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Luke 11:1-13

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Children's Activity


Persistent -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Leah Thompson -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2010
How to pray -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2007
What is prayer? -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C
For such a simple thing, prayer is really intimidating for some people.
"Communication" -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C
Teachers or Parents: The Gospel theme is prayer and the
Prayer line -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C
Teachers or Parents: Prayer is an important part of our

Gospel Grams 2

Children's Activity Bulletin -- Ages 8-10 -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C

Gospel Grams 1

Children's Activity Bulletin -- Ages 5-7 -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C


Emphasis Preaching Journal

What's He Gonna Do? -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13 -- David Kalas -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2022
More than four decades later, I have a vivid recollection of one night that I, as a teenager, arrive
Ridiculous! -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2019
The parable of the man who turns away the midnight caller? Ridiculous!
Personal testimony -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13 -- Wayne Brouwer -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2016
Victor Hugo called his masterpiece Les Miserables a religious work. So it is.
Audacious faith -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13 -- Sandra Herrmann -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2013
There are Sundays when we look at the lectionary readings and wonder how all three passages work tog
Family ties -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13, Psalm 85 -- Wayne Brouwer, Schuyler Rhodes -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2010
Channing Pollack used to tell a devastating tale of something that happened to him as a young boy.
Grounds for divorce -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13, Psalm 85 -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2007
The images of adultery and divorce may strike close to home for some of the people in
Fullness by any other name ... -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13 -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2001
"The whole experience was dirty, draining, and depressing." That's how George Stephanopoulos, in his
Seeking spiritual fulfillment -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13 -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 1998
Spiritual questing seems to be the theme that holds together the three lessons for today.
Staying on course -- Hosea 1:2-10, Luke 11:1-13 -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 1995
Once a course is charted the necessity is to stay on it, especially in unfamiliar waters.
God I ain't -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13, Psalm 85 -- William H. Shepherd -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C
The movie Rudy (1993) is about a football player who refuses to quit.
God's Bounty -- Psalms 139:13-18, 2 Kings 4:8-17, Luke 11:1-13 -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - A
Turn to whichever selection for today that you wish and you will soon discover that the common theme

Free Access

Ridiculous! -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2019
The parable of the man who turns away the midnight caller? Ridiculous!

Children's bulletin

Gospel Grams 2

Children's Activity Bulletin -- Ages 8-10 -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C

Gospel Grams 1

Children's Activity Bulletin -- Ages 5-7 -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C

Children's Liturgy and Story

The Village Shepherd

Molly's Prayer -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C
Call to Worship:

Children's sermon


The Glass Prayer! -- Luke 11:1-13 -- John Jamison -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2022
He was praying in a certain place, and after he had finished, one of his disciples said to him,
"Talk to Me" —God -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Arley K. Fadness -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2019
“Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.” (v. 1b)
Microwave Prayers -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Mary Kay Eichelman -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2016
Are you hungry? Let me quickly make you some pizza or maybe popcorn.
Ask and You Will Receive -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Anna Shirey -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2013
First Thoughts
Persistent -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Leah Thompson -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2010
"I tell you, even though he will not get up and give him anything because he is his friend, at le
How to pray -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2007
So I say to you, Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock,
What is prayer? -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C
How many of you know the Lord's Prayer? See, I have a copy of it right here. Let me read it to you.
Communication -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C
Good morning! What do I have here? (Show the phone and let
Prayer line -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C
Prayer is very much like taking a telephone and calling up

