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First Sunday Of Advent

Lectionary Worship Workbook
Series IV, Cycle B
This Sunday's passages reflect a cry for God to restore. In Isaiah 63 and the Psalm there is a deep longing for God to restore the fortunes of Israel. The Mark passage speaks of Christ's return (the Parousia) and the restoration of all things that will occur at that time. First Corinthians 1:1-7 reminds us that Christians are called to live holy lives as we eagerly await the restoration.

Our prayers will focus on this theme of restoration as well as offering some traditional First Sunday of Advent material.

Call To Worship

This first Call To Worship cries out for the Lord to come quickly!
Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
Come with a flash across the sky,
That every eye may see.
Come with your refining fire
To cleanse this earth of all injustice;
To cleanse each soul of every sin;
To purify away everything that pollutes your people
And all that corrodes your creation.
Come quickly, Lord Jesus,
That your creation
Might be restored to the Eden you desire it to be.

Our second option for a Call To Worship would be to use verses 1 and 2 of this week's Psalm.
Hear us, O shepherd of Israel.
You who watch over your children like a flock,
Sitting enthroned between the angels,
Shining forth before your beloved ones.
Awaken your power,
Come and save us.
Restore us,
Make your face shine upon us and we will be saved.

If your congregation does an Advent candlelighting ceremony you may want to turn to one of the more traditional Advent passages on this first Sunday. We have chosen Isaiah 9:1-7. Note that the candles are alternately called the Prophets' Candle, the Bethlehem Candle, the Shepherds' Candle, and the Angels' Candle -- or -- the Hope Candle, the Peace Candle, the Love Candle, and the Joy Candle. They are essentially interchangeable and we use them as such below, and on the following Sundays of Advent.
The people who walked in darkness
Have seen a great light.
They have been filled with joy,
Like the joy of discovering great riches.
Their burdens have been lifted,
Their chains have been broken.
All the weapons of war,
All the blood-soaked garments,
Will be burned and forgotten.
For to us a Child is born!
To us a Son is given.
And he will rule
And his name will be -- Wonderful Counselor!
Mighty God!
Everlasting Father!
Prince of Peace!
And he will reign forever.
And there will be peace,
And justice,
And righteousness,
(The lighting of the Prophets' Candle)

The next one could be used for any of the first three weeks in Advent. We put it here only to give you the choice.
He was in heaven with God.
He was one with the Father.
In fact he was God.
But he and the Father loved us so
That he humbled himself
And came into our world
To be born a helpless infant
In a crowded backwoods town,
In a barn.
But when that humble package was delivered
And laid in a manger
Hope was born.
The hope that all people, every race and color and culture and creed,
Can be saved from sin and death,
Glory to God. Hope has come.
(The lighting of the Prophets' Candle)

We have also included a first-person monologue you can use to open the service. This monologue is spoken by an Old Testament period prophet looking ahead to the time of the birth of the Christ Child. This monologue is also based on Isaiah 9.

The Prophet

Once -- long ago -- in a time when there was darkness and fear upon the land -- God gave these words to be spoken: (Pause here)

The time will come, my people, when there will be no more sorrow for the sad.

For the people walking in darkness will see a great light;

And God will enlarge us and increase our joy;

So we will rejoice as people rejoice at a plentiful harvest.

For just as God once defeated the enemies of his people,

He will again shatter them and the chains that bind us will be broken.

every warrior's boot used in battle and every garment rolled in blood

will be burnt as fuel for the fire -- no longer needed.

For to us a child will be born, to us a son will be given, and the government will be on his shoulders -- and he will be called

Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,

Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

And of the growth of his government and of peace there will be no end.

He will reign over his kingdom, upholding it with justice and righteousness forever.

And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on him --

the Spirit of wisdom and understanding,

the Spirit of counsel and of power,

the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.

He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes,

or decide by what he hears with his ears;

but with righteousness he will make his judgments,

with justice he will make decisions for the poor of the earth.

In his kingdom the wolf will live with the lamb,

the leopard will lie down with the goat,

the calf and the lion together;

and a little child will lead them.

They will neither harm nor destroy one another under his rule,

for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord

as the waters cover the sea.

And all the nations will rally to him -- and it will be glorious.

These words were given by God more than 2,000 years ago

And I give them to you, again, today.

