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Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C

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Children's Activity


Sons of Abraham -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Leah Thompson -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2010
No more hiding -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2007
Being short -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C
Teachers or Parents: Act out the story of the little man
Welcoming people into our homes and hearts -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C
Materials:Large piece of paper to put on the wall

Gospel Grams 2

Children's Bulletin -- Ages 8-10 -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C

Gospel Grams 1

Children's Bulletin -- Ages 5-7 -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C


Emphasis Preaching Journal

God Will Make Things Better -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Luke 19:1-10, Psalm 119:137-144 -- Mark Ellingsen -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2022
Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4
Glimpsing Glory -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Luke 19:1-10 -- Wayne Brouwer -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2019
William Beebe, the naturalist, used to visit fellow nature-lover Theodore Roosevelt.
Faith in the meantime -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Luke 19:1-10 -- David Coffin -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2016
Paul Tillich suggests that human anxiety results when the imagined world we desire and the real worl
Under pressure -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Luke 19:1-10 -- Wayne Brouwer -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2013
One of the British band Queen's greatest hits is a testimony of modern life.
Happy hallow… -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Luke 19:1-10, Psalm 119:137-144 -- Wayne Brouwer, Schuyler Rhodes -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2010
Is today Halloween or Reformation Day?
Encouragement -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Luke 19:1-10, Psalm 119:137-144 -- Wayne Brouwer -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2007
Alan Loy McGinnis told of a woman who was honored by her company for outstanding
Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Luke 19:1-10 -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 1995
*Editor's note: Charting The Course for Sunday, November 5, 1995, highlights the lectionary texts fo

Children's bulletin

Gospel Grams 2

Children's Bulletin -- Ages 8-10 -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C

Gospel Grams 1

Children's Bulletin -- Ages 5-7 -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C

Children's Liturgy and Story

The Village Shepherd

David And Jonathan, Best Friends -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C
Call to Worship:

Children's sermon


Short and Tall! -- Luke 19:1-10 -- John Jamison -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2022
Object: A chair, or for the most fun, a stepladder.
Jesus Finds Shorty -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Arley K. Fadness -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2019
“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” (v. 10)
The Climb -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Mary Kay Eichelman -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2016
How many of you have ever climbed a tree?
Jesus Picks the Bully -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Anna Shirey -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2013
First Thoughts
Outgrown -- 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 -- Leah Thompson -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2010
"We must always give thanks to God for you, brothers and sisters, as is right, because your faith
Sons of Abraham -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Leah Thompson -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2010
"Then Jesus said to him, 'Today salvation has come to this house, because he too is a son of Abra
Working together -- 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2007
We must always give thanks to God for you, brothers and sisters, as is right,
No more hiding -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2007
When Jesus came to the place [the sycamore tree], he looked up and said to
Giving thanks for faith -- 2 Thessalonians 1:1-5, 11-12 -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C
Good morning! This Thursday we celebrate Thanksgiving. That
Being short -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C
Have you ever been to an amusement park that said you had to
How big is your faith? -- 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C
Welcoming people into our homes and hearts -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C

The Immediate Word

I Feel Your Pain -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Luke 19:1-10, Psalm 119:137-144 -- Thomas Willadsen, Bethany Peerbolte, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed, Dean Feldmeyer -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2019
For November 3, 2019:
All Along The Watchtower -- Luke 19:1-10, Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, Psalm 119:137-144 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Beth Herrinton-Hodge, Mary Austin, Ron Love, George Reed, Christopher Keating -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2016
In this week’s lectionary passage, the prophet Habakkuk pleads: “O Lord, how long shall I cry for he
As Good As It Gets -- Luke 6:20-31, Luke 19:1-10, Ephesians 1:11-23, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, Leah Lonsbury -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2013
Many congregations will celebrate the first Sunday in November as All Saints Sunday, using those
Who Gets To Be Mad? -- Luke 19:1-10, Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, Psalm 119:137-144 -- Mary Austin, Ron Love, George Reed -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2010
As if there weren't already enough reason to be outraged at the havoc the bad economy has wreaked on
Illustrations For November 4, 2007 From The Immediate Word -- Luke 19:1-10, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, Psalm 65 -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2007
In Madeleine L'Engle's book, Camilla, Camila becomes upset about her mother's attempt at suic
The Illusion Of Human Power -- Luke 19:1-10, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, Psalm 65 -- Stephen P. McCutchan, Barbara Jurgensen, Thom M. Shuman -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2007
The mystery of the randomness of nature... we have seen so much devastating weather lately.
Of What Can We Be Certain? -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 -- Carter Shelley -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C
Dear Fellow Preachers,

Children's Story

The Village Shepherd

Philip's Ears -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C
Philip first realised there was something odd about himself when he was quite young.



