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John 4:5-42

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Children's Activity


Here in this place -- John 4:5-42 -- Leah Thompson -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2011
Teamwork -- John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2007
Are you thirsty? -- John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A
In today's gospel reading, Jesus is having a conversation with a Samaritan woman.
Living water -- John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A
Teachers or Parents: There is no way to spend too much time
Living Water -- John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A
Teachers: For this project you will need styrofoam cups (one
Quenching a thirst -- John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A
Materials:Empty soup cans with the sharp edges removed (one per child)

Gospel Grams 2

Children's Bulletin (ages 8-10) -- John 4:5-42 -- John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A

Gospel Grams 1

Children's Bulletin (ages 5-7) -- John 4:5-42 -- John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A


Emphasis Preaching Journal

Rendezvous With God -- John 4:5-42, Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11 -- David Kalas -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2023
A colleague of mine and I decided to meet one day for lunch.
Overcoming Objections -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42 -- Wayne Brouwer -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2020
The Black Angel. That’s what Michael Christopher calls Herman Engel in his famous play.
Live And Learn -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42 -- Frank Ramirez -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2017
These three passages recognize that we all make mistakes -- and some of the mistakes could be disast
The love of God poured out -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42 -- Sandra Herrmann -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2014
The Old Testament lesson and the gospel for the Third Sunday in Lent tie closely together in that th
Are you thirsty? -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42, Psalm 95 -- Wayne Brouwer, Schuyler Rhodes -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2011
Here's a parable by a cartoonist named Saxon. It's about a fellow who has just reached retirement.
Turning things upside down -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42, Psalm 95 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2007
If you are like me, you come from an educational background that basically emphasized
Calling on a full-access God -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42, Psalm 95 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2002
Perhaps more than most cities in the world, Washington, D.C., is a city whose central principle, the
Coloring outside the lines -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 1999
(Dr. Foster R. McCurley has had a distinguished career as St.
Timing -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 1996
After the bombing of a building in Oklahoma City, an earthquake or a department store implosion in
The jar left behind -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42, Psalm 95 -- William H. Shepherd -- Third Sunday in Lent - A
I was reading the work of a well-known biblical critic who said, "Adequate water sources were crucia

Children's bulletin

Gospel Grams 2

Children's Bulletin (ages 8-10) -- John 4:5-42 -- John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A

Gospel Grams 1

Children's Bulletin (ages 5-7) -- John 4:5-42 -- John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A

Children's Liturgy and Story

The Village Shepherd

Daisy Loved To Dance -- John 4:5-42 -- Janice B. Scott -- Third Sunday in Lent - A
Call to Worship:

Free Access

Daisy Loved To Dance -- John 4:5-42 -- Janice B. Scott -- Third Sunday in Lent - A
Call to Worship:

Children's sermon


Seeing -- John 4:5-42 -- John Jamison -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2023
Object:  A pair of tinted glasses, like sunglasses. * * *
Here in this place -- John 4:5-42 -- Leah Thompson -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2020
This children's sermon was originally published March 27, 2011.
Listen Up! -- John 4:5-42 -- Bethany Peerbolte -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2020
The woman from the well had some great news for people after meeting Jesus.
Dying Of Thirst -- John 4:5-42 -- Mary Kay Eichelman -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2017
We are going to go back in time for our story today.
The Source of Living Water -- John 4:5-42 -- Anna Shirey -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2014
First Thoughts
Teamwork -- John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2007
For here the saying holds true, "One sows and another reaps." I sent you to
Are you thirsty? -- John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A
Good morning! I want to ask you something: What should you do when you get thirsty?
Living water -- John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A
Good morning! How many of you have gone on a long hike in
Living water -- John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A
Good morning! I have here some food. I could say this is
Quenching a thirst -- John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A
Good morning, boys and girls.

