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John Steward

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Proper 14 -- Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16 -- John Steward -- Proper 14 | Ordinary Time 19 - C
My good friend and former professor Dr.
Proper 15 -- Hebrews 11:29--12:2 -- John Steward -- Proper 15 | Ordinary Time 20 - C
In Plato's Symposium there is an allegory that imagines the beginning of human beings.
Advent 1 -- 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 -- John Steward -- First Sunday of Advent - C
What is love?
Proper 16 -- Hebrews 12:18-29 -- John Steward -- Proper 16 | Ordinary Time 21 - C
During World War II the Red Cross would provide blood for wounded soldiers.
Advent 2 -- Luke 3:1-6 -- John Steward -- Second Sunday of Advent - C
While Khrushchev was Premier of the Soviet Union, he came out against his predecessor Joseph Stalin
Proper 17 -- Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 -- John Steward -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C
One summer a farmer named Worthy Taylor hired a young man by the name of Jim to work the farm.
Advent 3 -- Luke 3:7-18 -- John Steward -- Third Sunday of Advent - C
When the Gettysburg Cemetery was being dedicated, those doing the planning wanted to have a speaker
Proper 18 -- Luke 14:25-33 -- John Steward -- Proper 18 | Ordinary Time 23 - C
A man was once put in a dark cave.
All Saints' Day -- Ephesians 1:11-23 -- John Steward -- All Saints Day - C
Proper 19 -- Luke 15:1-10 -- John Steward -- Proper 19 | Ordinary Time 24 - C
From time to time I have, as most pastors do, a conversation with someone about his or her relations
Ascension Sunday -- Luke 24:44-53 -- John Steward -- Ascension of the Lord - C
This is a story about two young men I once encountered.
Proper 20 -- 1 Timothy 2:1-7 -- John Steward -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C
One Sunday morning on a subway car in New York City people were traveling in relative peace and calm
Baptism Of The Lord -- Acts 8:14-17 -- John Steward -- The Baptism of our Lord | Epiphany 1 | Ordinary Time 1 - C
Many years ago the founder and president of the National Cash Register Company of Dayton, Ohio, used
Easter -- 1 Corinthians 15:19-26 -- John Steward -- Easter Day - C
There was a little boy who would always come home late from school.
Proper 21 -- 1 Timothy 6:6-19 -- John Steward -- Proper 21 | Ordinary Time 26 - C
We are often afraid to speak of money in the church.
Easter 2 -- John 20:19-31 -- John Steward -- Second Sunday of Easter - C
A young couple fell in love in a very unique way.
Proper 22 -- 2 Timothy 1:1-14 -- John Steward -- Proper 22 | Ordinary Time 27 - C
A pastor was preaching one of his first sermons in the new church to which he had been called.
Advent 4 -- Luke 1:39-45 (46-55) -- John Steward -- Fourth Sunday of Advent - C
My friend, Pastor Ray Christenson in Las Vegas, once told about a pastor who would regularly visit a
Luke 17:11-19 -- John Steward -- Proper 23 | Ordinary Time 28 - C
I have noticed that at Thanksgiving time it is difficult for people to give God thanks and praise.
Easter 3 -- John 21:1-19 -- John Steward -- Third Sunday of Easter - C
Since many of the followers of Jesus were fishermen, it made sense for Jesus to use fishing as an ex
Proper 24 -- 2 Timothy 3:14--4:5 -- John Steward -- Proper 24 | Ordinary Time 29 - C
In 1899 four Denver journalists encountered one another in the Denver railway station.
Easter 4 -- Revelation 7:9-17 -- John Steward -- Fourth Sunday of Easter - C
Violet Asquith was once sitting next to Winston Churchill at a dinner party.
Proper 25 -- 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18 -- John Steward -- Proper 25 | Ordinary Time 30 - C
Norman Cousins wrote a book several years ago titled Head First: the Biology of Hope.
Easter 5 -- John 13:31-35 -- John Steward -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C
There is a special hospital in London for those whom other hospitals consider a lost cause.
Proper 27 -- 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17 -- John Steward -- Proper 27 | Ordinary Time 32 - C
One day late in the afternoon a missionary in Africa had a surprise visit.
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Proper 23 | OT 28 | Pentecost 21
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180+ – Illustrations / Stories
29 – Children's Sermons / Resources
22 – Worship Resources
29 – Commentary / Exegesis
2 – Pastor's Devotions
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Proper 24 | OT 29 | Pentecost 22
31 – Sermons
180+ – Illustrations / Stories
34 – Children's Sermons / Resources
22 – Worship Resources
30 – Commentary / Exegesis
2 – Pastor's Devotions
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Proper 25 | OT 30 | Pentecost 23
32 – Sermons
180+ – Illustrations / Stories
33 – Children's Sermons / Resources
21 – Worship Resources
30 – Commentary / Exegesis
2 – Pastor's Devotions
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John Jamison
Object: A football, a hand-held microphone, a camera, a stack of play money bills. These are the objects I used, but you can use any objects that might symbolize “success”.

* * *

Hello, everyone! (Let them respond.) Are you ready for our story today? (Let them respond.) Great!

The Immediate Word

Christopher Keating
Thomas Willadsen
Katy Stenta
Mary Austin
Dean Feldmeyer
For October 20, 2024:


John E. Sumwalt
Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. (v. 4)

The outhouse on the farm where I grew up was beside the ash pile, at the end of a well-worn path, under a boxelder tree about fifty yards from the back door of the house. It was a two-seater – cold in winter, smelly and hot in summer. There was always a Sears and Roebuck catalogue on the floor in the corner, which served as both reading and wiping material.

Emphasis Preaching Journal

Bill Thomas
Mark Ellingsen
Bonnie Bates
Frank Ramirez
Job 38:1-7 (34-41)
Most people assume God’s answer to Job, showing him the depth and breadth of the universe is meant to cow Job’s resistance, leading him, now broken, to repent, abjectly saying “...therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes (42:6).”
Mark Ellingsen
All the lessons testify to the theme that it’s not at all about you and me; it’s all about God!

Job 38:1-7 (34-41)

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott
Call to Worship:

Jesus said, "What is it you want me to do for you?" In our worship, let us explore what we want Jesus to do for us today.

Invitation to Confession:

Jesus, we are sometimes selfish in our requests to you.
Lord, have mercy.

Jesus, we are sometimes unreasonable in our requests to you.
Christ, have mercy.

Jesus, help us to make you the centre of our world.
Lord, have mercy.


David E. Leininger
The story of Job is familiar to all of us -- a man whose world was spinning merrily along with everything falling into place is suddenly confronted with one misery after another ... disaster, death, disease, and despair. In some of the most moving poetry ever written, chapter after chapter attempts to deal with the age-old question of why, so often, life is unfair.

Schuyler Rhodes
The voice of praise rings beautifully through this psalm as each verse gives poetic color to the glories of creation and its maker. It is something to be read and re-read as we contemplate the wonders of God.
Steven Molin
There is a candy shop in the city of Keystone, South Dakota, just a few hundred yards down the mountain from that infamous Mount Rushmore monument. I can't tell you the name of that candy store, but I can certainly recall the sign on the counter that stands at just about eyeball-level for the average seven-year-old. The sign says this: "If Mom says, 'No,' ask Grandma!"

Harold C. Warlick, Jr.
An elementary principle in the business world is the law of supply and demand. When supplies outrace the demand for a product, prices are low. We call that a "buyer's market." On the other hand, when there are more buyers demanding a product than there are supplies of the product, prices are high. We call that situation a "seller's market."

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