Proper 26 / Pentecost 24 / Ordinary Time 31 -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 -- Stephen P. McCutchan -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2009
I will stand at my watchpost, and station myself on the rampart....
Proper 26 / Pentecost 24 / Ordinary Time 31 -- Psalm 119:137-144 -- Stephen P. McCutchan -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2009
Your decrees are righteous forever; give me understanding that I may live.
Proper 26 / Pentecost 24 / Ordinary Time 31 -- 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 -- Stephen P. McCutchan -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2009
Proper 26 / Pentecost 24 / Ordinary Time 31 -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Stephen P. McCutchan -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2009
Zacchaeus, hurry and come down; for I must stay at your house today.-- Luke 19:5b



Mr. Roberts Meets The Master -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Robert F. Crowley -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 1997
ThemeDo whatever it takes to get close to Jesus.Summary


Emphasis Preaching Journal

Sermon Illustrations for Proper 26 | OT 31 (2022) -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Luke 19:1-10 -- Mark Ellingsen, Bill Thomas, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2022
Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4
Sermon Illustrations for Proper 26 | OT 31 (2019) -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Luke 19:1-10 -- Mark Ellingsen, Bob Ove, Bonnie Bates, Ron Love, Bill Thomas, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2019
Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4
Sermon Illustrations for Proper 26 | OT 31 (2016) -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Luke 19:1-10 -- Mark Ellingsen, Bob Ove, Bonnie Bates, Ron Love, Bill Thomas, R. Robert Cueni, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2016
Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4
Sermon Illustrations for Proper 26 | OT 31 (2013) -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Luke 19:1-10 -- Mark Ellingsen, Bob Ove, Mark J. Molldrem, Ron Love -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2013
Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4
An oracle... -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 -- Mark J. Molldrem -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2013
An oracle (NRSV, NIV) is a pronouncement (tanakh) that the prophet Habakkuk "saw" (NRSV).
That's a hard passage... -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 -- Bob Ove -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2013
That's a hard passage to take, though it is a very common one and can make some realize that they ar
In Iran today... -- 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 -- Ron Love -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2013
In Iran today, which is returning to a theocratic nation, strict Islamic law is being imposed.
Americans like to think... -- 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 -- Mark Ellingsen -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2013
Americans like to think of themselves as self-made men and women.
How determined are we... -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Bob Ove -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2013
How determined are we to see our Lord? Is it worth the pain of being faithful to our church?
Zacchaeus is a common... -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Mark J. Molldrem -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2013
Zacchaeus is a common Jewish name. It means innocent, clean.
NULL -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Luke 19:1-10 -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2010
Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4
NULL -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 -- Leah Thompson -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2010
A poor mother in early twentieth-century India sends her child to a British boarding school.
NULL -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 -- Ron Love -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2010
Nine years.
NULL -- 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 -- Tim Smith -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2010
It was one of those moments when we ask ourselves "What am I doing here?" Pam was clearly out of her
NULL -- 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 -- Craig Kelly -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2010
Samuel Taylor Coleridge was perhaps one of the most brilliant literary minds of the nineteenth centu
NULL -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Ron Love -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2010
Levi Johnson is quite a character, which is to say he has no character.
NULL -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Leah Thompson -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2010
"Zacchaeus was a wee little man, and a wee little man was he!" Many Sunday school students know the
In the Bible, God offers... -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2007
In the Bible, God offers us answers about life. God also leads us to answers in life. The
Though he was a prophet... -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2007
Though he was a prophet, Habakkuk had difficulty understanding God's ways. Like many
Habakkuk calls out for justice... -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2007
Habakkuk calls out for justice asking God why he is silent. Justice is symbolized on


No Sweetness in Pain -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, Psalm 32:1-7 -- John E. Sumwalt, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2022
Contents “No Sweetness in Pain” by John Sumwalt

