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John 1:1-18

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Children's Activity


Seeing God -- John 1:1-18 -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B
Materials Small dowel rods or craft sticks
The True Light -- John 1:1-18 -- Epiphany of the Lord - A
Teachers (preparation for class): Prior to class create your

Gospel Grams 2

Children's Activity Bulletin: John 1:1-18 -- John 1:1-18 -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B

Gospel Grams 1

Children's Activity Bulletin: John 1:1-18 -- John 1:1-18 -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B


Emphasis Preaching Journal

Aha! -- Jeremiah 31:7-14, John 1:1-18, Ephesians 1:3-6, 15-18 -- Second Sunday after Christmas - C
Sometimes when I watch some Christians, I get the idea that they have a major spiritual affliction c

Children's bulletin

Gospel Grams 2

Children's Activity Bulletin: John 1:1-18 -- John 1:1-18 -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B

Gospel Grams 1

Children's Activity Bulletin: John 1:1-18 -- John 1:1-18 -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B

Children's sermon

The Immediate Word

The Nature Of Light -- John 1:1-18, Jeremiah 31:7-14, Ephesians 1:3-14 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Leah Lonsbury, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed -- Second Sunday after Christmas - A -- 2014
Many congregations will be observing this Sunday (Jan.
You Are What You Say: The Word Incarnate And Human Words -- Ephesians 3:1-12, John 1:1-18 -- Carter Shelley, George L. Murphy, Stan Purdum, Carlos Wilton, Larry Hard -- Epiphany of the Lord - B -- 2003
(Originally published for January 5, 2003)


God Became Human -- John 1:1-18 -- Brett Blair, Tim Carpenter -- 2000
Exegetical Aim: To teach the incarnation.Props: Fingers and Toes.
You Can't Hide The Light -- John 1:1-18 -- Wesley T. Runk
Object: a box with a hole in one end and a blanket that will shut out the light attached to t


Seeing God -- John 1:1-18 -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B
Good morning! Did any of you see God this morning when you came into church?
The true light -- John 1:1-18 -- Epiphany of the Lord - A
Note: To prepare for this lesson take a small grocery bag.



Money Business -- John 1:1-18 -- Robert F. Crowley -- First Sunday after Christmas Day - B -- 1999
ThemeGiving to others is the real spirit of Christmas.Summary


The Immediate Word

The Nature Of Light -- John 1:1-18, Jeremiah 31:7-14, Ephesians 1:3-14 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Leah Lonsbury, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed -- Second Sunday after Christmas - A -- 2014
Many congregations will be observing this Sunday (Jan.
You Are What You Say: The Word Incarnate And Human Words -- Ephesians 3:1-12, John 1:1-18 -- Carter Shelley, George L. Murphy, Stan Purdum, Carlos Wilton, Larry Hard -- Epiphany of the Lord - B -- 2003
(Originally published for January 5, 2003)

Emphasis Preaching Journal

We again celebrate the light... -- John 1:1-18 -- 1990
We again celebrate the light which has come into the world never to be overcome.
Born in the darkness of... -- John 1:1-18 -- 1990
"Born in the darkness of interstellar space some 4.6 billion years ago, our solar system emerged fro
The movie The Mission has... -- John 1:1-18 -- 1990
The movie "The Mission" has its setting in South America in the year 1750.
(P)What... -- John 1:1-18 -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B -- 1982
(P)A... -- John 1:1-18 -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B -- 1982
(P)The... -- John 1:1-18 -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B -- 1982
(P)This... -- John 1:1-18 -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B -- 1982
(L,M,C)B... -- John 1:1-18 -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B -- 1982
(L,M,C)Garbage, cats, and the children of God.
(L,M,C)B... -- John 1:1-18 -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B -- 1982
(L,M,C)B... -- John 1:1-18 -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B -- 1982
L,M,C)br... -- John 1:1-18 -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B -- 1982
Stephen W. Hawking, professor of... -- John 1:1-18 -- First Sunday after Christmas Day - B
Stephen W.
God sent his own Son... -- John 1:1-18 -- Second Sunday after Christmas - C
God sent his own Son into the world. What a drastic step. With what can we compare it?
In the Eighteenth century, a... -- John 1:1-18
In the Eighteenth century, a German artist, Stenberg, was walking through the market place of his ho
You might go down to... -- John 1:1-18 -- Fourth Sunday of Advent - C
You might go down to a railroad station and look at the shining bands of steel on which the train tr
John says that, though the... -- John 1:1-18 -- First Sunday after Christmas Day - A
John says that, though the law was given through Moses, "grace and truth came through Jesus Christ."
And the Word became flesh... -- John 1:1-18 -- First Sunday after Christmas Day - A
"And the Word became flesh and lived among us...."
This passage talks of Christ... -- John 1:1-18 -- First Sunday after Christmas Day - A
This passage talks of Christ being the light of the world, a light which the darkness of the world c
God sensed our need and... -- John 1:1-18 -- First Sunday after Christmas Day - A
God sensed our need and the word, God's self-expression, became flesh to assure us and to empower al



