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Emphasis Preaching Journal

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Communicating God's Love

Guest column


Emphasis Preaching Journal

Remember those scenes in I... -- John 1:1-14 -- 2001
Remember those scenes in My Fair Lady when Eliza Doolittle labors long and hard to say words
There is a picture by... -- Luke 2:1-14 (15-20) -- 2001
There is a picture by Derick Baegert titled Luke Painting the Virgin and Child, which shows,
My father went only to... -- Matthew 1:18-25 -- 2001
My father went only to the sixth grade.
In the small town where... -- Matthew 24:36-44 -- 2001
In the small town where I grew up, the B & O Railroad was extremely important.
John Leo, in U.S... -- Luke 4:21-30 -- Epiphany 4 | Ordinary Time 4 - C -- 2001
John Leo, in U.S.
The Reverend Primus Prenk Ndreva... -- Luke 4:14-21 -- Epiphany 3 | Ordinary Time 3 - C -- 2001
The Reverend Primus Prenk Ndreva-shay was born in the remote mountainous village of Brashte, Albania
Clifton Fadiman reports in Anecdotes... -- John 2:1-11 -- Epiphany 2 | Ordinary Time 2 - C -- 2001
Clifton Fadiman reports in Anecdotes how Frank Costello, racketeer, amazed people with his ability t
In election years we generally... -- Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 -- 2001
In election years we generally become acutely aware of the benefit of endorsements.
Jhan Moskowitz was raised in... -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2001
Jhan Moskowitz was raised in the Bronx in New York City where he attended Talmud Torah (Hebre
On January 21, 2000, I... -- Matthew 25:31-46 -- New Year's Day - A, New Year's Day - B, New Year's Day - C -- 2001
On January 21, 2000, U.S.
If the essence of all... -- Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 -- Ash Wednesday - C -- 2001
If the essence of all prayer, as Friedrich Heiler in his book Prayer contends, is a genuine f
Athletes prepare for the contest... -- Luke 9:28-36 (37-43a) -- Transfiguration Sunday - C -- 2001
Athletes prepare for the contest ahead with a mental process called imagery.
The play No Exit... -- Luke 6:27-38 -- Epiphany 7 | Ordinary Time 7 - C -- 2001
The play No Exit by Jean-Paul Sartre depicts a caricature of hell.
Paul Harvey tells about an... -- Luke 6:17-26 -- Epiphany 6 | Ordinary Time 6 - C -- 2001
Paul Harvey tells about an old man who wanted a school that upheld democracy and treasured education
It seems miraculous that John... -- Luke 5:1-11 -- Epiphany 5 | Ordinary Time 5 - C -- 2001
It seems miraculous that John P.
It can be difficult, looking... -- Matthew 2:13-23 -- 2001
It can be difficult, looking at undifferentiated material -- like a genealogical list, seeing God's
You have my word that... -- John 1:1-14 -- 2001
"You have my word that I will love you forever!" the young man whispered to his sweetheart as he pla
An old four-panel comic... -- Luke 2:1-14 (15-20) -- 2001
An old four-panel comic strip from cartoonist Tim Downs shows a man on Christmas Eve asking a little
A woman worshiper, rising to... -- Matthew 1:18-25 -- 2001
A woman worshiper, rising to sing the hymn before the sermon, saw a woman weeping in the row across
Someone in a religious cult... -- Matthew 24:36-44 -- 2001
Someone in a religious cult once warned Ralph Waldo Emerson that the world was going to end in 10 da
John the Baptist waved his... -- Matthew 3:1-12 -- 2001
John the Baptist waved his arms, shook his finger and shouted, "Repent!" When the preacher in the pu
Will the real Jesus please... -- Matthew 11:2-11 -- 2001
"Will the real Jesus please stand up?"
RCA used the image of... -- Luke 4:21-30 -- Epiphany 4 | Ordinary Time 4 - C -- 2001
RCA used the image of a dog sitting attentively next to a record player and the caption was, "His ma
A popular movie a couple... -- Luke 4:14-21 -- Epiphany 3 | Ordinary Time 3 - C -- 2001
A popular movie a couple of years ago was The Prince of Egypt.
As a child I was... -- Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 -- 2001
As a child I was taught to ask the following questions: who, what, where, when, why, and how.

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John Jamison
Object: A printed permit of some type, a small bowl, a coin, and an ID card or driver’s license. I have attached a simple permit that you can download and use.

* * *
John Jamison
Object: A box of Kleenex.

* * *

Hello, everyone! (Let them respond.) Are you ready for our story today? (Let them respond.) Great!  

