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Philippians 3:17--4:1

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Emphasis Preaching Journal

The Lord Changes You -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35, Luke 9:28-36 (37-43a) -- Mark Ellingsen -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2022
Hanging around the Lord changes you.
God of the ages -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Psalm 27 -- David Kalas -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2019
Note: This installment by David Kalas is from 2004.
Your move -- Genesis 15:1-12 (17-18), Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35 -- Frank Ramirez -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2016
Have you ever set across from someone during a game -- chess, checkers, or a board game -- and waite
Tears -- Genesis 15:1-12 (17-18), Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35 -- Wayne Brouwer -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2012
"As luck would have it, providence was on my side!" wrote Samuel Butler. But what does that mean?
A tragic turn -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35, Psalm 27 -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2007
For several years of our married life, my wife and I had jobs working with very different
Jesus is the sign of the times -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2001
In our consumer culture, advertising plays an extremely vital role.
Sacrificial love -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 1998
The sacrificial love of God is the dominant theme for today's texts, providing a focal point for all
Trouble -- Genesis 15:1-12 , 17-18, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Genesis 15:1-12 , 17-18 -- Second Sunday in Lent - C
Overcoming trouble provides the theme this week.
God of the ages -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27 -- David Kalas -- Second Sunday in Lent - C
What is the relationship between the past, the present, and the future?

Children's sermon

The Immediate Word

God Calls Back -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35, Luke 9:28-36 (37-43a) -- Thomas Willadsen, Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, George Reed, Katy Stenta, Quantisha Mason-Doll -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2022
For March 13, 2022:
In God We (Sometimes) Trust -- Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Ron Love, George Reed, Thomas Willadsen, Bethany Peerbolte -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2019
For March 17, 2019:
Primary Fears -- Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27 -- Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, George Reed -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2016
In this week’s gospel text, a group of Pharisees warn Jesus that he needs to leave the area in order
Citizens Of Heaven -- Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Leah Lonsbury, George Reed, Ron Love, Mary Austin -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2013
A clear theme emerges from the lectionary texts for the Second Sunday in Lent -- how we deal with ou
'just As You Did It To The One Of The Least Of These' -- Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35, Psalm 27 -- Carter Shelley -- Second Sunday in Lent - C
Even though all of us at times experience life as a "vale of tears," we in the First World realize t
Are You Afraid Of The Dark? -- Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27 -- Carlos Wilton, Thom M. Shuman -- Second Sunday in Lent - C
The good news is -- God is always with us even in our darkest hour.


Stay in shape -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2007
He will transform the body of our humiliation so that it may be conformed to
Monkey see, monkey do -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Second Sunday in Lent - C
Good morning, boys and girls.
Simon says ... -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Second Sunday in Lent - C
One of my favorite games is "Simon says." Have any of you
We have rules for a reason! -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Second Sunday in Lent - C
How many of you have rules at your house? (Raise hands.)
Stand firm! -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Second Sunday in Lent - C
Good morning! We all know that God wants us to do what is


A Lesson From Lettuce -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Wesley T. Runk
Object: a good head of lettuce and a spoiled head of lettuce (or some other produce)



Lent 2 -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Stephen P. McCutchan -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2009
He will transform the body of our humiliation that it may be conformed to the body of his glory .



As Many As The Stars? -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Psalm 27 -- John A. Tenbrook -- 2004
I love the movie Oh, God! Some may take issue with its theology, but George Burns as God is i
Citizenship -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Pamela Urfer -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 1994
Cast: Two people of either gender, TERRY and CHRISLength:8 minutes


