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Earth Day (Easter 3-C)

Lectionary Worship Workbook, Series IV, Cycle C
Soul Motion
The Easter story is about the triumph of creativity.
We are all entombed with large boulders blocking our escape
and liberation to the extent our creativity is blocked or stifled.
-- Matthew Fox, Creativity

Call To Worship
Leader: Ah. Sunday again. The earth is announcing the coming of spring and summer! We can depend upon nature's cycles, though there are always some surprises along the way.

People: We thank God for the productivity of the land, for the beauty of flowers, and for the coming crops which nurture animals and humans.

Leader: We sing to the Holy One, expressing our gratitude for divine presence which strengthens us for daily tasks.

People: We have called to God; God knows our needs. We are not silent; God sustains us in times of sorrow and brings us to a place of joy. We sing to the Holy One.

Leader: We are not silent for God restores our sense of well-being. We give thanks and we tell others of Holy imagination, apparent in the ecosphere.

People: We actively care for our planet home!

Prayer Of Thanksgiving (Leader or Unison)
Living God -- we are alive! We praise you for the breath of life! We recognize your goodness each day as we enjoy our family and friends. We appreciate work to do that has meaning and allows us to be consistent in our thoughts and our behavior. Thank you for this earth home and for the miracles of water, land, and air. For this hour, we are alert for your voice. Amen.

Call To Confession (Leader)
Today is Earth Day. Ever imagine what the mistletoe thinks about the ozone layer? Ever consider what an earthworm thinks when it runs into a plastic bag? Ever wonder what goes through a homeless person's mind when she sees television commercials for SUVs while she's in the laundromat? Alone, we cannot change our culture. But alone, we can be careful with the land that is ours, with the waste we generate, with the poisons we choose, with the animals we eat. Our words and our behaviors announce the beliefs that motivate us. Check in with yourself and with the Holy. Is your living a consistent, integrated whole? Now is time for that conversation. Pray the printed prayer with me and then make your private prayers.

Community Confession (Unison)
Renewing God -- how grateful we are for the life and teachings of Jesus, grateful that he was willing to live beyond boundaries of society and the death-cave!

We know the friends of Jesus kept on telling his story despite the orders of the city council.

We, too, want to be on the side of right and justice, fairness and life-abundant.

Reveal to us the shadows in our souls; help us make changes till we walk in your light. Amen.

Sermon Idea
The Revelation passage raises the question of how we imagine the universe. How do twenty-first-century people of faith articulate their awe and loyalty to the Mystery we call God? The gospel of John is that delightful story of Jesus telling his friends to try fishing on the "right side." Thinking about Earth Day, the sermon might explore "the right side" of the food chain, "the right side" of the wet lands, "the right side" of global trade practices, "the right side" of poverty, and so on. The question none of the friends of Jesus dared ask was "Who are you?" Are we also avoiding that question because we fear the consequences of acknowledging that God is Creator of all and that much of the all is very slow to be replenished? Are we afraid to ask because we suspect we know some of the answers about "the right side" of many issues?

Contemporary Affirmation (Unison)
Jesus of Nazareth had the courage to challenge the institutions of his day.
He had the strength and wisdom to make heaven a viable option.
In spite of suffering and death, he was faithful to his vision;
His teachings have influenced all the world.
He imaged God as divine parent, as divine and benevolent ruler, and as creator of all the world.
We believe that God is still creating and welcomes us to participate to make heaven available on earth.
Through life and death, God is with us, even when we are afraid.

Offertory Statement (Leader)
The planet is God's. We are God's. Let us be generous with our material possessions, with our money, and with our time.

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow, tune: OLD HUNDREDTH
Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Praise God, all creatures here below.
Praise God, above you heavenly hosts.
Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost.

Prayer Of Thanksgiving (Leader or Unison)
Energy of the Universe -- thank you for adequate moneys and time to be caretakers of this building and the earth. As your faithful people, we use what we have to serve you. Love the earth and all creatures through us. Amen.

Intercessory Prayers (Leader or Readers)
God of Blue Birds and Chicken Hawks -- thank you for the breath of life. Thank you for the April showers that prepare the soil for seeds. Let desert places, too, produce sufficient food for the inhabitants. We grieve for the animals that are losing their homes. Help us humans not to be so greedy for space. Give us compassion and generous hearts so we might share the planet and wisely use its resources.

God of Polar Bears and People -- we marvel at the way life adapts to changes in nature. But we humans on this continent seem to be resisting the necessary changes so animals can share the earth with us. We realize that each species must produce its next generation. We are glad for our children. May they learn a simple lifestyle "so others may simply live." Help us to mentor them with love and thoughtful guidance.

Creator of Magma and Thunderbolts -- what a universe that grabs our imaginations! We humans tend to think we own the cosmos and we have manipulated it to make some people rich. Forgive our religious arrogance that has contributed to pollution and poverty. Open our eyes to the incredible balance of the ecosphere. Halt human greed and competition that maim the earth. Open our minds to the cruelty we perpetuate with chemicals, with animal industries, and with continual light and noise. Give us courage not to participate with the destruction of your world.