The Immediate Word

Tapping Into Unlimited (Living) Water -- John 4:5-42, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11 -- Thomas Willadsen, Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, George Reed, Elena Delhagen -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2023
For March 12, 2023:
Ignored at the Well -- John 4:5-42, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Bethany Peerbolte, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, Thomas Willadsen, George Reed -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2020
For March 15, 2020:
Affordable Living Water -- John 4:5-42, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, Christopher Keating, George Reed, Beth Herrinton-Hodge -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2017
Health care reform is a hot topic in Washington these days, with the Republican Congress and the Tru
Water, Water, Everywhere? -- John 4:5-42, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11 -- Mary Austin, Leah Lonsbury, Christopher Keating, Ron Love -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2014
All the action in this week’s Old Testament and gospel texts is centered around access to water.
Assurance But Not Insurance -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42, Psalm 95 -- Ron Love, Roger Lovette, Mary Austin -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2011
This week's lectionary passage from the Hebrew scriptures describes the intense frustration of the I
As Common As A Samaritan Woman With Five Husbands -- John 4:5-42, Romans 5:1-11, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95 -- Scott Suskovic, Paul Bresnahan, Thom M. Shuman -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2008
Sometimes the most amazing things in life are right in front of your face.
Where Can You Go From The Top? -- John 4:5-42, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11 -- George L. Murphy -- Third Sunday in Lent - A
For the Third Sunday in Lent, February 27, the gospel is John 4:5-42.


Everywhere There Was God -- John 4:5-42 -- Elaine M. Ward -- 2002
One day Jesus stopped at a well where he asked a Samaritan woman for a drink of water.
Worship, Work, Rest, And Play -- John 4:5-42 -- Brett Blair, Tim Carpenter
Exegetical Aim: To teach how worship fits into our lives. Key verses: 19--24.

Children's Story

The Village Shepherd

Jo's New Teacher -- John 4:5-42 -- Janice B. Scott -- Third Sunday in Lent - A
When Jesus meets the woman by the well, he doesn't see an enemy of the state or a glorified pros



Lent 3 -- John 4:5-42 -- Stephen P. McCutchan -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2007
A Samaritan woman came to draw water, and Jesus said to her, "Give me a drink ..." The Samaritan



A Drink Of Water -- John 4:5-42 -- Robert F. Crowley -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 1998


Emphasis Preaching Journal

Sermon Illustrations For Lent 3 (2023) -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42, Psalm 95 -- Bill Thomas, Bonnie Bates, Mark Ellingsen, Frank Ramirez -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2023
Exodus 17:1-7
Sermon Illustrations For Lent 3 (2020) -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42, Psalm 95 -- Bill Thomas, Ron Love, Bonnie Bates, Mark Ellingsen, Frank Ramirez -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2020
Psalm 95
Sermon Illustrations For Lent 3 (2017) -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42 -- Bob Ove, Bill Thomas, Ron Love, Bonnie Bates, Mark Ellingsen, Frank Ramirez -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2017
Exodus 17:1-7
Sermon Illustrations for Lent 3 (2014) -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42 -- Bob Ove, Derl G. Keefer, Ron Love, Scott A. Bryte, Mark Ellingsen -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2014
Exodus 17:1-7
How many times... -- John 4:5-42 -- Bob Ove -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2014
How many times has God put us in situations that we might not think are kosher?
NULL -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2011
Exodus 17:1-7
NULL -- John 4:5-42 -- Craig Kelly -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2011
One of the "holy grails" of modern technology is the long-lasting battery.
New Illustrations for February 24, 2008 -- John 4:5-42, Romans 5:1-11, Exodus 17:1-7 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2008
Exodus 17:1-7
In my first year of... -- John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2007
In my first year of seminary, I lived near my friend, Cornell. A couple times a week we'd
Ever notice the audiences when... -- John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2007
Ever notice the audiences when well-known televangelists speak? Cameras usually pan
A large boat filled with... -- John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2007
A large boat filled with tourists and travelers was near the mouth of the mighty Amazon
Jesus' focus was clearly on... -- John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2002
Jesus' focus was clearly on the rejects of society.
Marilyn had an unsavory reputation... -- John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2002
Marilyn had an unsavory reputation.
Ken Kettlewell makes this observation... -- John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2002
Ken Kettlewell makes this observation from his travels:
The woman had heard many... -- John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2002
The woman had heard many frightening stories about truckers on the highway and she feared them.
The most common substance in... -- John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 1999
The most common substance in the world is water.
I was setting up my... -- John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 1999
I was setting up my private communion set in order to celebrate Holy Communion with a member of my c
Elizabeth Terini, a Russian-Jewish... -- John 4:5-42 -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 1999
Elizabeth Terini, a Russian-Jewish Ukrainian living in New York City, took a taxi one day from Queen