Emphasis Preaching Journal

Sermon Illustrations for Lent 2 (2022) -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35 -- Bill Thomas, Mark Ellingsen, Frank Ramirez -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2022
Genesis 15:1-12,17-18
Sermon Illustrations for Lent 2 (2019) -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35 -- Bill Thomas, Mark Ellingsen, Bob Ove, Bonnie Bates, Frank Ramirez, Ron Love -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2019
Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18
Sermon Illustrations for Lent 2 (2016) -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35 -- Bill Thomas, Mark Ellingsen, Bob Ove, Bonnie Bates, Frank Ramirez, R. Robert Cueni -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2016
Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18
Sermon Illustrations for Lent 2 (2013) -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35 -- Ron Love, Mark Ellingsen, Bob Ove, Mark J. Molldrem -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2012
Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18
NULL -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Mark J. Molldrem -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2012
It has been said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
NULL -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Bob Ove -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2012
Where is your citizenship? Day to day we think only of what we are going to do this day.
During WWII, Americans of Italian... -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2007
During WWII, "Americans of Italian lineage" or "Americans of German lineage" weren't
Saint Paul wrote about modeling... -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2007
Saint Paul wrote about "modeling" the faith. A billboard at a church that I saw one day
When Russell Conwell left Yale... -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2007
When Russell Conwell left Yale to fight in the Civil War, a youthful admirer, Johnny
Paul wrote to a very... -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2007
Paul wrote to a very troubled congregation. No earth-shaking problems but just little
Passage across international borders can... -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2001
Passage across international borders can be an intimidating experience.
There is a childhood game... -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2001
There is a childhood game called Simon Says.
The pastor told his confirmation... -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2001
The pastor told his confirmation class that the only religion most people will experience is witness
As children many of us... -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2001
As children many of us took great delight in playing Simon Says.
Aesop tells the story about... -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 1998
Aesop tells the story about a baby crab and his mother.
As I was packing to... -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 1998
As I was packing to move I thought about all the things I own and why I have them.
There was an article in... -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 1998
There was an article in the paper a few months ago about a man who has a terminal illness.
In The Days of... -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 1998
In The Days of Our Years, Pierre Van Paassen tells of a parish priest who was outraged at som
Although Albert Einstein did not... -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 1995
Although Albert Einstein did not invent the atomic bomb, his scientific genius provided theoretical
Spy stories may not be... -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 1995
Spy stories may not be on everyone's reading list.

The Immediate Word

God Calls Back -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35, Luke 9:28-36 (37-43a) -- Thomas Willadsen, Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, George Reed, Katy Stenta, Quantisha Mason-Doll -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2022
For March 13, 2022:
In God We (Sometimes) Trust -- Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Ron Love, George Reed, Thomas Willadsen, Bethany Peerbolte -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2019
For March 17, 2019:
Primary Fears -- Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27 -- Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, George Reed -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2016
In this week’s gospel text, a group of Pharisees warn Jesus that he needs to leave the area in order
Citizens Of Heaven -- Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Leah Lonsbury, George Reed, Ron Love, Mary Austin -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2013
A clear theme emerges from the lectionary texts for the Second Sunday in Lent -- how we deal with ou


Liars Hall of Shame -- Psalm 27, Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- John E. Sumwalt, Frank Ramirez -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2022
Contents“Liars Hall of Shame” by John Sumwalt



SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17, 18, Psalm 127, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35 -- B. David Hostetter -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 1985
CALL TO WORSH1PCome seek his face ... Wait for the Lord ... Take courage ... Be strong.


The Immediate Word

God Calls Back -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35, Luke 9:28-36 (37-43a) -- Thomas Willadsen, Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, George Reed, Katy Stenta, Quantisha Mason-Doll -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2022
For March 13, 2022:
In God We (Sometimes) Trust -- Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Ron Love, George Reed, Thomas Willadsen, Bethany Peerbolte -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2019
For March 17, 2019:
Primary Fears -- Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27 -- Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, George Reed -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2016
In this week’s gospel text, a group of Pharisees warn Jesus that he needs to leave the area in order
Citizens Of Heaven -- Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Leah Lonsbury, George Reed, Ron Love, Mary Austin -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2013
A clear theme emerges from the lectionary texts for the Second Sunday in Lent -- how we deal with ou
'just As You Did It To The One Of The Least Of These' -- Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35, Psalm 27 -- Carter Shelley -- Second Sunday in Lent - C
Even though all of us at times experience life as a "vale of tears," we in the First World realize t
Are You Afraid Of The Dark? -- Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27 -- Carlos Wilton, Thom M. Shuman -- Second Sunday in Lent - C
The good news is -- God is always with us even in our darkest hour.


Second Sunday In Lent -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35 -- Carlos Wilton -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2006
Theme For The Day
Second Sunday In Lent -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35 -- Jerry L. Schmalenberger -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2003
Seasonal ThemeJesus and his disciples move toward Jerusalem and the cross.
Second Sunday In Lent -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35 -- E. Carver Mcgriff -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2000
Second Sunday In Lent -- Genesis 15:1-12, 15-17, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35 -- George M. Bass -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 1991
The Church Year Theological Clue
Second Sunday In Lent -- Genesis 15:1-12, 15-17, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35 -- George M. Bass -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 1991
The Church Year Theological Clue
Lent 2 -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35 -- Perry H. Biddle, Jr. -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 1988
Comments on the Lessons
Lent 2 -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 9:28-36 -- John R. Brokhoff -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 1985
The LessonsGenesis 15:1-12, 17-18 (C, RC)