The Immediate Word

Thomas Willadsen
Dean Feldmeyer
Christopher Keating
Mary Austin
Katy Stenta
George Reed
For November 3, 2024:


Frank Ramirez
But Ruth said, “Do not press me to leave you, to turn back from following you! Where you go, I will go; where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people and your God my God….” (vv. 1-16)
John E. Sumwalt
“Do your loved ones come to you in dreams?”

That was the question I asked in a Facebook post one day after I woke from a startling dream in which I saw my late brother Alan. He appeared in one of those vivid dreams that come just before waking. He looked like he always looked when we saw him at family gatherings, dressed in a familiar plaid shirt and faded blue jeans.

I was shocked at first.

And then Alan smiled, reached out, touched my arm, and said, “How are you John?”

Emphasis Preaching Journal

David Kalas
Young children are often fascinated by the effort to quantify love. As they become conceptually acquainted with the difference between a lot and a little, and as they are exposed to various units of measurement for size and volume and distance, they naturally begin to apply that mentality to all sorts of things, including the most important thing in life: love. They want to be able to measure it. Typically, they want to know how much their parents love them, and they want to try to give expression to how much they love their parents.
Frank Ramirez
Most ancient cosmologies began with some sort of primordial battle between the gods and chaos, and whatever victory was achieved was only temporary. Chaos was always ready to swoop back in. By contrast our biblical history, beginning in Genesis and ending with Revelation, show God triumphant without even a hint of a battle. Chaos is tamed because the Spirit of God moves over the face of the deeps. Revelation demonstrates God’s total control.
Bonnie Bates
Bill Thomas
Mark Ellingsen
Frank Ramirez
Ruth 1:1-18
Bill Thomas
Frank Ramirez
Mark Ellingsen
Isaiah 25:6-9

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott
Call to Worship:

Jesus told us to love God and to love our neighbours as ourselves. In our worship today, let us explore how to love God with every fibre of our being.

Invitation to Confession:

Jesus, sometimes we resent or despise or hate ourselves.
Lord, have mercy.

Jesus, sometimes we fail to love others because we haven't learned how to love ourselves.
Christ, have mercy.


Stephen P. McCutchan
Ruth 1:1-18
Where you go, I will go ... your people shall be my people and your God my God.
-- Ruth 1:16b

James Evans
Psalm 24 celebrates the orderly reign of God over creation. It presupposes a world that has not been disrupted by tragedy or displacement -- in other words, the world as it was before the exile of Israel in 587 B.C.

From the vision of an ordered universe, the psalmist takes us to the holy mountain for worship. He poses the question, "Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand in his holy place?" (v. 3).

Carlos Wilton
Theme For The Day
In Jesus Christ, the kingdom of God is near at hand.

Old Testament Lesson
Ruth 1:1-18
Ruth And Naomi's Covenant

Patrick J. Rooney
It is one line. A few words cast upon a sea of words. One line that sums up all that this day is about and what it represents. One line upon which every human hope finds its fulfillment. One line in which we place our trust. One line that every man, woman, and child turns to when the losses of this life are more than they can bear. One line when the woman stands sobbing quietly beside the hospital bed of the man she has loved for more than sixty years. One line when the child, her face twisted in grief, stands at the graveside of her father killed in Iraq.
Thomas Peterson
Years ago I had the rare privilege of hearing a lecture in which the question was posed, "Did the angels actually sing to the shepherds on Jesus' birthnight?" Instead of tackling this directly and trying to prove an historical fact, the lecturer asked a secondary question, "Have angels quit singing?" Many testimonies give evidence they have not, he claimed. People still receive guidance from "voices" they call "my angel." People listen to heavenly harmony and find their lives set in peaceful channels. God's messengers travel the earth bringing his assurance and direction still today.
Zan W. Holmes
The book of Ruth is one of the world's most beautiful stories of human solidarity in the face of trouble.

Apart from the book of Esther it is the only other book in the Bible to be named after a woman. Therefore it should not be a surprise that the major characters of the book are two women, Naomi and Ruth. A major theme of the book is their common struggle to survive in the midst of a hostile and troubled environment.
H. Alan Stewart
It is a known fact that most people like a party. However, strange as it might seem, most of the people don't want to be the center of attraction. Likewise, many adults, when presented with a thoughtful gift, often exclaim, "You shouldn't have!" Children, on the other hand, seem to enjoy the party whether it is theirs or someone else's party. Children relish the notion of celebration. They never say that they shouldn't have received a gift and they tear it open before they read the card!
Don M. Aycock
These words come as the "commands," "decrees," and "laws" which are given by God for his people. The hearers are told to listen, obey, and then teach them to others. The first hearers of these words were the ancient Hebrews of Israel. They had this word delivered to them as the supreme word by which to live.

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