The Immediate Word

I Feel Your Pain -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Luke 19:1-10, Psalm 119:137-144 -- Thomas Willadsen, Bethany Peerbolte, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed, Dean Feldmeyer -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2019
For November 3, 2019:
All Along The Watchtower -- Luke 19:1-10, Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, Psalm 119:137-144 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Beth Herrinton-Hodge, Mary Austin, Ron Love, George Reed, Christopher Keating -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2016
In this week’s lectionary passage, the prophet Habakkuk pleads: “O Lord, how long shall I cry for he
As Good As It Gets -- Luke 6:20-31, Luke 19:1-10, Ephesians 1:11-23, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, Leah Lonsbury -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2013
Many congregations will celebrate the first Sunday in November as All Saints Sunday, using those
Who Gets To Be Mad? -- Luke 19:1-10, Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, Psalm 119:137-144 -- Mary Austin, Ron Love, George Reed -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2010
As if there weren't already enough reason to be outraged at the havoc the bad economy has wreaked on


The Village Shepherd

All-Seeing And All-Knowing God -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:



Grace that begets grace -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Dennis Koch -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 1994
Gospel Theme: Grace that begets grace Gospel Note:
PROPER 26 -- Haggai 2:1-9, Psalm 65:1-8, Luke 19:1-10 -- B. David Hostetter -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 1985


The Immediate Word

I Feel Your Pain -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Luke 19:1-10, Psalm 119:137-144 -- Thomas Willadsen, Bethany Peerbolte, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed, Dean Feldmeyer -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2019
For November 3, 2019:
All Along The Watchtower -- Luke 19:1-10, Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, Psalm 119:137-144 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Beth Herrinton-Hodge, Mary Austin, Ron Love, George Reed, Christopher Keating -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2016
In this week’s lectionary passage, the prophet Habakkuk pleads: “O Lord, how long shall I cry for he
As Good As It Gets -- Luke 6:20-31, Luke 19:1-10, Ephesians 1:11-23, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, Leah Lonsbury -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2013
Many congregations will celebrate the first Sunday in November as All Saints Sunday, using those
Who Gets To Be Mad? -- Luke 19:1-10, Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, Psalm 119:137-144 -- Mary Austin, Ron Love, George Reed -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2010
As if there weren't already enough reason to be outraged at the havoc the bad economy has wreaked on
Illustrations For November 4, 2007 From The Immediate Word -- Luke 19:1-10, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, Psalm 65 -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2007
In Madeleine L'Engle's book, Camilla, Camila becomes upset about her mother's attempt at suic
The Illusion Of Human Power -- Luke 19:1-10, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, Psalm 65 -- Stephen P. McCutchan, Barbara Jurgensen, Thom M. Shuman -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2007
The mystery of the randomness of nature... we have seen so much devastating weather lately.
Of What Can We Be Certain? -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 -- Carter Shelley -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C
Dear Fellow Preachers,


Proper 26/Pentecost 24/Ordinary Time 31 -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Luke 19:1-10 -- Carlos Wilton -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2006
Theme For The Day
Proper 26/Pentecost 24/Ordinary Time 31 -- Psalm 119:137-144 -- James Evans, Stan Purdum, Carlos Wilton -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2006
The psalmist exuberantly expresses his sense of joy and love for God's Law.
Proper 26 -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Luke 19:1-10 -- Jerry L. Schmalenberger -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2003
Seasonal ThemeJesus' acts of compassion and teaching ministry.
Proper 26 -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Luke 19:1-10 -- E. Carver Mcgriff -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2000
COMMENTARY ON THE LESSONSLesson 1: Habakkak 1:1-4; 2:1-4 (C)
Proper 26 -- Haggai 2:1-9, Luke 19:1-10 -- George M. Bass -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 1991
The Church Year Theological Clue
Proper 26 -- Haggai 2:1-9, Luke 19:1-10 -- George M. Bass -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 1991
The Church Year Theological Clue
Proper 26 -- Haggai 2:1-9, Luke 19:1-10 -- Perry H. Biddle, Jr. -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 1988
Comments on the Lessons
Proper 26 -- Haggai 2:1-9, Exodus 34:5-9, Wisdom 11:22-12:1, Luke 19:1-10 -- John R. Brokhoff -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 1985
The LessonsHaggai 2:1-9 (C)