The Immediate Word

Should We Let Jesus Off the Hook Here? -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13, Psalm 85, Genesis 18:20-32, Psalm 138 -- Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Thomas Willadsen, George Reed, Dean Feldmeyer, Quantisha Mason-Doll, Katy Stenta -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2022
For July 24, 2022:
My Husband; My Wife -- Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Genesis 18:20-32, Hosea 1:2-10, Luke 11:1-13, Psalm 138, Psalm 85 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Ron Love, Bethany Peerbolte, George Reed -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2019
For July 28, 2019:
Snakes And Scorpions -- Luke 11:1-13, Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19) -- Mary Austin, Robin Lostetter, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed, Dean Feldmeyer -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2016
In this week’s lectionary gospel text, Jesus teaches the disciples how to pray -- and, he sugg
When Scorpions Sting And Prayers Go Unanswered -- Luke 11:1-13, Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19) -- Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, George Reed -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2013
In this week’s gospel text, Jesus not only shares with us the Lord’s Prayer, he also offers an e
Jesus, Prayer, And Mtv's 'my Super Sweet Sixteen' -- Luke 11:1-13, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Hosea 1:2-10, Psalm 85 -- Kate Murphy, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2010
This week's Old Testament and gospel texts suggest that our relationship with God is like that of ch
Sin: A Public And Private Affair! -- Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13, Hosea 1:2-10, Psalm 85 -- Paul Bresnahan, Stephen P. McCutchan, Thom M. Shuman -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2007
As recent headlines about scandalous conduct have reminded us, sin is a constant in human endeavors.

Free Access

"Talk to Me" —God -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Arley K. Fadness -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2019
“Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.” (v. 1b)
My Husband; My Wife -- Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Genesis 18:20-32, Hosea 1:2-10, Luke 11:1-13, Psalm 138, Psalm 85 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Ron Love, Bethany Peerbolte, George Reed -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2019
For July 28, 2019:


Magic Prayers -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Brett Blair, Tim Carpenter -- 2000
Exegetical Aim: To teach the children that prayer forms a relationship with God.
Snakes On Your Plate -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Wesley T. Runk
Object: a plastic or rubber snake and spider

Children's Story

The Village Shepherd

Alice And The Angel -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C
Alice was lying on her back on the grass gazing up at clouds meandering gently overhead when she



Proper 12 / Pentecost 10 / Ordinary Time 17 -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Stephen P. McCutchan -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2009
Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.-- Luke 11:1b


Emphasis Preaching Journal

Sermon Illustrations for Proper 12 | OT 17 (2022) -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13 -- Mark Ellingsen, Bill Thomas, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2022
Hosea 1:2-10
Sermon Illustrations for Proper 12 | OT 17 (2019) -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13 -- Bob Ove, Mark Ellingsen, Ron Love, Bill Thomas, Bonnie Bates, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2019
Hosea 1:2-10
Sermon Illustrations for Proper 12 | OT 17 (2016) -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13 -- Bob Ove, Mark Ellingsen, Ron Love, R. Robert Cueni, Bill Thomas, Bonnie Bates, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2016
Hosea 1:2-10
Sermon Illustrations for Proper 12 | OT 17 (2013) -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13 -- Bob Ove, Mark Ellingsen, Ron Love, Mark J. Molldrem, Scott A. Bryte -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2013
Hosea 1:2-10
In Desmond Tutu's collection... -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Mark J. Molldrem -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2013
In Desmond Tutu's collection of stirrings from the heart, An African Prayer Book, ther
There are a number of passages... -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Bob Ove -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2013
There are a number of passages where Jesus is praying and his disciples can see him at prayer.
NULL -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Derl G. Keefer -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2010
Technological advancement over the past decade ushered in many new systems to help support us.
NULL -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Leah Thompson -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2010
In a traditional retelling of the story Beauty and the Beast, the Beast asks Beauty the same
NULL -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13 -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2010
IllustrationsHosea 1:2-10
Richard Nixon's special advisor, Chuck... -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2007
Richard Nixon's special advisor, Chuck Colson, was convicted for breaking into the
Television interviewer and journalist, Larry... -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2007
Television interviewer and journalist, Larry King, describes three farmers who gather
Can you imagine every day... -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2007
Can you imagine every day sleeping with your whole family in one room? And also
Prayer is at the heart... -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2007
Prayer is at the heart of our faith. No wonder they called that prayer Jesus gave his first
Imagine yourself adrift in a... -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2001
Imagine yourself adrift in a boat on a vast ocean. You have been sleeping through the night.
The Sunday school class was... -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2001
The Sunday school class was discussing how to be good stewards in the community.
Annette was born with a... -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2001
Annette was born with a hole in her heart.

