growing in a large field.
In this morning's lesson Paul says that you (point to the children) are God's field. Did you ever think of yourself as God's field? What do you suppose Paul meant when he said you are God's field? (Let them answer.) I think that Paul says that we are God's field because we are Christians. That must mean that we are God's seeds also. Think of it this way. Let's pretend that each of us is a seed in a field. Let's pretend that our parents are the farmers. They plant the seeds and care for the seeds. That means they see that we have food, a home, and they love us. All of that is important as we grow up. If parents didn't take care of us, we would be like a planted seed that isn't watered or isn't in the sunlight. Paul says one more thing. He says that we are all God's servants. Even though our parents take care of us, only God gives us growth. So, all of us are like these seeds. Someone has to plant seeds, water the seeds and take care of the plants. But the plants, like us, can only grow with God's help. We grow when we attend church and learn about God. We are all God's field.
In this morning's lesson Paul says that you (point to the children) are God's field. Did you ever think of yourself as God's field? What do you suppose Paul meant when he said you are God's field? (Let them answer.) I think that Paul says that we are God's field because we are Christians. That must mean that we are God's seeds also. Think of it this way. Let's pretend that each of us is a seed in a field. Let's pretend that our parents are the farmers. They plant the seeds and care for the seeds. That means they see that we have food, a home, and they love us. All of that is important as we grow up. If parents didn't take care of us, we would be like a planted seed that isn't watered or isn't in the sunlight. Paul says one more thing. He says that we are all God's servants. Even though our parents take care of us, only God gives us growth. So, all of us are like these seeds. Someone has to plant seeds, water the seeds and take care of the plants. But the plants, like us, can only grow with God's help. We grow when we attend church and learn about God. We are all God's field.