Wanted: Best Friend
Children's sermon
As Jesus calls his disciples it seems like he has a criterion for the people with which he wants to surround himself. It may not always be obvious in the Biblical account, but Jesus is careful to choose people who are really committed to his message. With their help, Jesus will be able to do more and spread the word about God farther.
We get the chance to choose who we surround ourselves with, too. Our friends can affect how well we do in school, the choices we make, and the things we avoid. This lesson will help kids start to think about the kinds of people they choose to make their friends.
In this lesson, model how to think through what one wants in a friend by filling out a “Wanted: Best Friend” poster. There is a great one for free on Teachers Pay Teachers but a web search will give you a few options. Fill out the poster either for yourself, or as Jesus, or as a popular kid shows character.
Say something like:
Have any of you ever seen a want ad? For example if someone wants to buy a car they might pay for an ad in a newspaper or online telling people what they are looking for. It might say something like “used truck” or “low miles” or “goes super-fast.” The ad helps people who are selling know if the buyer would like their car.
Well I have a want ad here I want to show you. This one is for a best friend. Do any of you have a best friend or maybe a couple best friends? Those close friends are important to us because they help us when life is hard and they celebrate with us when things are great.
It takes a very special person to be a best friend and for me (or the person you filled the poster out for) I want someone who...(go through the poster and point out some of the things you look for in a friend).
So... what do you think? Do you think I will find someone like this from my poster? Well the good news is I have! I have great friends. Our story from the Bible today talks about Jesus’ friends and what Jesus looked for in a friend.
As Jesus started teaching he looked for people who really wanted to know God and learn about loving other people. Jesus chose some friends others thought wouldn’t make good friends but Jesus saw that they were.
Let’s say a prayer together for our friends, the ones we have now and the ones we will make when we are older.
God, Thank you for sending friends to us who we love. Help them feel happy this week. If there are other people who need a friend, help us to be good friends for them too. Amen.
We get the chance to choose who we surround ourselves with, too. Our friends can affect how well we do in school, the choices we make, and the things we avoid. This lesson will help kids start to think about the kinds of people they choose to make their friends.
In this lesson, model how to think through what one wants in a friend by filling out a “Wanted: Best Friend” poster. There is a great one for free on Teachers Pay Teachers but a web search will give you a few options. Fill out the poster either for yourself, or as Jesus, or as a popular kid shows character.
Say something like:
Have any of you ever seen a want ad? For example if someone wants to buy a car they might pay for an ad in a newspaper or online telling people what they are looking for. It might say something like “used truck” or “low miles” or “goes super-fast.” The ad helps people who are selling know if the buyer would like their car.
Well I have a want ad here I want to show you. This one is for a best friend. Do any of you have a best friend or maybe a couple best friends? Those close friends are important to us because they help us when life is hard and they celebrate with us when things are great.
It takes a very special person to be a best friend and for me (or the person you filled the poster out for) I want someone who...(go through the poster and point out some of the things you look for in a friend).
So... what do you think? Do you think I will find someone like this from my poster? Well the good news is I have! I have great friends. Our story from the Bible today talks about Jesus’ friends and what Jesus looked for in a friend.
As Jesus started teaching he looked for people who really wanted to know God and learn about loving other people. Jesus chose some friends others thought wouldn’t make good friends but Jesus saw that they were.
Let’s say a prayer together for our friends, the ones we have now and the ones we will make when we are older.
God, Thank you for sending friends to us who we love. Help them feel happy this week. If there are other people who need a friend, help us to be good friends for them too. Amen.