For a child has been born;

And in every heart where he rules,

There is peace and power -- wisdom and love,

And glory upon glory shall be to these hearts.
(Light one purple or blue candle -- the Prophets' Candle)

Prayer Of Confession

This first Prayer Of Confession pairs well with the first Call To Worship above.
Stay awake!
Be alert.
For you have no idea when your Master might return.
But we do know this,
That if the homeowner knew what time of night the burglars would arrive
He would have been there armed to prevent the break-in.
Let us be prepared then,
For we do not know when the Master will return!
Master -- forgive us for living as if you will never return;
For living to please ourselves
Rather than you.
Awaken us
That we might begin to live alert lives,
Ready for your return,
Today, tomorrow, and always.

This prayer will go well with either the candlelighting reading based on Isaiah 9 or with the Prophet's monologue.
And his name shall be called -- Wonderful!
Mighty God!
Is that so?
Everlasting Father!
Prince of Peace!
You don't say.
Lord -- forgive us for such matter-of-fact responses to your majesty and holiness,
And grace and love.
And as we enter the season of preparation for your coming into our lives
Remind us of the honor,
And wonder,
Of knowing you. Amen.

Assurance Of Pardon

Based on Isaiah 63:7-9.
I will tell of the kindnesses of the Lord,
Of the deeds for which he is to be praised.
I will tell of all the Lord has done for us,
Which he has done according to his compassion and kindness.
He said, "Surely they are my people."
And so he became our Savior.
In all our distress God too was distressed,
And the angel of his presence saved us.
In his love and mercy he redeemed us;
Lifted us up and carried us.
Praise God for our salvation!

Prayer For Illumination
Lord, it is the most familiar of stories. We have heard it so often that it no longer strikes a fresh chord. It no longer astounds or amazes us. It seems routine, even boring. Shine the light of your hope through all the darkness in our world and our lives that we might hear anew the amazing truths that we begin to celebrate this Sunday. We ask it in the name of incarnate God. Amen.

Pastoral Prayer
As we think of your Second Coming, when the creation will be restored to its original glory and harmony, we are reminded that there are many in this world of ours who have not yet experienced your first coming. Entering this season turns our attention to that first coming long ago in the obscurity of the ancient holy lands. Lord, open our eyes to the opportunities that you place before us each day to share you, and the good news of your coming, with the many people in our lives who have not met you. May we truly be your ambassadors during the season leading to Christmas' joy.

If you like scriptural benedictions, use these verses from the Epistle Reading, 1 Corinthians 1:7-9.
Therefore, you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. He will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful.

Or if you prefer, the following can serve as a benediction as well.
The very name of Jesus means "The Lord saves." Go in the knowledge that in Jesus, our God has saved us from all sin, all darkness, even death. Amen.


Arise, The Kingdom Is At Hand

Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus

Honor And Praise

O Son Of God Come While We Wait For Thee

Once He Came In Blessing

Of The Father's Love Begotten

When Came In Flesh The Incarnate Word

Contemporary Choruses

Come, Now Is the Time to Worship, Brian Doerksen

Cry Of My Hear, Terry Butler

Draw Me Close
, Kelly Carpenter

, Bob McGee

Other Music

Emmanuel, Michael W. Smith
This is a wonderful, well-known song for your soloists. It was written by Michael W. Smith and made popular by Amy Grant.
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New & Featured This Week


John Jamison
Object: A 2025 calendar.

* * *

Hello, everyone! (Let them respond.) Are you ready for our story today? (Let them respond.) Excellent! This is a story about something that happened after Jesus was baptized when he went back to his hometown of Nazareth to visit his family and friends. While he was visiting, he went to the service at the synagogue, just like we come to our church service. During the service, they asked Jesus to read the scripture, so he stood up and read. He said:

The Spirit of the Lord is on me,

The Immediate Word

Mary Austin
Dean Feldmeyer
Christopher Keating
Thomas Willadsen
George Reed
Katy Stenta
For January 26, 2025:

Emphasis Preaching Journal

Wayne Brouwer
It seems everybody knows about Victor Hugo’s greatest novel, even if few have actually read it. He called his masterpiece, Les Miserables, and said that it was “a religious work.” So it is. The story echoes the gospel message at nearly every turn.