The Immediate Word

I Feel Your Pain -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Luke 19:1-10, Psalm 119:137-144 -- Thomas Willadsen, Bethany Peerbolte, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed, Dean Feldmeyer -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2019
For November 3, 2019:
All Along The Watchtower -- Luke 19:1-10, Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, Psalm 119:137-144 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Beth Herrinton-Hodge, Mary Austin, Ron Love, George Reed, Christopher Keating -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2016
In this week’s lectionary passage, the prophet Habakkuk pleads: “O Lord, how long shall I cry for he
As Good As It Gets -- Luke 6:20-31, Luke 19:1-10, Ephesians 1:11-23, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, Leah Lonsbury -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2013
Many congregations will celebrate the first Sunday in November as All Saints Sunday, using those
Who Gets To Be Mad? -- Luke 19:1-10, Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, Psalm 119:137-144 -- Mary Austin, Ron Love, George Reed -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2010
As if there weren't already enough reason to be outraged at the havoc the bad economy has wreaked on
Illustrations For November 4, 2007 From The Immediate Word -- Luke 19:1-10, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, Psalm 65 -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2007
In Madeleine L'Engle's book, Camilla, Camila becomes upset about her mother's attempt at suic
The Illusion Of Human Power -- Luke 19:1-10, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, Psalm 65 -- Stephen P. McCutchan, Barbara Jurgensen, Thom M. Shuman -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2007
The mystery of the randomness of nature... we have seen so much devastating weather lately.
Of What Can We Be Certain? -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 -- Carter Shelley -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C
Dear Fellow Preachers,


Help From Habakkuk? -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 -- R. Kevin Mohr -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2009
It can be really depressing to listen to the news anymore.
Worthy Of Your Call -- 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 -- Scott Suskovic -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2009
... we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his call....
Just Deal With It -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Scott A. Bryte -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2009
He entered Jericho and was passing through it.
A Tax Collector Becomes Rich -- Luke 19:1-10 -- John W. Clarke -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2006
This chapter of Luke brings us ever closer to the end of Jesus' public ministry.
Boasting And Praying For You -- 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 -- Donna E. Schaper -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2006
Recently, I was asked to give a prayer at the area chamber of commerce meeting, with these instructi
Living The Vision -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 -- John W. Clarke -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2006
In most congregational settings, the name Habakkuk does not bring people to their feet.
God Knows What God Is Doing -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 -- Richard E. Gribble, CSC -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2003
There is an apocryphal story told that after completing his masterpiece, the Mona Lisa, the famous I
The Process Of Love -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Stephen M. Crotts -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2003
In William Shakespeare's play, A Midsummer Night's Dream, the actors roam the stage looking for a sc
Praying For People -- 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 -- Gary L. Carver -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2003
Ulysses S.
Life's Not Always Fair: But God Will Straighten It Out! -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 -- Mark Ellingson -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2000
Those of us who are old enough and socially concerned enough recall the 1960s with fondness.
Sorry Enough To Quit -- Luke 19:1-10 -- John E. Berger -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2000
Zacchaeus has been a favorite Bible character. His short height seemed cute.
True Friends -- 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 -- Robert R. Kopp -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2000
Twice a year for many years, Eric Felack and I have played a grudge golf match against my father and
A Word About the Right Time -- Haggai 2:1-9 -- Paul W. F. Harms -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 1985
It's good to see that God gets what he wants, once in a while.

Free Access

God Knows What God Is Doing -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 -- Richard E. Gribble, CSC -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2003
There is an apocryphal story told that after completing his masterpiece, the Mona Lisa, the famous I

The Village Shepherd

Meeting With Jesus Requires Me To Be Real -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C
I met a young man recently who'd been thrown out of the local church youth club for constantly bei
Harsh Words -- 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C
I watched my very first horror film at the age of sixteen.
Even Though You Make Many Prayers, I Will Not Listen. . . -- Isaiah 1:10-18 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C
There is a lot of angst in the Anglican Church at the moment.