The Immediate Word

Tapping Into Unlimited (Living) Water -- John 4:5-42, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11 -- Thomas Willadsen, Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, George Reed, Elena Delhagen -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2023
For March 12, 2023:
Ignored at the Well -- John 4:5-42, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Bethany Peerbolte, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, Thomas Willadsen, George Reed -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2020
For March 15, 2020:
Affordable Living Water -- John 4:5-42, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, Christopher Keating, George Reed, Beth Herrinton-Hodge -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2017
Health care reform is a hot topic in Washington these days, with the Republican Congress and the Tru
Water, Water, Everywhere? -- John 4:5-42, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11 -- Mary Austin, Leah Lonsbury, Christopher Keating, Ron Love -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2014
All the action in this week’s Old Testament and gospel texts is centered around access to water.
Assurance But Not Insurance -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42, Psalm 95 -- Ron Love, Roger Lovette, Mary Austin -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2011
This week's lectionary passage from the Hebrew scriptures describes the intense frustration of the I
As Common As A Samaritan Woman With Five Husbands -- John 4:5-42, Romans 5:1-11, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95 -- Scott Suskovic, Paul Bresnahan, Thom M. Shuman -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2008
Sometimes the most amazing things in life are right in front of your face.


Gave As Good As She Got -- John 4:5-42 -- Frank Ramirez -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2023
Just then his disciples came.


The Village Shepherd

Astute And Understanding God... -- John 4:5-42 -- Janice B. Scott -- Third Sunday in Lent - A
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:


The Immediate Word

Tapping Into Unlimited (Living) Water -- John 4:5-42, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11 -- Thomas Willadsen, Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, George Reed, Elena Delhagen -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2023
For March 12, 2023:
Ignored at the Well -- John 4:5-42, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Bethany Peerbolte, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, Thomas Willadsen, George Reed -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2020
For March 15, 2020:
Affordable Living Water -- John 4:5-42, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, Christopher Keating, George Reed, Beth Herrinton-Hodge -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2017
Health care reform is a hot topic in Washington these days, with the Republican Congress and the Tru
Water, Water, Everywhere? -- John 4:5-42, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11 -- Mary Austin, Leah Lonsbury, Christopher Keating, Ron Love -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2014
All the action in this week’s Old Testament and gospel texts is centered around access to water.
Assurance But Not Insurance -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42, Psalm 95 -- Ron Love, Roger Lovette, Mary Austin -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2011
This week's lectionary passage from the Hebrew scriptures describes the intense frustration of the I
As Common As A Samaritan Woman With Five Husbands -- John 4:5-42, Romans 5:1-11, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95 -- Scott Suskovic, Paul Bresnahan, Thom M. Shuman -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2008
Sometimes the most amazing things in life are right in front of your face.
Where Can You Go From The Top? -- John 4:5-42, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11 -- George L. Murphy -- Third Sunday in Lent - A
For the Third Sunday in Lent, February 27, the gospel is John 4:5-42.