The Immediate Word

Should We Let Jesus Off the Hook Here? -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13, Psalm 85, Genesis 18:20-32, Psalm 138 -- Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Thomas Willadsen, George Reed, Dean Feldmeyer, Quantisha Mason-Doll, Katy Stenta -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2022
For July 24, 2022:
My Husband; My Wife -- Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Genesis 18:20-32, Hosea 1:2-10, Luke 11:1-13, Psalm 138, Psalm 85 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Ron Love, Bethany Peerbolte, George Reed -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2019
For July 28, 2019:
Snakes And Scorpions -- Luke 11:1-13, Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19) -- Mary Austin, Robin Lostetter, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed, Dean Feldmeyer -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2016
In this week’s lectionary gospel text, Jesus teaches the disciples how to pray -- and, he sugg
When Scorpions Sting And Prayers Go Unanswered -- Luke 11:1-13, Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19) -- Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, George Reed -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2013
In this week’s gospel text, Jesus not only shares with us the Lord’s Prayer, he also offers an e
Jesus, Prayer, And Mtv's 'my Super Sweet Sixteen' -- Luke 11:1-13, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Hosea 1:2-10, Psalm 85 -- Kate Murphy, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2010
This week's Old Testament and gospel texts suggest that our relationship with God is like that of ch
Sin: A Public And Private Affair! -- Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13, Hosea 1:2-10, Psalm 85 -- Paul Bresnahan, Stephen P. McCutchan, Thom M. Shuman -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2007
As recent headlines about scandalous conduct have reminded us, sin is a constant in human endeavors.


Another Side of Prayer -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Peter Andrew Smith -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2022
Luke moved to one side of the walking trail without looking up.

Free Access

My Husband; My Wife -- Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Genesis 18:20-32, Hosea 1:2-10, Luke 11:1-13, Psalm 138, Psalm 85 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Ron Love, Bethany Peerbolte, George Reed -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2019
For July 28, 2019:
Sermon Illustrations for Proper 12 | OT 17 (2019) -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13 -- Bob Ove, Mark Ellingsen, Ron Love, Bill Thomas, Bonnie Bates, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2019
Hosea 1:2-10


The Village Shepherd

God, The Center Of My Being... -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:



Positive praying -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Dennis Koch -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 1994
Gospel Theme:Positive prayingGospel Note:
PROPER 12 -- 2 Kings 5:1-lab, Psalm 21:1-7, Colossians 2:6-15, Luke 11:1-13 -- B. David Hostetter -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 1985
CALL TO WORSHIP(Responsively)Human as we are, let us intercede with God


The Immediate Word

Should We Let Jesus Off the Hook Here? -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13, Psalm 85, Genesis 18:20-32, Psalm 138 -- Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Thomas Willadsen, George Reed, Dean Feldmeyer, Quantisha Mason-Doll, Katy Stenta -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2022
For July 24, 2022:
My Husband; My Wife -- Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Genesis 18:20-32, Hosea 1:2-10, Luke 11:1-13, Psalm 138, Psalm 85 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Ron Love, Bethany Peerbolte, George Reed -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2019
For July 28, 2019:
Snakes And Scorpions -- Luke 11:1-13, Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19) -- Mary Austin, Robin Lostetter, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed, Dean Feldmeyer -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2016
In this week’s lectionary gospel text, Jesus teaches the disciples how to pray -- and, he sugg
When Scorpions Sting And Prayers Go Unanswered -- Luke 11:1-13, Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19) -- Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, George Reed -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2013
In this week’s gospel text, Jesus not only shares with us the Lord’s Prayer, he also offers an e
Jesus, Prayer, And Mtv's 'my Super Sweet Sixteen' -- Luke 11:1-13, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Hosea 1:2-10, Psalm 85 -- Kate Murphy, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2010
This week's Old Testament and gospel texts suggest that our relationship with God is like that of ch
Sin: A Public And Private Affair! -- Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13, Hosea 1:2-10, Psalm 85 -- Paul Bresnahan, Stephen P. McCutchan, Thom M. Shuman -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2007
As recent headlines about scandalous conduct have reminded us, sin is a constant in human endeavors.