No Sweetness in Pain -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, Psalm 32:1-7 -- John E. Sumwalt, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2022
Contents “No Sweetness in Pain” by John Sumwalt
Squabbling About Shorty -- Luke 19:1-10, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 -- David O. Bales -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2019
Contents “Squabbling About Shorty” by David O. Bales
Growing Pains -- Luke 19:1-10, Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Psalm 119:137-144 -- Keith Wagner, Peter Andrew Smith -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2016
Contents "Growing Pains" by Keith Wagner
If This Goes On... -- Luke 19:1-10, Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Psalm 119:137-144 -- Keith Hewitt, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2013
Contents"If This Goes On..." by Keith Hewitt
If This Goes On... -- Luke 19:1-10, Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Psalm 119:137-144 -- Keith Hewitt, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2013
Contents"If This Goes On..." by Keith Hewitt
The Worst Days -- Luke 19:1-10, Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Psalm 119:137-144 -- Peter Andrew Smith, Sandra Herrmann -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2010
Contents"The Worst Days" by Peter Andrew Smith
Illustrations And Stories For October 28, 2007 -- Luke 18:9-14, 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18, Joel 2:23-32, Psalm 65 -- C. David Mckirachan, Larry Winebrenner, Steven Dykstra -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2007
Signs, Signs, Signs! -- Luke 19:1-10, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 -- Rick McCracken-Bennett, David E. Leininger -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2007
Contents What's Up This Week
Another Reformed Short Guy -- Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18, Ephesians 1:11-23, Luke 6:20-31, Psalm 149 -- John E. Sumwalt And Jo Perry-sumwalt -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C
Contents What's Up This Week


Dinner With Jesus -- Luke 19:1-10 -- David E. Leininger -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2009
I used to wish I were tall. All the other children were bigger. They were stronger ... faster.
Better Not Get Gekko -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Gregory L. Tolle -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2006
Zacchaeus stood there and said to the Lord, "Look, half of my possessions, Lord, I will give to t
Deus Absconditus -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 -- Timothy F. Merrill -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2003
Sometimes, you just don't know where God is, or if you do, what he's up to.
A Narrow Escape -- Isaiah 12 -- John E. Sumwalt, Jo Perry-Sumwalt -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2003
I was savoring one of those rare winter weekends when I am able to get away, on my own, to our littl
Zacchaeus -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Constance Berg -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2000
"Zacchaeus was a wee little man, a wee little man was he." So the nursery song goes.
''Who Can Be Saved?'' -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Richard A. Jensen -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 1994
"Zacchaeus was a wee little man, a wee little man was he...." Many people have learned that song in


The Immediate Word

I Feel Your Pain -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Luke 19:1-10, Psalm 119:137-144 -- Thomas Willadsen, Bethany Peerbolte, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed, Dean Feldmeyer -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2019
For November 3, 2019:
All Along The Watchtower -- Luke 19:1-10, Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, Psalm 119:137-144 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Beth Herrinton-Hodge, Mary Austin, Ron Love, George Reed, Christopher Keating -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2016
In this week’s lectionary passage, the prophet Habakkuk pleads: “O Lord, how long shall I cry for he
As Good As It Gets -- Luke 6:20-31, Luke 19:1-10, Ephesians 1:11-23, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, Leah Lonsbury -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2013
Many congregations will celebrate the first Sunday in November as All Saints Sunday, using those
Who Gets To Be Mad? -- Luke 19:1-10, Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, Psalm 119:137-144 -- Mary Austin, Ron Love, George Reed -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2010
As if there weren't already enough reason to be outraged at the havoc the bad economy has wreaked on
Illustrations For November 4, 2007 From The Immediate Word -- Luke 19:1-10, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, Psalm 65 -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2007
In Madeleine L'Engle's book, Camilla, Camila becomes upset about her mother's attempt at suic
The Illusion Of Human Power -- Luke 19:1-10, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, Psalm 65 -- Stephen P. McCutchan, Barbara Jurgensen, Thom M. Shuman -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2007
The mystery of the randomness of nature... we have seen so much devastating weather lately.
Of What Can We Be Certain? -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 -- Carter Shelley -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C
Dear Fellow Preachers,


Proper 26 / Ordinary Time 31 / Pentecost 24 -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Luke 19:1-10, Psalm 119:137-144 -- Julia Ross Strope -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2009
If we love the Lord with all our hearts, minds, and strength,
Proper 26/Ordinary Time 31 -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2006
First Lesson: Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4Theme: In Letters Big Enough To Read
Proper 26/Ordinary Time 31 -- 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2006
Second Lesson: 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12Theme: Real Churches Get Heat
Proper 26/Ordinary Time 31 -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2006
Gospel Lesson: Luke 19:1-10Theme: What's It Worth To Ya?
Proper 26 -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12, Luke 19:1-10 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2003
Theme: Why Doesn't God Intervene Now?Call To Worship
Futility? -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 -- Dallas A. Brauninger -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2000
Call To Worship
Proper 26, Pentecost 24, Ordinary Time 31 -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Wayne H. Keller -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 2000
Liturgical Color: GreenGospel: Luke 19:1-10
Sin, judgment, and faith -- Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 -- James R. Wilson -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 1997
Call To WorshipLeader: Come, let the people of God give praise and worship the Lord!
Proper 26 -- Psalm 65:1-8 -- Hugh H. Drennan -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 1991
Praise is due to you,O God, in Zion;and to you who shall vows be performed,
Proper 24 -- Psalm 119:137-144 -- Hugh H. Drennan -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C -- 1991
You are righteous, O Lord,and your judgments are right.
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John Jamison
Object: A whiteboard, or large piece of paper you can write on.

