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Heartfelt Prayers And A Doubting Doctor

Lectionary Tales For The Pulpit
Series III, Cycle C
Timmy's heart had a small hole in it. They could see it on the machine at the doctor's office: surgery would be scheduled. The parents were very nervous for their little son. His birth had been smooth, his infancy unremarkable, his crawling stage turned to walking very quickly. There was no indication of anything until Timmy's kindergarten screening when the nurse detected a faint murmur. "We'll just have that checked out," she said and referred the family to a pediatric cardiologist. There was no fear or alarm in her eyes or voice: the parents were not worried.

But Dr. Murphy was a little more forthright with them. "We'll have to go in there and close it up. It'll be a routine procedure although there are always risks associated with this surgery." He explained complicated medical terms to them and drew a heart the size of a little fist on a sheet of paper. Carefully, he explained where the blood, aorta, and veins were and how they functioned. Surgery was scheduled in a week.

The parents were now beside themselves with worry. Their six-year-old was looking forward to going to kindergarten, not surgery. Now that his training wheels were no longer needed, Timmy was eager to jump on his bicycle, not be in a hospital.

The pastor came to pray with them, and the prayer chain was started. Friends called and started prayer chains in their churches. Soon the family was getting calls from all kinds of people offering their prayers and support.

Time for the pre-surgery came. Friends waited outside while Timmy and his parents went into the examining room. Wires were attached to Timmy's chest with cold, sticky round dots. He giggled when they took them off. One of the nurses gave him a bean bag in the shape of a dolphin. It was blue.

Dr. Murphy came into the room and reviewed the test results. He muttered, quietly called for a nurse, then asked for another doctor. They hooked Timmy up to another machine. Timmy's parents assumed this was routine; they didn't ask many questions.

But the doctor did: he asked countless questions. He was angry. He was surprised. Dr. Murphy was sure something was very wrong. He very calmly asked if the parents would care to wait in the waiting room so they could check Timmy out a little further.

Dr. Murphy spoke with the others in the room. What was going on here? He couldn't find the hole. Two machines couldn't be wrong. He called his mentor, a renowned pediatric cardiologist in Los Angeles and had reports faxed to him. But Dr. Chen also confirmed that there was no hole in Timmy's heart. They compared the old reports: there was an obvious little hole in the old report. But there was no hole in Timmy's heart now.

Dr. Murphy couldn't believe it. He called the parents in and explained the situation. They cancelled the surgery but were told to come back in three months. Then in six months. Then the visits were yearly. Seventeen years after Timmy's surgery was scheduled, he was told he didn't have to come back for routine checkups until he was fifty.

Timmy -- who now goes by Tim -- is in his second year of medical school. The first year was very rough, with long nights of studying, and he hardly ever was able to return home, but he's almost finished with his second year and he loves his field. He doesn't know which area of medicine he'll choose until he's finished with his rotations. But he does know that whatever area it's in, he'll have a chance to share a story. A story of a hole that wasn't there anymore and a story of how one doctor came to believe in the power of prayer because of it.

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John Jamison
Object: This message is a role play about Jesus and the fishermen. Use a fishing casting net if you can find one, but you can just use an old sheet if you can’t find an actual net.

Note: You can have some fun with this role play. Just follow the activities and expand on them as much as you choose. When the characters speak, you can either do it yourself or have the children repeat what the characters say after you.

* * *

The Immediate Word

Katy Stenta
Mary Austin
Christopher Keating
Dean Feldmeyer
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Tom Willadsen
For February 9, 2025:

Emphasis Preaching Journal

Frank Ramirez
I occasionally include short clips from a movie in order to illustrate a point. I always check and make sure our CCLI license covers films from that particular studio just to keep things fair and square. Either way, do not show the clip I’m about to reference — just quote it. Robert De Niro is credited not only with delivering the famous line, “Are you talking to me?” (Taxi Driver, 1976) but also inventing it on the spur of the moment.
Mark Ellingsen
Bill Thomas
Frank Ramirez
Bonnie Bates
Isaiah 6:1-8 (9-13)


Peter Andrew Smith
Henry peeked through the curtain and saw the crowd of people waiting. “Wow!”

“I know, right?” Liz closed the curtain. “Who would have ever thought that all these people would come to see us? I mean, I knew that the families would come and maybe that some other people might come too but I never expected that all those other folks would come too.”

“We did do a lot of advertising on social media and your posters were amazing,”

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott
Call to worship:

Jesus said, "Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch." In our worship today let us pray for courage to venture out from the safety of our church into deep water so that we may put down our nets for a catch.

Invitation to confession:

Lord Jesus, sometimes we cling to the boat and are afraid of the deep.

Lord, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, sometimes we are so concerned for ourselves that we fail to trust you.

Christ, have mercy.


Stephen P. McCutchan
I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart ...
-- Psalm 138:1a

Harold C. Warlick, Jr.
The weather that Sunday was beautiful in Augusta, Georgia. The middle-aged minister and his wife, after being away eleven years, returned to their perch by the sixth tee at the Masters Golf Tournament on the Augusta National Golf Course. It was their spot. They'd sat there in former times, when they were younger, healthier, and, perhaps, less wise. Sitting beside them were two young college students. The young man was blonde and well-built. He was holding hands with a pretty coed. She was well-tanned, and had a ribbon in her long pony tail. They made a cute couple.
Ron Lavin
There are many wonderful passages in the book of Isaiah, but none lovelier than this gem - the call of Isaiah in the temple of God. This text is lovely and bright in spite of dark elements of sin and unworthiness, because the light of God calling is not overcome by the darkness into which it comes. The light overcomes the darkness. The mission of Isaiah is to represent God. The mission of the Church of Jesus Christ is the same. That mission begins with vision.

J. Ellsworth Kalas
It's funny what experiences and phrases will stay with you from childhood. I still remember a line from a song which apparently was popular, for at least a short period of time, in my early childhood. It was a half-funny, half-pathetic little lament from someone who felt rejected and unsuccessful. As I recall, each verse ended with the phrase, "I guess I'll go eat worms!"

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