Healing God -- no one of us wants to suffer with disease; no one of us wants to wear Job's shoes; no one of us wants sleepless nights. We dread facing our mortality and the pain that often precedes our dying. Sustain us as we live fully day and night until we join you in eternity. Be undeniably present with us and heal our discomforts. Soothe us with inspiring images, stimulating music, and graceful friends. Amen.

Benediction/Charge (Leader)
Life is not a dead end;
It is a surprising journey to God.
Say "Yes" to life.
Laugh each day and unwind the threads of the world.
Notice new life around each corner.
Make new dreams and cultivate a glad heart!
Embrace the earth as a gift from God and
Save the wrappings!

All Things Bright And Beautiful
Words: Cecil Frances Alexander, 1848
Music: English melody (17th century); adapt. Martin Shaw, 1915

O God Of Earth And Space
Words: Jane Parker Huber, 1980
Music: Hebrew melody; adapt. Thomas Olivers and Meyer Lyon

Sing With Hearts
Words: Jonathan Malicsi, 1983
Music: Kalinga melody

Thank You, God, For Water, Soil, And Air
Words: Brian Wren, 1973
Music: John Weaver, 1988
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John Jamison
Object: A crown and a cross. If you have enough small crosses, you could give one to each child at the end of the message.

* * *

The Immediate Word

Christopher Keating
Katy Stenta
Thomas Willadsen
Mary Austin
Dean Feldmeyer
George Reed
For November 24, 2024:


John E. Sumwalt
Look, he is coming with the clouds,
    and “every eye will see him,
even those who pierced him”;
    and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.”
So shall it be! Amen.
(v. 7)

Emphasis Preaching Journal

Frank Ramirez
Bill Thomas
Bonnie Bates
Mark Ellingsen
2 Samuel 23:1-7
This scripture is said to be the last words of David. We are called to hear the words and know that they need to live on in us. “One who rules over people justly, ruling in the fear of God, is like the light of morning, like the sun rising on a cloudless morning, gleaming from the rain on the grassy land.” This call for justice remains. It is a call that lives throughout the scriptures. Justice is vitally important to the faithful followers of God. To rule with justice is to answer the call of God.
Wayne Brouwer
One morning in 1872, David Livingstone wrote this in his diary: “March 19, my birthday. My Jesus, my king, my life, my all, I again dedicate my whole self to thee. Accept me, and grant, O gracious Father, that ere the year is gone I may finish my work. In Jesus’ name I ask it. Amen.”

Just one year later, servants came to check on their master’s delay. They found him on his knees in prayer. He was dead.

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:

These responses may be used:

Let us pray for the Church and for the world, and let us thank God for his goodness.

Almighty God our heavenly father, you promised through your Son Jesus Christ to hear us when we pray in faith.


Robert G. Beckstrand
The LORD is king, he is robed in majesty ...
your throne is established from of old,
you are from everlasting ...
More majestic than the thunders of mighty waters,
more majestic than the waves of the sea,
majestic on high is the LORD.
-- Psalm 93:1a, 2, 4

Theme: The majesty of Yahweh

1-2 -- Yahweh's eternal sovereignty is seen in the laws of the physical world.
3-4 -- The hostile powers of earth (like "floods"), however majestic or loud-sounding, threaten his rule in vain.
John R. Brokhoff
The Ancient of Days takes his seat on the throne of judgment.
Today's lesson is apocalyptic literature written at a time of
persecution by Antiochus Epiphanes IV around 165 B.C. Chapter 7
tells of four beasts representing the Persian, Medean, Greek and
Syrian empires. The most terrible beast is the last which led to
the writing of Daniel and the Maccabbean revolt. Our pericope
interrupts the account of the fourth beast. It consists of a
vision of a heavenly court of judgment upon the reign of
Lee Ann Dunlap
The weeklong pastor's training event was about halfway through its course and the pastor coordinating the event was enjoying her break with a leisurely stroll across the grounds. But what began as a beautiful leisurely spring day soon turned somewhat anxious when she returned to her room and found a message taped to her door, "Call the bishop's assistant as soon as possible." She spent part of the afternoon playing phone tag between class sessions. "Whatever could it be?" she pondered.

Cathy A. Ammlung
I'd rather hear Saint Matthew talk about Christ the King. His story of the Last Judgment is vivid. Concrete acts are laid out. "As you have done to the least of these," Jesus says, "you have done to me." We may disagree or cringe, but we can picture this King claiming kinship with the lowly.

Luke's story is good, too. Jesus hangs between two criminals and promises to one that "today you will be with me in Paradise." We see a dying King offering kingly gifts to the dying who trust in him. We may be puzzled, we may object, but again, we can picture it.
H. Alan Stewart
Maybe you have had the experience of being mentioned in the last will and testament of someone who has died. As you listen during this poignant experience to the reading of a deceased person's last wishes, a legacy is being passed on. Both as we live and as we die, we pass on a legacy to the rest of the world.
Charles And Donna Cammarata
Call To Worship
From Psalm 145.
Leader: I lift you high in praise, my God, my King!
People: I will bless your name for all eternity.
Leader: You are magnificent!
People: You can never be praised enough!
Leader: There are no boundaries to your greatness.
People: All generations stand in awe of you.
Leader: Your beauty and splendor have them all talking.
People: We compose songs on your wonders.
Leader: Books could be written filled with the details of your greatness.

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