Note: In the first part of this message, you want to help the children create a list of things people have done for them to help them in some way. The “script” will get you started, but take more time to talk together until you get at least four or five things on the list describing specific things people have done to help them when they needed help. Have fun with the conversation.

* * *

The Immediate Word

Katy Stenta
Mary Austin
Christopher Keating
Dean Feldmeyer
George Reed
Tom Willadsen
For September 22, 2024:

Emphasis Preaching Journal

Wayne Brouwer
Friends in Alberta used to tell of an uncle who married late in life. His bride was a feisty widow who sparkled with energy. The wedding took place on a farm in the old family home.

At the appropriate moment in the ceremony the pastor asked the bride, “Do you promise to love, honor, and obey him?”

She hesitated, face scrunched in thought. “Love and honor — yes,” she finally responded. “Obey — no!”

Both the pastor and the groom were taken aback. What to do now?
Bill Thomas
Bonnie Bates
Mark Ellingsen
Frank Ramirez
Proverbs 31:10-31
In this past I was uncomfortable with this passage because it was used by some to paint a picture of the perfect woman as the submissive housewife whose horizons should be limited to home and hearth, with a heavy dose of obedience thrown in.


John E. Sumwalt
“Who is wise and knowledgeable among you? Show by your good life that your works are done with gentleness born of wisdom.” (v. 13)

Dad called me from the farm in the fall of 1981 with that urgent, somber tone in his voice he always had when he was about to share bad news.

“Frank died,” he said.

“Frank Brown?” I asked, shocked.

“Yep, Virgie called,” he said. “He has been sick for quite a while.”

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott
Perhaps one of the problems of those who are on the fringes of the church, that is those who call themselves Christians, who wish to be associated with the church and who believe in God but who are not deeply committed, is that their prayers are rarely answered.

They may for instance, pray to win the lottery, but it doesn't happen. When something awful happens like a serious illness, naturally they pray for recovery, but it doesn't necessarily happen. Perhaps the loved one dies. They may pray for their children to be


Robert G. Beckstrand
Save me, O God, by your name,
and vindicate me by your might ...
For the insolent have risen against me,
the ruthless seek my life;
they do not set God before them.
But surely, God is my helper;
the Lord is the upholder of my life.
-- Psalm 54:1, 3-4

Theme: Appeal to God, who is just and faithful

1-3 -- Appeal to God: "The ruthless seek my life."
4-7 -- He thanks God, trusting God will defend and avenge him as in the past.

• Lament
James Evans
(See Epiphany 6/Ordinary Time 6, Cycle C, for an alternative approach.)

Psalm 1 has long been considered as a possible prologue to the rest of the psalter. In fact, in several ancient Hebrew manuscripts, this psalm is not numbered as are the others in the collection. The content of the psalm also has something of a "foreword" quality about it. Many of the themes that are developed at length in the rest of the psalms are touched upon in this first one.

Thomas W. Lentz
Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such "wisdom" does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
Stan Purdum
It's a question you've probably not thought much about, but were any parts of the Bible written by women? We count about forty different writers in scripture, and according to the usual assumption, all of them were men. Among the reasons for that conclusion is the fact that the dominant culture of the ancient Middle East was patriarchal. Men were in charge, and women had few rights of their own, not unlike in some of the stricter Muslim countries today. Also, in those times, literacy rates for women were low, because they were not offered formal education.

Lawrence H. Craig
A recent visit to the ophthalmologist became quite an eye-opening experience. Signs and images had been a problem for some time. The thorough exam revealed that the prescription lens, allowing vision at a distance to be improved, needed strengthened. New glasses were ordered. When they arrived I was thrilled. The thrill was short-lived. When I put the glasses on, the clarity of distant vision improved immediately. However, there was a downside. Everything within six feet was a blur. Reading while wearing the new glasses was virtually impossible.

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