All God Does, God Does Well
Children's sermon
Story Time At The Altar
86 Messages For Children
Some things we can't explain, and we call them mysteries and trust God's love no matter what. There is an old story about a rabbi taking a trip with his donkey, rooster, and lamp. When it was night, he had no place to sleep, so he slept in the woods. He lit his lamp to read his Bible before going to sleep, but a strong wind blew it over and broke it. "It must be time to sleep," the rabbi said, ending his prayers, "All God does, God does well."
During the night, in the dark, a wild animal came and frightened the rooster so that it ran away, and while the rabbi slept, thieves stole his donkey. When he awoke and saw what had happened, he said, "Well, well, well, all God does, God does well."
When it was time to return to his village, he learned that soldiers had come during the night, traveling through the woods, and killed all the people. If his lamp had not blown out, he would have been seen. If his rooster had not been chased away, it would have crowed, giving him away. If his donkey had not been stolen, it would have brayed. With great emphasis and joy once again the rabbi said, "All God does, God does well!"
Talk together: (Fill a glass of water half full.) There is a saying, "You can choose to see the glass half-empty or half-full." How do you see this glass?
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for mystery, things only you know, but help us remember that all you do, you do well, even when we do not understand. Amen.
During the night, in the dark, a wild animal came and frightened the rooster so that it ran away, and while the rabbi slept, thieves stole his donkey. When he awoke and saw what had happened, he said, "Well, well, well, all God does, God does well."
When it was time to return to his village, he learned that soldiers had come during the night, traveling through the woods, and killed all the people. If his lamp had not blown out, he would have been seen. If his rooster had not been chased away, it would have crowed, giving him away. If his donkey had not been stolen, it would have brayed. With great emphasis and joy once again the rabbi said, "All God does, God does well!"
Talk together: (Fill a glass of water half full.) There is a saying, "You can choose to see the glass half-empty or half-full." How do you see this glass?
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for mystery, things only you know, but help us remember that all you do, you do well, even when we do not understand. Amen.