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Second Sunday of Advent

Lectionary Worship Aids
Cycle B, Series IV
First Lesson: Isaiah 40:1-11
Theme: The Word of the Lord stands forever.

Call To Worship
Leader: Praise be to the Lord our God, Creator of Heaven and Earth!
People: The Lord our God is victorious, for no power can stand against God.
Leader: God speaks and the Universe trembles, for the Word of God stands forever.
People: Blessed are God's people, called to serve through the risen Christ.
Leader: Christ, who offers eternal life that all might dwell with God forever.
All: Blessed be the name of the Lord!


Almighty and everlasting God, we are so frail in time and space, yet You love us and desire to give us eternity. Only You, Lord, created the universe, and only You, Lord, are worthy of praise. In Christ we pray. Amen.

Prayer Of Confession

O God, so often we have allowed the teachings and philosophies of the world to convince us eternity is impossible and life must be lived only for the pleasure we can receive in the moment. Forgive us, Lord, for we have failed to hear the Scriptures as they tell us of Your greatness and boldly proclaim through all time how Your Word shall stand forever. In Christ we pray. Amen.


"Rejoice, The Lord Is King"
"Sing Praise To God Who Reigns Above"
"Jesus Shall Reign"

* * * * * * *

Second Lesson: 2 Peter 3:8-15a
Theme: The patience of the Lord is for salvation.

Call To Worship
Leader: Let all who have known the mercy of the Lord come today for worship.
People: We were each lost and the Lord sought us and redeemed us.
Leader: For the Lord is patient and does not turn away when we are lost.
People: Yet we have often been slow to hear the call of Christ in our lives.
Leader: Praise be to God, whose patience and love has led to our salvation.
All: Blessed be the name of the Lord!


God, in Your wonderful and loving way You have chosen to be the Good Shepherd, never giving up on finding us, Your lost sheep. You alone are worthy of our praise and our love, dear Lord. In Christ we pray. Amen.

Prayer Of Confession

O God, too often we have mistaken Your patience in seeking us out for Your acceptance of our sinful ways. Too often we have pushed the limits in life for our own desires and wandered further and further from the blessings You would work through our lives. Forgive us, Lord, and again lead us to become faithful servants in Your kingdom. In Christ we pray. Amen.

Isaiah 40:1-11

"Come, Sinners, To The Gospel Feast"
"God Of Grace And God Of Glory"
"Love Divine, All Loves Excelling"

* * * * * * *

Gospel: Mark 1:1-8
Theme: Christ, our Savior, is coming.

Call To Worship
Leader: Rejoice! The Lord has heard our cries. One is coming who will save us all.
People: Praise be to God! Will this one lead us as a mighty warrior?
Leader: The One to come will redeem us through love and the Holy Spirit.
People: But will this New Kingdom be strong and respected and admired by all?
Leader: The One to come will reign over the hearts of all throughout eternity!
All: Blessed be the name of the Lord!


Almighty God, whose mercy surpasses the bounds the human mind can comprehend, You sent the Christ to call us into Your family even when our vision was too small. We praise You, Lord! In Christ we pray. Amen.

Prayer Of Confession

Lord, so often we have tried to tell You what is best for us and our world instead of seeking Your eternal wisdom and guidance in prayer. Too often we have sought greatness and power by worldly standards and failed to hear Your call to serve even the poor and wounded around us. Forgive us, Lord, and give us the strength and courage to become Your servants anew. In Christ we pray. Amen.


"Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus"
"Savior Of The Nations Come"
"How Great Thou Art"

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John Jamison
Object: A rock about the size of a tennis ball, baseball, or even a softball.

* * *

Hello, everyone! (Let them respond.) Are you ready for our story today? (Let them respond.) Excellent!

The Immediate Word

Dean Feldmeyer
Katy Stenta
Thomas Willadsen
Christopher Keating
George Reed
Mary Austin
For March 30, 2025:


Peter Andrew Smith
Paul reread the parable again and sighed. Why had he agreed to lead the Bible study this week? When Pastor Luke asked him, he had been all excited and enthusiastic. He knew the parable of the prodigal son inside and out having read commentaries and stories about it before. He had actually preached a sermon on the passage when Pastor Luke was away and received great feedback from the congregation.

Emphasis Preaching Journal

Mark Ellingsen
Joshua 5:9-12
Bill Thomas
Frank Ramirez
Mark Ellingsen
Joshua 9:5-12


Bonnie Bates
It is a well-known cliché that “God never gives us more than we can handle”, but I have sometimes found that not to be so. When my youngest brother died of brain cancer at age five, it was more than I could handle. When my first husband was emotionally and physically abusive, it was more than I could handle. When my second husband and I lost our twin sons at birth, it was more than I could handle. The COVID pandemic was more than we could handle. Wars and violence are often more than we can handle. Homelessness, poverty, grief, and loss are often more than we can handle.
John N. Brittain
I suppose we are all a little bit nervous about the prospect of a sermon on a Bible story as familiar and sometimes as overworked as the Parable of the Prodigal Son. "What can I possibly say that hasn't been said before?" And I know what's going through your minds: "Are we going to be subjected to the same old sermon yet another time?" Confronting a familiar Bible passage like this mid-Lent really serves to address the discipline of reading Scripture as part of our devotional life, particularly passages that are very familiar.
Charles D. Reeb
A. A. Milne, the creator of Winnie the Pooh, wrote a simple, yet telling poem in his work, Now We Are Six:

When I was One, I had just begun.
When I was Two, I was nearly new.
When I was Three, I was hardly Me.
When I was Four, I was not much more.
When I was Five, I was just alive.
But now I am Six, I'm as clever as ever.
So I think I'll be six now for ever and ever.1

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott
Call to worship:

While the Prodigal Son was still far off, his father saw him, ran to him, put his arms around him and kissed him. In our worship today, let us turn to God so that he may run to us, put his arms around and kiss us.

Invitation to confession:

Jesus, for the times when we run away from you,

Lord, have mercy.

Jesus, for the times when we have wasted our inheritance on dissolute living,

Christ, have mercy.

Jesus, when we return to you,

Lord, have mercy.

Special Occasion

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