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Children's Story
Steven couldn't believe his luck. He'd been slouching around the shopping centre with his hands in his pockets feeling miserable because he had no money. There was a new computer game he was desperate to buy, because all his friends had it and were raving about it. Steven had been wandering around the shop gazing longingly at the game, but he had no means to buy one.

As he'd wandered out of the shop, staring at the ground in his misery, he noticed a £20 note lying by the side of the waste bin. Steven quickly looked all around. Amazingly, there was no one in sight. He looked into the bin, to see whether a wallet or purse containing a name had been thrown away, but there was nothing.

Almost before he had time to think, Steven picked up the note and thrust it into his pocket. Then he practically danced back into the shop and bought his game. And he had enough money left over to buy his mother a box of chocolates. It really was his lucky day!

It was great fun playing the game on his computer, and Steven managed so much practice over the weekend that when he met up with his friends again he was an expert. They were very envious of his luck, especially as the game he had bought was a more recent edition than theirs.

The novelty of the game lasted a long time. It was a good month before Steven began to tire of it. But one Saturday evening he sat down to watch television with his mum rather than play his game. Steven wasn't very keen on television, but at least one of his favourite programmes was showing.

Steven's mother hated "Gotcha!" because she hated seeing people put into embarrassing situations. But she watched it anyway because it was good to have an evening with her son.

Steven couldn't stop laughing as he watched a man trying to post a letter in a postbox which kept moving. Then there was a woman who was left holding a dog on a lead while the owner of the dog popped into a shop - but never came out. Even funnier was the man who became so angry when a "passer-by" who was really part of the programme team, couldn't understand his simple instructions.

Then Steven saw to his delight that his local shopping precinct was on the television. He sat up excitedly to see who had been caught. But his excitement changed to horror when the cameras focused on a close-up shot of a £20 note lying by the waste bin. Steven cringed as he watched himself emerge from the shop, spot the note, look all around to make sure nobody could see him, then pick up the note and slip it into his pocket.

He felt so ashamed as he saw the look of distress on his mother's face. Without a word, she got up and fetched what remained of the box of chocolates Steven had bought for her. She held it out to him, and he took it silently.

Steven spent the next few weeks washing cars for neighbours until he had earned 20 pounds. Then he took the money along to his local police station and handed it in.

"Thank you, lad," said the policeman. "I wish they were all as honest as you."
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John Jamison
Object: A football, a hand-held microphone, a camera, a stack of play money bills. These are the objects I used, but you can use any objects that might symbolize “success”.

* * *

Hello, everyone! (Let them respond.) Are you ready for our story today? (Let them respond.) Great!

The Immediate Word

Christopher Keating
Thomas Willadsen
Katy Stenta
Mary Austin
Dean Feldmeyer
For October 20, 2024:


John E. Sumwalt
Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. (v. 4)

The outhouse on the farm where I grew up was beside the ash pile, at the end of a well-worn path, under a boxelder tree about fifty yards from the back door of the house. It was a two-seater – cold in winter, smelly and hot in summer. There was always a Sears and Roebuck catalogue on the floor in the corner, which served as both reading and wiping material.

Emphasis Preaching Journal

Bill Thomas
Mark Ellingsen
Bonnie Bates
Frank Ramirez
Job 38:1-7 (34-41)
Most people assume God’s answer to Job, showing him the depth and breadth of the universe is meant to cow Job’s resistance, leading him, now broken, to repent, abjectly saying “...therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes (42:6).”
Mark Ellingsen
All the lessons testify to the theme that it’s not at all about you and me; it’s all about God!

Job 38:1-7 (34-41)

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott
Call to Worship:

Jesus said, "What is it you want me to do for you?" In our worship, let us explore what we want Jesus to do for us today.

Invitation to Confession:

Jesus, we are sometimes selfish in our requests to you.
Lord, have mercy.

Jesus, we are sometimes unreasonable in our requests to you.
Christ, have mercy.

Jesus, help us to make you the centre of our world.
Lord, have mercy.


David E. Leininger
The story of Job is familiar to all of us -- a man whose world was spinning merrily along with everything falling into place is suddenly confronted with one misery after another ... disaster, death, disease, and despair. In some of the most moving poetry ever written, chapter after chapter attempts to deal with the age-old question of why, so often, life is unfair.

Schuyler Rhodes
The voice of praise rings beautifully through this psalm as each verse gives poetic color to the glories of creation and its maker. It is something to be read and re-read as we contemplate the wonders of God.
Steven Molin
There is a candy shop in the city of Keystone, South Dakota, just a few hundred yards down the mountain from that infamous Mount Rushmore monument. I can't tell you the name of that candy store, but I can certainly recall the sign on the counter that stands at just about eyeball-level for the average seven-year-old. The sign says this: "If Mom says, 'No,' ask Grandma!"

Harold C. Warlick, Jr.
An elementary principle in the business world is the law of supply and demand. When supplies outrace the demand for a product, prices are low. We call that a "buyer's market." On the other hand, when there are more buyers demanding a product than there are supplies of the product, prices are high. We call that situation a "seller's market."

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