Christmas 2 -- John 1:1-18 -- Andrew Daughters -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B -- 1990
In the beginning,Before the beginning,Within all beginning,
Christmas 2 -- John 1:1-18 -- Andrew Daughters -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B -- 1990
In the beginning,Before the beginning,Within all beginning,



The enlightening, enlivening Word -- John 1:1-18 -- Dennis Koch -- Second Sunday after Christmas - C -- 1994
Gospel Theme:The enlightening, enlivening WordGospel Note:
Jesus is the incarnate Word -- John 1:1-18 -- Dennis Koch -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B -- 1993
Gospel Note: The Word is God in his pre-Jesus existence and his coming
SECOND SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS -- Jeremiah 31:7-14, Psalm 147:12-20, Ephesians 1:3-6, 15-18, John 1:1-18 -- B. David Hostetter -- Second Sunday after Christmas - C -- 1985
CALL TO WORSHIPSing out your praises and say,GOD HAS SAVED HIS PEOPLE.


The Immediate Word

The Nature Of Light -- John 1:1-18, Jeremiah 31:7-14, Ephesians 1:3-14 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Leah Lonsbury, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed -- Second Sunday after Christmas - A -- 2014
Many congregations will be observing this Sunday (Jan.
You Are What You Say: The Word Incarnate And Human Words -- Ephesians 3:1-12, John 1:1-18 -- Carter Shelley, George L. Murphy, Stan Purdum, Carlos Wilton, Larry Hard -- Epiphany of the Lord - B -- 2003
(Originally published for January 5, 2003)


Second Sunday After Christmas -- Jeremiah 31:7-14, Ephesians 1:3-14, John 1:1-18 -- E. Carver Mcgriff -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B -- 1999
COMMENTARY ON THE LESSONSLesson 1: Jeremiah 31:7-14 (C, E)
God's immeasurable grace -- Jeremiah 31:7-14, Ephesians 1:3-14, John 1:1-18 -- Russell F. Anderson -- 1996
Theme For The Day: God's immeasurable grace.
Second Sunday After Christmas -- Jeremiah 31:7-14, Ephesians 1:3-14, John 1:1-18 -- John R. Brokhoff -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B -- 1993
Yahweh promises to rebuild the nation of Israel. God's word is
Second Sunday After Christmas -- Jeremiah 31:7-14, Ephesians 1:3-6, 15-18, John 1:1-18 -- George M. Bass -- Second Sunday after Christmas - C -- 1991
The Church Year Theological Clue
Second Sunday After Christmas -- Jeremiah 31:7-14, Ephesians 1:3-6, 15-18, John 1:1-18 -- George M. Bass -- Second Sunday after Christmas - C -- 1991
The Church Year Theological Clue
Christmas 2 -- Jeremiah 31:7-14, Ephesians 1:3-6, 15-18, John 1:1-18 -- Perry H. Biddle, Jr. -- Second Sunday after Christmas - C -- 1988
Comments on the Lessons
Second Sunday After Christmas -- Jeremiah 31:7-14, Ephesians 1:3-14, John 1:1-18 -- Jerry L. Schmalenberger -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B
Second Sunday After ChristmasRevised CommonJeremiah 31:7-14


The Immediate Word

The Nature Of Light -- John 1:1-18, Jeremiah 31:7-14, Ephesians 1:3-14 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Leah Lonsbury, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed -- Second Sunday after Christmas - A -- 2014
Many congregations will be observing this Sunday (Jan.
You Are What You Say: The Word Incarnate And Human Words -- Ephesians 3:1-12, John 1:1-18 -- Carter Shelley, George L. Murphy, Stan Purdum, Carlos Wilton, Larry Hard -- Epiphany of the Lord - B -- 2003
(Originally published for January 5, 2003)