Free Access

My Husband; My Wife -- Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Genesis 18:20-32, Hosea 1:2-10, Luke 11:1-13, Psalm 138, Psalm 85 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Ron Love, Bethany Peerbolte, George Reed -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2019
For July 28, 2019:


Proper 12/Pentecost 10/Ordinary Time 17 -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13 -- Carlos Wilton -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2006
Theme For The Day
Proper 12 -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13 -- Jerry L. Schmalenberger -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2003
Seasonal ThemeJesus' acts of compassion and teaching ministry.
A Midnight Friend -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Dallas A. Brauninger -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2003
1. Text
Confidence And Persistence In Prayer -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Richard E. Gribble, CSC -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2000
He was praying in a certain place, and after he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, "Lor
Proper 12 -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13 -- E. Carver Mcgriff -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2000
COMMENTARY ON THE LESSONSLesson 1: Hosea 1:2-10 (C)
Proper 12 -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Richard A. Jensen -- 1997
One of the basic agendas "on the way to Jerusalem" is instruction of the disciples.
Persistent Praying -- Luke 11:1-13 -- William E. Keeney -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 1997
1He was praying in a certain place, and after he had
Tenth Sunday After Pentecost -- 2 Kings 5:1-15a, b, Colossians 2:6-15, Luke 11:1-13 -- George M. Bass -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 1991
The Church Year Theological Clue
Proper 12 -- 2 Kings 5:1-15ab, Colossians 2:6-15, Luke 11:1-13 -- Perry H. Biddle, Jr. -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 1988
Comments on the Lessons


The Immediate Word

Should We Let Jesus Off the Hook Here? -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13, Psalm 85, Genesis 18:20-32, Psalm 138 -- Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Thomas Willadsen, George Reed, Dean Feldmeyer, Quantisha Mason-Doll, Katy Stenta -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2022
For July 24, 2022:
My Husband; My Wife -- Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Genesis 18:20-32, Hosea 1:2-10, Luke 11:1-13, Psalm 138, Psalm 85 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Ron Love, Bethany Peerbolte, George Reed -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2019
For July 28, 2019:
Snakes And Scorpions -- Luke 11:1-13, Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19) -- Mary Austin, Robin Lostetter, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed, Dean Feldmeyer -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2016
In this week’s lectionary gospel text, Jesus teaches the disciples how to pray -- and, he sugg
When Scorpions Sting And Prayers Go Unanswered -- Luke 11:1-13, Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19) -- Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, George Reed -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2013
In this week’s gospel text, Jesus not only shares with us the Lord’s Prayer, he also offers an e
Jesus, Prayer, And Mtv's 'my Super Sweet Sixteen' -- Luke 11:1-13, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Hosea 1:2-10, Psalm 85 -- Kate Murphy, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2010
This week's Old Testament and gospel texts suggest that our relationship with God is like that of ch
Sin: A Public And Private Affair! -- Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13, Hosea 1:2-10, Psalm 85 -- Paul Bresnahan, Stephen P. McCutchan, Thom M. Shuman -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2007
As recent headlines about scandalous conduct have reminded us, sin is a constant in human endeavors.