The main character, Jean Valjean, has been beaten hard by the cruel twists of fate. He has seen the sham of hypocrisy on all sides. So he casts the name of the Lord to the ground like a curse. What does God know of him, and what does it matter?
Mark Ellingsen
Bill Thomas
Frank Ramirez
Bonnie Bates
Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10


Frank Ramirez
Did you ever notice in most of the old movies how the credits are at the front and they don’t share much information? Take the classic The Wizard of Oz. The overture begins with a rousing fanfare, followed by musical allusions to the key songs in the show. Visually, we see the Metro Goldwyn Mayer logo featuring the roaring lion and the words “Metro Goldwyn Mayer presents,” and of course the title of the film.

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott
Call to Worship:

The Spirit of the Lord was upon Jesus as he worshipped in the synagogue at Nazareth. Let us ask God's Spirit to fill us as we worship in church today.

Invitation to Confession:

Jesus, when we are unaware of your Spirit within us,
Lord, have mercy.

Jesus, when we deny your Spirit within us,
Christ, have mercy.

Jesus, when we reject or damage your Spirit within us,
Lord, have mercy.


Luke 4:14-21


Stephen P. McCutchan
Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.
-- Luke 4:21

Constance Berg
David led us the two blocks from our church to his place of worship: a synagogue. We all gathered around him to hear what he was saying. The mid-week church school students had been studying the Jewish faith for three weeks, and now it was time to visit a synagogue!

David's job was to help the rabbi, who could only come to town periodically. David spoke with much pride of the customs that have been handed down for centuries and that he now espoused.
Robert F. Crowley

Is the body of Christ able to work together in harmony because the spirit of the Lord is upon it, or is it meant to operate like any other organization?


Pastor Ralph needs some work on his car and he is also dealing with differing factions in his church. He is not having a good day. Earl, his friend and mechanic, gives him some good advice on taking care of his car and then relates it to his church -- get all the parts working together; after all, they all have the same manufacturer -- the Holy Spirit.

Playing Time
Dennis Koch
Gospel Theme:
An overture for the oppressed

Gospel Note:
Luke's moving of Jesus' hometown sermon from later in his ministry (as in Mark) to its inception makes it a kind of programmatic overture for the Master's entire career. Jesus' choice of passage (from Tito-Isaiah) to define his objective is as sobering today as it was then, for the recipients of the good news are to be, not the comfortable and contented, but the poor, the imprisoned, the blind, the oppressed.

Liturgical Color:

Suggested Hymns:
O God Of Light
James Evans
Psalm 19 celebrates two different media through which God is revealed: nature and the law.

The first part of the psalm calls our attention to the presence of God in nature -- "The heavens are telling the glory of God." The word "glory" is the Hebrew kabod and literally means weight or heaviness. The derived meaning is something akin to "reputation." God's reputation is evident in the heavens.

But reputation for what?

Elizabeth Achtemeier
We live in a society in which right and wrong have become largely a matter of personal opinion. All individuals are seen as a law unto themselves, and what is right for one person is not necessarily right for anyone else. Indeed, if any person tries to impose their ethical standards on another, the response is usually defensive anger. "Don't try to impose your middle-class morality on me," goes the complaint. "I know what is right for me, and you have no business trying to meddle in my life!"
Gary L. Carver
I shall never forget the night that Mae June came to church. Mae June was a workingwoman who, in our little community, was often seen in the late hours of the night in some of the darker places of our little town.

Harry N. Huxhold
In the Sundays of the Epiphany we are reminded in our worship how God continually reveals God's Person. That, of course, is done most clearly in the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ, who came to be one of us. Today the emphasis of the Lessons is on how God is revealed in the Word. In the Holy Gospel, Jesus himself points out how he is revealed in the word, or the word is revealed in him, but the people do not seem to understand. That is always a problem in communication. The words can be ever so clear, but do people get the message?
Robert S. Crilley
Let me offer you a hypothetical situation. Suppose you had a friend who was unfamiliar with the church. The person had never attended a worship service or sat in on a Sunday school class. He or she had never participated in any of the midweek fellowship activities or volunteered to help out with one of the mission trips. In effect, Christianity was a complete mystery to him/her. And so, more out of curiosity than anything else, the person asks you, "What exactly is the church?"
Julia Ross Strope
A single song is being inflected through all the colorations of the human choir.
The way to become human is to recognize the lineaments of God in all the wonderful modulations of the face [of humankind].
-- Joseph Campbell, The Hero With a Thousand Faces

Call To Worship
Leader: Welcome! Together we'll explore ancient stories about a public reading, the awesomeness of Creation, satisfying life together, and we will claim our God-given abilities.

Special Occasion

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