Third Sunday In Lent -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42 -- Carlos Wilton -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2010
Theme For The Day
Third Sunday In Lent -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42 -- John R. Brokhoff -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2004
THE LESSONSLesson 1: Exodus 17:1--7 (C, E); Exodus 17:3--7 (RC)
Third Sunday In Lent -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42 -- Jerry L. Schmalenberger -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2001
Seasonal Theme We head toward the passion and cross of Christ.
Third Sunday In Lent -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42 -- E. Carver Mcgriff -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 1998
COMMENTARY ON THE LESSONSLesson 1: Exodus 17:1-7 (C, E); Exodus 17:3-7 (RC)
Christ Confronts A Samaritan Woman -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42 -- Russell F. Anderson -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 1995
Third Sunday In Lent -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42 -- John R. Brokhoff -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 1992
Lesson 1: Exodus 17:3-7 (RC); Exodus 17:1-7 (C, E)


The Immediate Word

Tapping Into Unlimited (Living) Water -- John 4:5-42, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11 -- Thomas Willadsen, Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, George Reed, Elena Delhagen -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2023
For March 12, 2023:
Ignored at the Well -- John 4:5-42, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Bethany Peerbolte, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, Thomas Willadsen, George Reed -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2020
For March 15, 2020:
Affordable Living Water -- John 4:5-42, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, Christopher Keating, George Reed, Beth Herrinton-Hodge -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2017
Health care reform is a hot topic in Washington these days, with the Republican Congress and the Tru
Water, Water, Everywhere? -- John 4:5-42, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11 -- Mary Austin, Leah Lonsbury, Christopher Keating, Ron Love -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2014
All the action in this week’s Old Testament and gospel texts is centered around access to water.
Assurance But Not Insurance -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42, Psalm 95 -- Ron Love, Roger Lovette, Mary Austin -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2011
This week's lectionary passage from the Hebrew scriptures describes the intense frustration of the I
As Common As A Samaritan Woman With Five Husbands -- John 4:5-42, Romans 5:1-11, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95 -- Scott Suskovic, Paul Bresnahan, Thom M. Shuman -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2008
Sometimes the most amazing things in life are right in front of your face.
Where Can You Go From The Top? -- John 4:5-42, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11 -- George L. Murphy -- Third Sunday in Lent - A
For the Third Sunday in Lent, February 27, the gospel is John 4:5-42.


Listening 101 -- John 4:5-42 -- Marian R. Plant, David G. Plant -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2017
Somewhere in my life I heard someone say something like, “The challenge with John (the gospel writer
The Bridge at Sychar -- John 4:5-42 -- David O. Bales -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2010
A great deal of the Bible is quite understandable by itself.
Streams Of Living Water -- John 4:5-42 -- Lee Griess -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2007
Streams of living water ...
Through The Lens Of Go -- John 4:5-42 -- Richard E. Gribble, CSC -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2004
One day a man told a story which touched the hearts of all.
Seeing The Whole Person -- John 4:5-42 -- David Belgum -- 2000
Not surprisingly, Jesus was dusty and thirsty under the noonday sun after his walk through the high
Water, Water, Everywhere -- John 4:5-42 -- Richard L. Sheffield -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 1998
Reading the Gospel lesson this week a snatch of poetry I learned somewhere along the way kept runnin
The Meeting Of Marriage Partners At The Well -- John 4:5-42 -- Mark Ellingsen -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 1992
Jesus and his weather-beaten band of wandering disciples were still heading north and had been for s
Drinking From The Same Cup -- John 4:5-42 -- Albert G. Butzer, III -- Third Sunday in Lent - A
Hate-filled prejudice is, unfortunately, alive and well in our world today.

Free Access

The Bridge at Sychar -- John 4:5-42 -- David O. Bales -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2010
A great deal of the Bible is quite understandable by itself.

The Village Shepherd

Beyond Outward Appearances -- John 4:5-42 -- Janice B. Scott -- Third Sunday in Lent - A
The Bible doesn't have too much to say about women, and those it does mention are very often there