The Immediate Word

God Calls Back -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35, Luke 9:28-36 (37-43a) -- Thomas Willadsen, Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, George Reed, Katy Stenta, Quantisha Mason-Doll -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2022
For March 13, 2022:
In God We (Sometimes) Trust -- Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Ron Love, George Reed, Thomas Willadsen, Bethany Peerbolte -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2019
For March 17, 2019:
Primary Fears -- Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27 -- Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, George Reed -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2016
In this week’s gospel text, a group of Pharisees warn Jesus that he needs to leave the area in order
Citizens Of Heaven -- Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Leah Lonsbury, George Reed, Ron Love, Mary Austin -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2013
A clear theme emerges from the lectionary texts for the Second Sunday in Lent -- how we deal with ou
'just As You Did It To The One Of The Least Of These' -- Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35, Psalm 27 -- Carter Shelley -- Second Sunday in Lent - C
Even though all of us at times experience life as a "vale of tears," we in the First World realize t
Are You Afraid Of The Dark? -- Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27 -- Carlos Wilton, Thom M. Shuman -- Second Sunday in Lent - C
The good news is -- God is always with us even in our darkest hour.


Enemies Of The Cross -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Steven E. Albertin -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2009
Whenever I lead an inquiry class for those who want to learn more about my congregation and the fait
Standing Tall In The Lord -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Richard E. Gribble, CSC -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2006
History records the expression, Athanasius contra mundum -- Athanasius against the world.
High-tension Wire -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Dallas A. Brauninger -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2003
A two-lane state highway bisects the little town of Hemingford in western Nebraska.
Hold On! Your Life Is At Stake! -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Henry F. Woodruff -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2000
The names of the places -- Treblinka, Auschwitz, Buchenwald, and all the rest -- remain seared into

Free Access

High-tension Wire -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Dallas A. Brauninger -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2003
A two-lane state highway bisects the little town of Hemingford in western Nebraska.

The Village Shepherd

Is It Life-Threatening? -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Janice B. Scott -- Second Sunday in Lent - C
I have a story for you, and it may be quite a common story, which some of you will recognize in on



Liars Hall of Shame -- Psalm 27, Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- John E. Sumwalt, Frank Ramirez -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2022
Contents“Liars Hall of Shame” by John Sumwalt
Founded on a Dream -- Luke 13:31-35, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Psalm 27 -- C. David Mckirachan, Frank Ramirez -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2019
Contents “Founded on a Dream” by C. David McKirachan
Living Our Beliefs -- Luke 13:31-35, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Psalm 27 -- Keith Wagner -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2016
Contents "Living Our Beliefs" by Keith Wagner
Chasing Buzzards -- Luke 13:31-35, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Psalm 27 -- C. David Mckirachan, Richard A. Jensen -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2013
Contents"Chasing Buzzards" by C. David McKirachan
Stand Firm -- Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35, Psalm 27 -- John E. Sumwalt And Jo Perry-sumwalt -- Second Sunday in Lent - C
A Story To Live By Stand Firm
As Clear As The Milky Way -- Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27 -- Scott Dalgarno, Argile Smith, Richard A. Jensen -- Second Sunday in Lent - C
ContentsWhat's Up This Week "As Clear As The Milky Way" by Scott Delgarno


There Is Still Time -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Constance Berg -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2000
Karen hates church. She feels it's a place where people are brainwashed.


The Immediate Word

God Calls Back -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35, Luke 9:28-36 (37-43a) -- Thomas Willadsen, Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, George Reed, Katy Stenta, Quantisha Mason-Doll -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2022
For March 13, 2022:
In God We (Sometimes) Trust -- Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Ron Love, George Reed, Thomas Willadsen, Bethany Peerbolte -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2019
For March 17, 2019:
Primary Fears -- Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27 -- Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, George Reed -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2016
In this week’s gospel text, a group of Pharisees warn Jesus that he needs to leave the area in order
Citizens Of Heaven -- Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Leah Lonsbury, George Reed, Ron Love, Mary Austin -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2013
A clear theme emerges from the lectionary texts for the Second Sunday in Lent -- how we deal with ou
'just As You Did It To The One Of The Least Of These' -- Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35, Psalm 27 -- Carter Shelley -- Second Sunday in Lent - C
Even though all of us at times experience life as a "vale of tears," we in the First World realize t
Are You Afraid Of The Dark? -- Luke 13:31-35, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27 -- Carlos Wilton, Thom M. Shuman -- Second Sunday in Lent - C
The good news is -- God is always with us even in our darkest hour.


