80 Biblically Based Children's Sermons
An acorn which has begun to sprout and a plain-looking rock which has been split in two to reveal a bright red interior. (A geode would also be very useful for this sermon.)
"I have a word I would like to ask you to think about this morning. It may be a new word for many of you. It's 'Epiphany.' Can you all say 'Epiphany'?"
Dutifully the children respond in chorus, "Epiphany!"
"That's very good. Now, does anyone know what it means?"
The children look thoughtful. Then two boys' hands shoot up almost simultaneously. I nod to the first, who says, "I think it has something to do with love." And so it does.
"That's true, Tommy," I answer. I nod then to the second boy whose hand is still aloft.