Free Access

My Husband; My Wife -- Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Genesis 18:20-32, Hosea 1:2-10, Luke 11:1-13, Psalm 138, Psalm 85 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Ron Love, Bethany Peerbolte, George Reed -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2019
For July 28, 2019:
Coney Island -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Michael D. Wuchter -- 2009
He was praying in a certain place, and after he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, "


Forgive Us -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Rick McCracken-Bennett -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2009
I'm ashamed to say that too often I behave like the guy laying in bed with his family refusing to ge
Coney Island -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Michael D. Wuchter -- 2009
He was praying in a certain place, and after he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, "
Abba, Your Kingdom Come -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Ron Lavin -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2006
The provoking incident for Jesus teaching his followers what to pray and how to pray is that the apo
Jesus' Lesson On Prayer -- Luke 11:1-13 -- R. Robert Cueni -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2003
Jesus was praying. His followers sat near and watched.
Not Persistence, But Shamelessness -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Thomas A. Renquist -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2000
Midnight is not the best time to go knocking on your neighbor's door for a cup of sugar, is it?
Three Loaves At Midnight -- Luke 11:1-13 -- J. Will Ormond -- 1999
This sermon was prepared for and preached at a chapel service at Columbia Seminary at which the L
Let Us Pray! -- Luke 11:1-13 -- W. Robert Mcclelland -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 1991
In James Baldwin's Blues For Mister Charlie, there is an arresting scene in which a young boy announ

The Village Shepherd

Prayer -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C
Despite the fact that the Millennium celebrated 2000 years of Christianity, the cross, the central



Another Side of Prayer -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Peter Andrew Smith -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2022
Luke moved to one side of the walking trail without looking up.
Is that a Knock at the Door? -- Luke 11:1-13, Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19) -- Keith Wagner, Peter Andrew Smith -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2019
Contents “Is that a Knock at the Door?” by Keith Wagner
Call For Unity -- Luke 11:1-13, Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Psalm 85 -- Keith Wagner -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2016
Contents "Call for Unity" by Keith Wagner
What's A Mountweazel? -- Luke 11:1-13, Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Psalm 85 -- Frank Ramirez, Keith Hewitt -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2013
Contents"What's a Mountweazel?" by Frank Ramirez
I Have Loved You… -- Luke 11:1-13, Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Psalm 85 -- Craig Kelly, Peter Andrew Smith -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2010
Contents "I Have Loved You..." by Craig Kelly
Reborn As God's Children -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13, Psalm 85 -- Frank R. Fisher, Ron Lavin -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2007
ContentsWhat's Up This Week "Reborn As God's Children" by Frank R. Fisher
Buried With Him In Baptism -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13, Psalm 85 -- John E. Sumwalt And Jo Perry-sumwalt -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C
A Story to Live By Buried with Him in Baptism

Free Access

Is that a Knock at the Door? -- Luke 11:1-13, Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19) -- Keith Wagner, Peter Andrew Smith -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2019
Contents “Is that a Knock at the Door?” by Keith Wagner


Mrs. Tolle's Persistent Prayer -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Gregory L. Tolle -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2006
I tell you, even though he will not get up and give him anything because he is his friend, at lea
Newspaper Prayers -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Constance Berg -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2000
I was at a Bible study on prayer when the leader handed each of us a section of the newspaper.


The Immediate Word

Should We Let Jesus Off the Hook Here? -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13, Psalm 85, Genesis 18:20-32, Psalm 138 -- Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Thomas Willadsen, George Reed, Dean Feldmeyer, Quantisha Mason-Doll, Katy Stenta -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2022
For July 24, 2022:
My Husband; My Wife -- Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Genesis 18:20-32, Hosea 1:2-10, Luke 11:1-13, Psalm 138, Psalm 85 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Ron Love, Bethany Peerbolte, George Reed -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2019
For July 28, 2019:
Snakes And Scorpions -- Luke 11:1-13, Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19) -- Mary Austin, Robin Lostetter, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed, Dean Feldmeyer -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2016
In this week’s lectionary gospel text, Jesus teaches the disciples how to pray -- and, he sugg
When Scorpions Sting And Prayers Go Unanswered -- Luke 11:1-13, Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19) -- Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, George Reed -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2013
In this week’s gospel text, Jesus not only shares with us the Lord’s Prayer, he also offers an e
Jesus, Prayer, And Mtv's 'my Super Sweet Sixteen' -- Luke 11:1-13, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Hosea 1:2-10, Psalm 85 -- Kate Murphy, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2010
This week's Old Testament and gospel texts suggest that our relationship with God is like that of ch
Sin: A Public And Private Affair! -- Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13, Hosea 1:2-10, Psalm 85 -- Paul Bresnahan, Stephen P. McCutchan, Thom M. Shuman -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2007
As recent headlines about scandalous conduct have reminded us, sin is a constant in human endeavors.