Second Sunday In Lent -- Philippians 3:17--4:1 -- Frank Ramirez -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2006
Second Lesson: Philippians 3:17--4:1Theme: Your Belly Or Your Life
Second Sunday In Lent -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2003
Theme: Abram Put His Trust In The LordCall To Worship
Second Sunday in Lent -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:31-35 -- Dallas A. Brauninger -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 2000
First Lesson: Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18Theme: What Will You Give Me?
SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT -- Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Philippians 3:17--4:1, Luke 13:22-35 -- Heth H. Corl -- Second Sunday in Lent - C -- 1976
First Lesson: Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18Theme: Faith is belief in God's covenant promise
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New & Featured This Week

The Immediate Word

Thomas Willadsen
Christopher Keating
Dean Feldmeyer
Mary Austin
Katy Stenta
George Reed
For July 21, 2024:

Emphasis Preaching Journal

Frank Ramirez
Mark Ellingsen
Bonnie Bates
Bill Thomas
2 Samuel 7:1-14a
Frank Ramirez
In each of these scriptures it is up to recognize who is the star of the show. We might be surprised. David thinks he is honoring God by building a temple, but isn’t he really honoring himself as the typical conqueror who builds temples to the gods as a testimony to his accomplishments as a ruler?


John E. Sumwalt
Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! says the Lord... So I will attend to you for your evil doings... Then I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the lands... I will raise up shepherds over them... and they shall not fear any longer, or be dismayed, nor shall any be missing, says the Lord. (vv. 1-5)

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott
Call to Worship:

Let us join together to use this time for rest and relaxation within the preence of our Lord.

Invitation to Confession:

Jesus, sometimes we are lazy and don't do what you want us to do.
Lord, have mercy.

Jesus, sometimes we are too busy and wilfully refuse to take time off.
Christ, have mercy.

Jesus, help us to manage our time and our own physical and emotional needs.
Lord, have mercy.


Julia E. Bland
It is through Jesus, the Good Shepherd, that we become part of his flock.

Scripture: John 10:9

Background Devotions: Psalm 23

Visual Aids: Medicine, a large cup, perhaps a cane. If a cane is used, you will need to explain that the staff was shaped something like a cane but it was much longer and the rounded part was bigger.

Handouts: Activity sheets; star stickers for the color page of the activity sheet, if desired
John E. Sumwalt
Patricia M. Thaker
In February of 2000, my grandfather, Lloyd Dings, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He passed away just twelve days later. My grandparents were married 56 years. The legacy he leaves behind is a wonderful wife and a beautiful family
Kristin Borsgard Wee
Four years ago this week, I was walking through an African village in Namibia with my friend, Solveig Kjeseth. We stopped to look at a strange tower formed out of earth. It was about five feet high, crooked in shape, wide at the bottom and coming to a point at the top. I thought it looked like the top of a giant, rumpled witch's hat, only it was gray instead of black. Solveig informed me, much to my surprise, that it was an anthill. I was even more surprised when we came across many more, some of which towered over my head. They were huge!
William J. Carl, III
Have you ever noticed how some families move a lot? Some are corporate moves, some are military, and some are United Methodist pastors. Whatever the case, every time they move they have to find new lodging. In the military, quarters are often provided. The same may be true for clergy if churches own a manse or a parsonage. But, sometimes you have to look for a new home, which means spending some time with real estate agents traveling here and there to find the perfect house. Of course, no house is ever perfect. When you own a home, no matter where you sit you see something that needs fixing.
Mark Ellingson
On this last Sunday of the Church Year (we call it Christ the King Sunday) our attention is directed to the reign of Christ -- to his glorious reign which has already begun with the resurrection on Easter. It is a Sunday to think about salvation, because where Christ reigns salvation is effected. These themes are especially evident in our First Lesson.
Mark Ellingson
On this last Sunday of the Church Year (we call it Christ the King Sunday) our attention is directed to the reign of Christ -- to his glorious reign which has already begun with the resurrection on Easter. It is a Sunday to think about salvation, because where Christ reigns salvation is effected. These themes are especially evident in our First Lesson.
Through Christ, God has solved the problem of conflict between races.

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