Accepting The Lord Once Again -- John 1:1-18 -- Richard E. Gribble, CSC -- 2005
He came softly, unobserved and yet, strange to say, everyone knew him.
Christmas And The New Family -- John 1:1-18 -- J. Ellsworth Kalas, David Kalas -- Second Sunday after Christmas - C -- 2003
When Wilbur and Orville Wright completed their historic flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, on Dec
Our Hope For Years To Come -- John 1:1-18 -- Paul E. Flesner -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B -- 2002
On January 1, 2001, our world marked the beginning of a new millennium in human history.
Light Of The World -- John 1:1-18 -- William G. Carter -- Second Sunday after Christmas - C -- 2000
One of the striking features of the Gospel of John is the way it depicts the life and ministry of Je
Words, Words, Words -- And The Word -- John 1:1-18 -- Maurice A. Fetty -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B -- 1999
One of my favorite cartoons appeared in The New Yorker magazine.
God Is Down To Earth -- John 1:1-18 -- John A. Stroman -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B -- 1996
William Barclay is convinced that John wrote the fourth gospel for the sake of this fourteenth
We Interrupt This Service -- John 1:1-18 -- Thomas G. Long -- 1996
It was question and answer time at the worship workshop.
Light In Darkness, Speech From Silence -- John 1:1-18 -- Mark Wm. Radecke -- Second Sunday after Christmas - A -- 1995
This season, the boundaries of darkness are pushed back.
Getting Ready: Past, Present And Future -- John 1:1-18 -- Glenn Schoonover -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B -- 1993
Jesus was born 2,000 years ago and is yet to be born in the
Watch Your Language -- John 1:1-18 -- John B. Jamison -- Second Sunday after Christmas - A -- 1992
Everyone liked Linda. There was no reason not to like her.
The Gospel Of Christmas -- John 1:1-18 -- James T. Garrett -- Second Sunday after Christmas - C -- 1991
A wife gave her husband two ties for Christmas.
A Pause That Refreshes -- John 1:1-18 -- Thomas Slavens -- 1990
In the Christian year are kept the major events surrounding the life of the Christ.
When God's Mind is Spoken -- John 1:1-18 -- Joe E. Pennel, Jr -- Second Sunday after Christmas - A -- 1989
I went to see him at the hospital where he was recuperating from a scary illness.
Behold His Glory -- John 1:1-18 -- Roy C. Nichols -- The Nativity of our Lord - C -- 1985
In the fullness of time, every parent must pass the test of good parent-child communication.
Grace and Truth -- John 1:1-18 -- Roy C. Nichols -- Second Sunday after Christmas - C -- 1985
Since we have already considered the first fOurteen verses of this first chapter of John's Gospel, i


The Immediate Word

The Nature Of Light -- John 1:1-18, Jeremiah 31:7-14, Ephesians 1:3-14 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Leah Lonsbury, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed -- Second Sunday after Christmas - A -- 2014
Many congregations will be observing this Sunday (Jan.
You Are What You Say: The Word Incarnate And Human Words -- Ephesians 3:1-12, John 1:1-18 -- Carter Shelley, George L. Murphy, Stan Purdum, Carlos Wilton, Larry Hard -- Epiphany of the Lord - B -- 2003
(Originally published for January 5, 2003)