Gave As Good As She Got -- John 4:5-42 -- Frank Ramirez -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2023
Just then his disciples came.
Witness In The Wilderness -- John 4:5-42, Exodus 17:1-7 -- Peter Andrew Smith, C. David Mckirachan -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2017
Contents "Witness in the Wilderness" by Peter Andrew Smith
Getting It Done -- John 4:5-42, Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, Psalm 95 -- C. David Mckirachan -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2014
Contents"Getting It Done" by C. David McKirachan* * * * * * *
Hope Does Not Disappoint -- John 4:5-42, Exodus 17:1-17, Romans 5:1-11, Psalm 95 -- Peter Andrew Smith, Keith Hewitt -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2011
Contents "Hope Does not Disappoint" by Peter Andrew Smith
Testing One, Two, Three... -- John 4:5-42, Romans 5:1-11, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95 -- Keith Hewitt, Timothy Smith -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2008
ContentsWhat's Up This Week
Water Sign -- John 4:5-42, Romans 5:1-11, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95 -- John E. Sumwalt And Jo Perry-sumwalt -- Third Sunday in Lent - A
Contents What's Up This Week


Who Woulda Thunk It? -- John 4:5-42 -- David E. Leininger -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2007
Who woulda thunk it?
Water Sign -- John 4:5-42 -- John E. Sumwalt -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2004
Anne Sunday
Rag Pickers Of Juarez -- John 4:5-42 -- Gregory L. Tolle -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2004
Jesus answered her, "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is saying to you, 'Give me a drink,'
Set Free -- John 4:5-42 -- Timothy J. Smith -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 1998
Ken grew up thinking he was no good at anything.


The Immediate Word

Tapping Into Unlimited (Living) Water -- John 4:5-42, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11 -- Thomas Willadsen, Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, George Reed, Elena Delhagen -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2023
For March 12, 2023:
Ignored at the Well -- John 4:5-42, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Bethany Peerbolte, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, Thomas Willadsen, George Reed -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2020
For March 15, 2020:
Affordable Living Water -- John 4:5-42, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Ron Love, Christopher Keating, George Reed, Beth Herrinton-Hodge -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2017
Health care reform is a hot topic in Washington these days, with the Republican Congress and the Tru
Water, Water, Everywhere? -- John 4:5-42, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11 -- Mary Austin, Leah Lonsbury, Christopher Keating, Ron Love -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2014
All the action in this week’s Old Testament and gospel texts is centered around access to water.
Assurance But Not Insurance -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42, Psalm 95 -- Ron Love, Roger Lovette, Mary Austin -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2011
This week's lectionary passage from the Hebrew scriptures describes the intense frustration of the I
As Common As A Samaritan Woman With Five Husbands -- John 4:5-42, Romans 5:1-11, Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95 -- Scott Suskovic, Paul Bresnahan, Thom M. Shuman -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2008
Sometimes the most amazing things in life are right in front of your face.
Where Can You Go From The Top? -- John 4:5-42, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11 -- George L. Murphy -- Third Sunday in Lent - A
For the Third Sunday in Lent, February 27, the gospel is John 4:5-42.


Lent 3 -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42 -- Thom M. Shuman -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2007
Call To WorshipOne: We come, our souls thirsting for God,
Lent 3 -- John 4:5-42, Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, Psalm 95 -- Amy C. Schifrin, Martha Shonkwiler -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2007
Massah And Meribah -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42 -- Frank Ramirez -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2004
Call To Worship
Third Sunday In Lent -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, Psalm 95, John 4:5-42 -- Beverly S. Bailey -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2004
HymnsI Hunger And I Thirst (CBH474)
Third Sunday In Lent -- John 4:5-42 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2001
Theme: Jesus, Savior Of The WorldCall To Worship
Jesus and the Woman of Samaria -- John 4:5-42 -- Wayne H. Keller -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 1998
The Community GathersInvitation to the Celebration
Third Sunday In Lent -- Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42 -- Dallas A. Brauninger -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 1998
First Lesson: Exodus 17:1-7Theme: With Us Or Not?Call To Worship
Jesus And The Woman Of Samaria -- John 4:5-42 -- Dallas A. Brauninger -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 1992
Suggestions:Use as an anthem.
THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT -- Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42 -- B. David Hostetter -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 1992
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New & Featured This Week


John Jamison
Object: A crown and a cross. If you have enough small crosses, you could give one to each child at the end of the message.

