Jesus' Valentine
Children's Activity
Presenter, Teachers or Parents: Valentine's Day may be somewhat meaningless to young children and somewhat "yuck!" for older ones. Nevertheless, the celebration of love for one human being to another is noteworthy. This children's sermon seeks to build on that by showing Christ's love for us. We are Jesus' valentine!
* Make valentines in class -- for parents, teachers, fellow students.
* Do a little digging and find out how Saint Valentine connects with Valentine's Day.
* Bring valentines to class and share the love messages each contains. Ask: "Which of these sound like it could be from Jesus to you and me?" Vote on the best message.
* Make a "Jesus Valetine." Cut out a large heart and cut love messages from valentine cards or messages you or the children make up. Paste or print them on the large heart and post the heart in a prominent place in the church building. Label it: "Jesus' Valentine to YOU!"
* Find the words "I love you" or the word "love" in as many languages as you can and post those words on the wall. The words are all different but the idea is the same. Jesus loves each of us.
* The valentine connection in today's children's sermon revolves around Jesus healing the sick. Find out from your pastor all the sick of the congregation. Have the children make valentines for each of the sick and shut-in. Better still: have the children personally deliver the valentines to the sick and shut-in.
Sunday school assembly opening:
* Sing "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee" or another hymn of love. "Blest Are They" is a very appropriate hymn for today's text.
* Give strips of paper to each child and ask each child to make a valentine or put the word "love" on each piece of paper. Then glue each contribution to a large valentine for all to see. Explain Jesus' motivation to heal as coming from his love for people.
* Make valentines in class -- for parents, teachers, fellow students.
* Do a little digging and find out how Saint Valentine connects with Valentine's Day.
* Bring valentines to class and share the love messages each contains. Ask: "Which of these sound like it could be from Jesus to you and me?" Vote on the best message.
* Make a "Jesus Valetine." Cut out a large heart and cut love messages from valentine cards or messages you or the children make up. Paste or print them on the large heart and post the heart in a prominent place in the church building. Label it: "Jesus' Valentine to YOU!"
* Find the words "I love you" or the word "love" in as many languages as you can and post those words on the wall. The words are all different but the idea is the same. Jesus loves each of us.
* The valentine connection in today's children's sermon revolves around Jesus healing the sick. Find out from your pastor all the sick of the congregation. Have the children make valentines for each of the sick and shut-in. Better still: have the children personally deliver the valentines to the sick and shut-in.
Sunday school assembly opening:
* Sing "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee" or another hymn of love. "Blest Are They" is a very appropriate hymn for today's text.
* Give strips of paper to each child and ask each child to make a valentine or put the word "love" on each piece of paper. Then glue each contribution to a large valentine for all to see. Explain Jesus' motivation to heal as coming from his love for people.