Firstborn -- Jeremiah 31:7-14, Ephesians 1:3-14, John 1:1-18 -- Dallas A. Brauninger -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B -- 1999
Call To Worship
In The Beginning was The Word -- John 1:1-18 -- Dallas A. Brauninger -- Second Sunday after Christmas - A -- 1992
Suggestions:Use as an anthem or before the pastoral prayer.5 readers - women
John's version of the Christmas story - The Word -- John 1:1-18 -- Second Sunday after Christmas - B -- 1990
Pastoral Invitation to the CelebrationSuggestion:
God's nurturing salvation -- Jeremiah 31:7-14, Psalm 147, Ephesians 1:3-6, 15-18, John 1:1-18 -- Paul A. Laughlin -- Second Sunday after Christmas - A -- 1989
Exegetical note: This portion of a homecoming hymn, part of the so-called "Book of Consolation," loo
CHRISTMAS 2 -- Jeremiah 31:7-14, Psalm 147:12-20, Ephesians 1:3-6, 15-18, John 1:1-18 -- Norman A. Beck -- Second Sunday after Christmas - A -- 1986
The most significant concept within these texts is probably the concept of the word of God objectifi
In addition to the lectionary resources there are thousands of non-lectionary, scripture based resources...
Epiphany 4 (OT 4)
28 – Sermons
180+ – Illustrations / Stories
31 – Children's Sermons / Resources
20 – Worship Resources
33 – Commentary / Exegesis
4 – Pastor's Devotions
and more...
Epiphany 5 (OT 5)
31 – Sermons
180+ – Illustrations / Stories
39 – Children's Sermons / Resources
24 – Worship Resources
33 – Commentary / Exegesis
4 – Pastor's Devotions
and more...
Epiphany 6 (OT 6)
32 – Sermons
180+ – Illustrations / Stories
35 – Children's Sermons / Resources
22 – Worship Resources
29 – Commentary / Exegesis
4 – Pastor's Devotions
and more...
Plus thousands of non-lectionary, scripture based resources...

New & Featured This Week


John Jamison
Object: A sign that says, “The Home of Jesus!” (Click here to download the sign I used.)

* * *

The Immediate Word

Christopher Keating
Thomas Willadsen
Katy Stenta
Mary Austin
George Reed
Dean Feldmeyer
For February 2, 2025:


John E. Sumwalt
Love never ends. But as for prophecies, they will come to an end; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will come to an end. For we know only in part, and we prophesy only in part; but when the complete comes, the partial will come to an end. (vv.8-10)

I, John Sumwalt, believe in God! It’s the reality in which, as the Apostle Paul wrote, “I live and move and have my being.”

Emphasis Preaching Journal

David Coffin
Imagine an aging church leader or preacher who has seen one technology tool after another change the face of how messages of fait are communicated. It started with the chalkboard, overhead plastic sheets on a projector to now various forms of computer software programs off a laptop onto a screen. With all the modern technology changes going at increasing megabytes per second, is God’s Word still as accurate and effective as in times past?
Mark Ellingsen
Bill Thomas
Frank Ramirez
Bonnie Bates
Jeremiah 1:4-10
There are plenty of things in contemporary American society which could use a prophetic voice to challenge them. We think of all the ugliness in our public discourse and on the net. There is the rising tide of anti-semitism. Reuters reported a 268.1 times wage gap in 2023 between the salary of the median employed worker and CEO pay. Racism is hardly vanishing given legislation passed in a number of state legislatures against teaching Critical Race Theory. John Calvin well described an important aspect of the sort of prophecy we need. He wrote:

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott
The story of the presentation of Jesus in the temple is strong on two 'bit-part' characters, Simeon and Anna, both of whom are old, and neither of whom has any other mention in the Bible. This story is an imaginary biography of Anna.


Schuyler Rhodes
Most people, at one time or another, have had the regrettable experience of needing refuge. Untold millions around this war-ripped world are literally refugees, whose lives are shattered as they are uprooted and left bereft of home, family, and any visible means of sustenance. Countless women around the world suffer from the brutality of abuse by their male partners and are in need of refuge. Each day the numbers of homeless poor on the streets of America grows and grows. They, too, need refuge.
Richard E. Gribble, CSC
During the 56 years of his life, Adolf Hitler did incredible harm and was responsible for the death of millions of people. Yet in all of the horror that he unleashed, there were pinpoints of light and nobility. One German soldier, Private Joseph Schultz, was one of those pinpoints.

Derl G. Keefer
Jeremiah had a task, a vision, and a promise from God. The prophet Jeremiah had a call from God to preach his word to a people needing to hear from God. His call has been duplicated multiple times over the centuries.
J. Ellsworth Kalas
David Kalas
In the church, most of us think of Epiphany simply as a season on the church calendar, and sometimes as a season we don't understand too well. We may recall that we are celebrating particularly the revealing of Christ to the Gentile world, via the Wise Men, but not much more.

The dictionary, however, adds further dimension to the word, listen: "a sudden, intuitive perception ... into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience."

Special Occasion

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