* * *

The Immediate Word

Christopher Keating
Katy Stenta
Thomas Willadsen
Mary Austin
Dean Feldmeyer
George Reed
For November 24, 2024:


John E. Sumwalt
Look, he is coming with the clouds,
    and “every eye will see him,
even those who pierced him”;
    and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.”
So shall it be! Amen.
(v. 7)

Emphasis Preaching Journal

Frank Ramirez
Bill Thomas
Bonnie Bates
Mark Ellingsen
2 Samuel 23:1-7
This scripture is said to be the last words of David. We are called to hear the words and know that they need to live on in us. “One who rules over people justly, ruling in the fear of God, is like the light of morning, like the sun rising on a cloudless morning, gleaming from the rain on the grassy land.” This call for justice remains. It is a call that lives throughout the scriptures. Justice is vitally important to the faithful followers of God. To rule with justice is to answer the call of God.
Wayne Brouwer
One morning in 1872, David Livingstone wrote this in his diary: “March 19, my birthday. My Jesus, my king, my life, my all, I again dedicate my whole self to thee. Accept me, and grant, O gracious Father, that ere the year is gone I may finish my work. In Jesus’ name I ask it. Amen.”

Just one year later, servants came to check on their master’s delay. They found him on his knees in prayer. He was dead.

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:

These responses may be used:

Let us pray for the Church and for the world, and let us thank God for his goodness.

Almighty God our heavenly father, you promised through your Son Jesus Christ to hear us when we pray in faith.


Robert G. Beckstrand
The LORD is king, he is robed in majesty ...
your throne is established from of old,
you are from everlasting ...
More majestic than the thunders of mighty waters,
more majestic than the waves of the sea,
majestic on high is the LORD.
-- Psalm 93:1a, 2, 4

Theme: The majesty of Yahweh

1-2 -- Yahweh's eternal sovereignty is seen in the laws of the physical world.
3-4 -- The hostile powers of earth (like "floods"), however majestic or loud-sounding, threaten his rule in vain.
John R. Brokhoff
The Ancient of Days takes his seat on the throne of judgment.
Today's lesson is apocalyptic literature written at a time of
persecution by Antiochus Epiphanes IV around 165 B.C. Chapter 7
tells of four beasts representing the Persian, Medean, Greek and
Syrian empires. The most terrible beast is the last which led to
the writing of Daniel and the Maccabbean revolt. Our pericope
interrupts the account of the fourth beast. It consists of a
vision of a heavenly court of judgment upon the reign of
Lee Ann Dunlap
The weeklong pastor's training event was about halfway through its course and the pastor coordinating the event was enjoying her break with a leisurely stroll across the grounds. But what began as a beautiful leisurely spring day soon turned somewhat anxious when she returned to her room and found a message taped to her door, "Call the bishop's assistant as soon as possible." She spent part of the afternoon playing phone tag between class sessions. "Whatever could it be?" she pondered.

Cathy A. Ammlung
I'd rather hear Saint Matthew talk about Christ the King. His story of the Last Judgment is vivid. Concrete acts are laid out. "As you have done to the least of these," Jesus says, "you have done to me." We may disagree or cringe, but we can picture this King claiming kinship with the lowly.

Luke's story is good, too. Jesus hangs between two criminals and promises to one that "today you will be with me in Paradise." We see a dying King offering kingly gifts to the dying who trust in him. We may be puzzled, we may object, but again, we can picture it.
H. Alan Stewart
Maybe you have had the experience of being mentioned in the last will and testament of someone who has died. As you listen during this poignant experience to the reading of a deceased person's last wishes, a legacy is being passed on. Both as we live and as we die, we pass on a legacy to the rest of the world.
Charles And Donna Cammarata
Call To Worship
From Psalm 145.
Leader: I lift you high in praise, my God, my King!
People: I will bless your name for all eternity.
Leader: You are magnificent!
People: You can never be praised enough!
Leader: There are no boundaries to your greatness.
People: All generations stand in awe of you.
Leader: Your beauty and splendor have them all talking.
People: We compose songs on your wonders.
Leader: Books could be written filled with the details of your greatness.

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