Free Access

My Husband; My Wife -- Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Genesis 18:20-32, Hosea 1:2-10, Luke 11:1-13, Psalm 138, Psalm 85 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Ron Love, Bethany Peerbolte, George Reed -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2019
For July 28, 2019:


Proper 12 / Ordinary Time 17 / Pentecost 10 -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13, Psalm 85 -- Julia Ross Strope -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2009
Zoos are no longer in people's good graces. Religion faces the same problem.
Proper 12/Ordinary Time 17 -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2006
Gospel Lesson: Luke 11:1-13Theme: Our Father With A Twist
Proper 12 -- Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19), Luke 11:1-13 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2003
First Lesson: Hosea 1:2-10 Theme: Children Of The Living GodCall To Worship
Proper 12, Pentecost 10, Ordinary Time 17 -- Luke 11:1-13 -- Wayne H. Keller -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - C -- 2000
Liturgical Color: GreenGospel: Luke 11:1-13
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John Jamison
Object: Two small containers or boxes and several pieces of paper. I used two shoe boxes with lids and about fifty pieces of used printer paper. Label one box “Judge” and the other box “Not Judge.”

* * *

The Immediate Word

Dean Feldmeyer
Katy Stenta
Thomas Willadsen
Christopher Keating
George Reed
Mary Austin
For February 23, 2025:


Frank Ramirez
I am your brother, Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt. (v. 4)

Spoiler alert!

Those two words warn us not to read, listen, or watch any further. Something crucial about a book, show, film, or fact is about to be revealed, and we’re being told if we want to be surprised when we finally get around to reading or watching we’d better stop listening right now.

Emphasis Preaching Journal

Frank Ramirez
Mark Ellingsen
Bill Thomas
Bonnie Bates
Genesis 45:3-11, 15
Christal Berns wrote, in a May 23, 2023, article for Christian Learning, about Jacksonville, FL police officer Ike Brown. On May 27, 2002, Brown received heartbreaking news from his colleagues. His sergeant, lieutenant, chief, and chaplain came to his home and told him his son had lost his life in a shooting incident.
Wayne Brouwer
We all believe in justice; we all cry out to have our rights protected. Yet the power of revenge eventually takes us beyond where any of us truly want to go, for two reasons.

First of all, because of sin, we tend to be more zealous in our vindictiveness than we are in our love. I am much quicker to strike out at someone else and seek revenge against him for what he’s done to me, than I am to be that righteous myself.


Carlos Wilton
Some years back, there was a best-selling book that got a lot of attention in the church, one written by a rabbi, Harold Kushner. The book was called When Bad Things Happen to Good People (HarperCollins, 1982). It is an honest attempt to grapple with the problem of evil. Why is it, Rabbi Kushner wants to know, that good and faithful people sometimes have to suffer?

John T. Ball
The honored dead from our fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq have created a problem for Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.C. So many have rightly claimed burial in Arlington National Cemetery that the cemetery is running out of space. Rightful burials may soon have to be denied because there is no place for them.

Mary S. Lautensleger
Sibling rivalry. It's the pits. It has been around as long as there have been siblings around. Beginning with Cain and Abel, we see one brother disgruntled because God likes the other brother's sacrificial offering better. We remember, too, Isaac and Ishmael, Jacob and Esau, Rachel and Leah, the prodigal son and his older brother. Life is not fair.
James T. Garrett
When a person enters into any society or any fellowship, he takes upon himself the obligations to live a certain way, by certain standards. If the person fails to live the kind of life necessary, he hinders the purpose of the society.

Once we make the claim that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true then a claim is put on our lives. In today's Scripture lesson, Jesus sets down behavior patterns for kingdom people.

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