O Give Thanks Unto The Lord
Lectionary Hymns for Cycle B
New Hymns for the Church Year Calendar with Old Familiar Tunes
1. O give thanks unto the Lord
for all the wonders he has done.
Praise the Lord for every blessing,
let us praise him, everyone;
For he heard the people’s crying,
and his healing was begun:
Praise God for steadfast love.
Praise the Lord, give thanks and glory!
Praise the Lord, give thanks and glory!
Praise the Lord, give thanks and glory!
Praise God for steadfast love.
2. When the people neared the gates of death,
weighed down in sinful ways;
In distress they cried unto the Lord,
as one, a prayer to raise.
Then God’s word went out, and healing them
gave cause for joyous praise:
Praise God for steadfast love. Refrain
3. With the Lord we know forgiveness
and redemption in his name,
All his works are known both far and wide;
his goodness we proclaim.
As we live with that assurance,
he remains ever the same.
Praise God for steadfast love. Refrain
Lent 4
Based on Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22
May be sung to BATTLE HYMN, 15 15 15.6 with refrain
LBW 332 -- "Battle Hymn Of The Republic"
for all the wonders he has done.
Praise the Lord for every blessing,
let us praise him, everyone;
For he heard the people’s crying,
and his healing was begun:
Praise God for steadfast love.
Praise the Lord, give thanks and glory!
Praise the Lord, give thanks and glory!
Praise the Lord, give thanks and glory!
Praise God for steadfast love.
2. When the people neared the gates of death,
weighed down in sinful ways;
In distress they cried unto the Lord,
as one, a prayer to raise.
Then God’s word went out, and healing them
gave cause for joyous praise:
Praise God for steadfast love. Refrain
3. With the Lord we know forgiveness
and redemption in his name,
All his works are known both far and wide;
his goodness we proclaim.
As we live with that assurance,
he remains ever the same.
Praise God for steadfast love. Refrain
Lent 4
Based on Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22
May be sung to BATTLE HYMN, 15 15 15.6 with refrain
LBW 332 -- "Battle Hymn Of The Republic"