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Don R. Yocom

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Noah's Ark -- Don R. Yocom -- 2004
Remember: Noah's Ark was built by amateurs,The Titanic was built by professionals.
Strangers? -- Don R. Yocom -- 2004
A young married woman had been quarreling with her mother-in-law, to the extent that the elderly one
Wisdom -- Don R. Yocom -- 2004
On President Calvin Coolidge's desk these words were displayed:
Being Gracious -- Don R. Yocom -- 2004
One time, John Wesley, who started the Methodist Church, was calling in the home of a wealthy Englis
Kindness -- Dale Carnagie -- Don R. Yocom -- 2004
Dale Carnagie once said, "I shall pass this way but once: any good, therefore, that I can do, or any
The Miracle Worker -- Don R. Yocom -- 2004
Did you ever see the motion picture The Miracle Worker?
The Way -- Don R. Yocom -- 2004
A little boy, while walking down the street, met a stranger who asked him, "Can you tell me the way
A True Substitute -- Don R. Yocom -- 2004
There was once a trombone player who became too ill to march in a parade.
.A Kentucky Story (in fun, of course) -- Don R. Yocom -- 2004
A visitor in a sixth grade classroom listened to the children answer questions from their teacher.
Teamwork -- Don R. Yocom -- 2004
Some years ago the Council of Bishops of the United Methodist Church met in Columbus, Ohio.
With God At Antarctica -- Don R. Yocom -- 2004
When the famous explorer Shackleton reported on his explorations in Antarctica he said, "When I look
Being Like A Persimmon -- Don R. Yocom -- 2004
In the autumn time, a persimmon tree, loaded with its golden purple fruit, is a sight to behold.
Afraid In A Thunderstorm -- Don R. Yocom -- 2004
There was a mother who, thinking her little girl would be frightened during a thunderstorm, went int
The People Had A Mind To Work -- Don R. Yocom -- 2004
When the fires were finally extinguished, near Washington, D.C., at the Pentagon Building, which had
The Woman's Purse -- Don R. Yocom -- 2004
A woman left her purse in a big city church, so the next day the pastor brought it to her at her own
Eternity -- Don R. Yocom -- 2004
So live that when thy summons comes to joinThe innumerable caravan that moves
Not Couch Potatoes -- Don R. Yocom -- 2004
Recently, people who watch television most of the time have been called "Couch Potatoes." Have you h
Bad Chemistry -- Don R. Yocom -- 2004
Here's to the memory of Willie.Willie is no more:
W.W.J.D. -- Don R. Yocom -- 2004
Have you seen the initials W.W.J.D.
Bringing Out The Best -- Don R. Yocom -- 2004
A wealthy businessman had acquired a Cremona violin, reportedly one of the best violins ever made.
Kindness -- Emily Dickinson -- Don R. Yocom -- 2004
Emily Dickinson wrote, "If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain: if I can ea
The Prince Of Peace -- Don R. Yocom -- 2004
Arthur Brisbane, a famous newspaper editor in the days of World War I, wrote philosophically on worl
Those New Cars! -- Don R. Yocom -- 2004
The Governor of Michigan was invited as a guest of honor to an automobile factory.
Father's Day And The Trinity -- Don R. Yocom -- 2004
The Trinity: three in one,John was a man's son.
On Playing Hookey -- Don R. Yocom -- 2004
A little boy was crying, and someone asked him what was the matter.
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Emphasis Preaching Journal

Mark Ellingsen
Isaiah 62:1-5
Bill Thomas
Frank Ramirez
Mark Ellingsen
Bonnie Bates
Isaiah 62:1-5
The proclamation of Isaiah reminds the people of Israel that they are not forsaken. They are, in fact, blessed by God. God celebrates them, vindicates them, renews and restores them. What joy there must be in this prophecy. Can you imagine being seen as forsaken and abandoned for centuries and knowing yet, that God is going to free you, vindicate you, bless you, and proclaim to the world that you are God’s beloved?


John E. Sumwalt
Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds. Your righteousness is like the mountains of God; your judgments are like the great deep; man and beast you save, O Lord. (vv. 5-6)

It happened twenty years ago a few days after the death of Eli, our beloved West Highland Terrier. We were missing him fiercely as we were putting away dog toys and discovering hidden chewy bones. My wife, Jo, remembers:

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott
Call to Worship:

At the wedding at Cana in Galilee, Jesus provided best quality wine for all the guests. We are his guests at his table today and he provides best quality wine for us. In our worship today let us enjoy all that Jesus provides for us.

Invitation to Confession:

Jesus, sometimes we reject your wine.
Lord, have mercy.

Jesus, sometimes we fail to appreciate the quality of all that you give us.
Christ, have mercy.


James Evans
If we wanted to give a name to this psalm, we might call it "A Song of Exuberant Praise." The psalmist is unrestrained in voicing his praise to God. And the list of things for which God is praised is impressively exhaustive. Within the scope of five short verses, God is praised for steadfastness, faithfulness, righteousness, judgment, and salvation. These divine qualities affect not only human existence but also extend to the heavens, clouds, mountains, the great deep, and even animals.

Carlos Wilton
Theme For The Day
With Jesus, wonders never cease.

Old Testament Lesson
Isaiah 62:1-5
So Shall Your God Rejoice Over You
Tom M. Garrison
It had been a standard practice, in years past, that the most popular month for weddings was June. The idea of someone being a June bride was without doubt not just normal, but expected. As our society has moved in so many directions, it has become the case that June no longer holds the fascination as it once did. We do know that weddings are always the source of much anticipation and, at times, problems.

Harry N. Huxhold
David Donald's biography of Abraham Lincoln is a special effort to help us feel along with Mr. Lincoln the thoughts of his heart and mind as he aspired to the presidency. Mr. Lincoln had an earnest desire to be of special service to the nation he knew was in deep trouble. One senses the compassion he had for all the people. He also recognized that the people could survive only as one nation. No one knew better than he that not everyone would agree with his purpose and will in leading the people.
Steven E. Albertin
The miracle that Jesus performed at the wedding at Cana in today's Gospel is recalled in the prayer that begins the Rite of Marriage in the Lutheran Book of Worship:

Eternal God, our creator and redeemer, as you gladdened the wedding at Cana in Galilee by the presence of your Son, so by his presence now bring your joy to this wedding. Look in favor upon __________ and __________ and grant that they, rejoicing in all your gifts, may at length celebrate with Christ the marriage feast which has no end. Amen.

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