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The Resurrection Of Our Lord (Easter Day) -- Acts 10:34-43, 1 Corinthians 15:19-26, John 20:1-18 -- Jerry L. Schmalenberger -- Easter Day - C -- 2003
Seasonal ThemeThe resurrected Christ becomes a physical presence in the world again.
Proper 17 -- Jeremiah 2:4-13 -- Elizabeth Achtemeier -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - C -- 2003
This passage forms some of the earliest preaching of Jeremiah after his call in 626 B.C.
Day Of Thanksgiving -- Deuteronomy 26:1-11, Philippians 4:4-9, John 6:25-35 -- Jerry L. Schmalenberger -- Thanksgiving Day - C -- 2003
Theme For The Day
Second Sunday Of Easter -- Acts 5:27-32, Revelation 1:4b-8, John 20:19-31, Revelation 1:4-8 -- Jerry L. Schmalenberger -- Second Sunday of Easter - C -- 2003
Seasonal ThemeThe resurrected Christ becomes a physical presence in the world again.
Proper 18 -- Jeremiah 18:1-11 -- Elizabeth Achtemeier -- Proper 18 | Ordinary Time 23 - C -- 2003
Have you ever seen a potter at work at his wheel?
The Transfiguration Of Our Lord -- Exodus 34:29-35, 2 Corinthians 3:12--4:2, Luke 9:28-36 (37-43a) -- Jerry L. Schmalenberger -- Transfiguration Sunday - C -- 2003
Seasonal Theme
Third Sunday Of Easter -- Acts 9:1-6 (7-20), Revelation 5:11-14, John 21:1-19 -- Jerry L. Schmalenberger -- Third Sunday of Easter - C -- 2003
Seasonal ThemeThe resurrected Christ becomes a physical presence in the world again.
Proper 19 -- Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28 -- Elizabeth Achtemeier -- Proper 19 | Ordinary Time 24 - C -- 2003
"Now it is I who speak in judgment upon them" (v. 12).
Trinity Sunday -- Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31, Romans 5:1-5, John 16:12-15 -- Jerry L. Schmalenberger -- Trinity Sunday | 1st Sunday after Pentecost - C -- 2003
Seasonal ThemeJesus' acts of compassion and teaching ministry.
Fourth Sunday Of Easter -- Acts 9:36-43, Revelation 7:9-17, John 10:22-30 -- Jerry L. Schmalenberger -- Fourth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2003
Seasonal ThemeThe resurrected Christ becomes a physical presence in the world again.
Proper 20 -- Jeremiah 8:18--9:1 -- Elizabeth Achtemeier -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - C -- 2003
This moving elegy is the passage from which the Negro spiritual, "There is a balm in Gilead," is tak
First Sunday After Christmas/Holy Family -- 1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26, Colossians 3:12-17, Luke 2:41-52 -- Jerry L. Schmalenberger -- First Sunday after Christmas Day - C -- 2003
Seasonal ThemeThe Savior is born into the human world and circumstances.
Preaching Resurrection In John -- William H. Shepherd, Jr. -- 2003
Someone once complained that in the Gospel of John, Jesus walks two feet above the ground.
Fifth Sunday Of Easter -- Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35 -- Jerry L. Schmalenberger -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2003
Seasonal ThemeThe resurrected Christ becomes a physical presence in the world again.
Proper 21 -- Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15 -- Elizabeth Achtemeier -- Proper 21 | Ordinary Time 26 - C -- 2003
The time is 588 B.C. in our text.
Second Sunday After Christmas -- Jeremiah 31:7-14, Ephesians 1:3-14, John 1:(1-9) 10-18 -- Jerry L. Schmalenberger -- Second Sunday after Christmas - C -- 2003
Seasonal ThemeThe Savior is born into the human world and circumstances.
Sixth Sunday Of Easter -- Acts 16:9-15, Revelation 21:10, 22--22:5, John 14:23-29 -- Jerry L. Schmalenberger -- Sixth Sunday of Easter - C -- 2003
Seasonal ThemeThe resurrected Christ becomes a physical presence in the world again.
Proper 22 -- Lamentations 1:1-6 -- Elizabeth Achtemeier -- Proper 22 | Ordinary Time 27 - C -- 2003
We are uncomfortable with tears and lamenting, aren't we?
The Sign Of The Fig Tree -- Luke 21:25-36 -- Dallas A. Brauninger -- First Sunday of Advent - C -- 2003
1. Text
Preaching Resurrection Intertextually -- William H. Shepherd, Jr. -- 2003
In my beginning preaching classes, I have always taught students to deal with one biblical text care
Seventh Sunday Of Easter -- Acts 16:16-34, John 17:20-26 -- Jerry L. Schmalenberger -- Seventh Sunday of Easter - C -- 2003
Seasonal ThemeThe resurrected Christ becomes a physical presence in the world again.
Proper 23 -- Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7 -- Elizabeth Achtemeier -- Proper 23 | Ordinary Time 28 - C -- 2003
The prominent people, the "best" people of Judah, were carried into Babylonian exile in the first de
The Blind Leading The Blind -- Luke 6:39-49 -- Dallas A. Brauninger -- Epiphany 8 | Ordinary Time 8 - C -- 2003
1. Text
The Epiphany Of Our Lord -- Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12 -- Jerry L. Schmalenberger -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2003
Seasonal Theme
Proper 24 -- Jeremiah 31:27-34 -- Elizabeth Achtemeier -- Proper 24 | Ordinary Time 29 - C -- 2003
The lectionary has included two separate oracles in this reading, verses 27-30 and verses 31-34.


Self Help



Heaven Can Wait -- John 17:6-19 -- David T. Ball -- Seventh Sunday of Easter - B -- 2005
In a popular Hollywood movie starring Warren Beatty, Beatty plays a quarterback destined to lead the
A Level Playing Field For God -- Isaiah 40:1-11 -- Schuyler Rhodes -- Second Sunday of Advent - B -- 2005
A Level Playing Field For God
Finding Our Salvation In Today's World -- 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 -- John T. Ball -- Third Sunday in Lent - B -- 2005
One of Louis Armstrong's vocal hits went like this:
Risking Relationships That Redeem -- Ruth 3:1-5, 4:13-17 -- Mary S. Lautensleger -- 2005
Fried green tomatoes were the house specialty at the Whistle Stop Cafe in Alabama during the 1930s.
Generosity As The Clue To Life -- Mark 8:27-38 -- John T. Ball -- Proper 19 | Ordinary Time 24 - B -- 2005
All the great founders of our religious traditions offer secrets to the good life.
Reevaluating Our Mission For Christ -- John 17:1-11 -- Richard E. Gribble, CSC -- Seventh Sunday of Easter - A -- 2004
Once there was a village with a chief who had three sons, each of which possessed a special talent.
The Letter To Smyrna -- Revelation 2:8-11 -- Bill Mosley -- 2004
About 35 miles north of Ephesus is Smyrna. It's called Ismir, Turkey, today.
Economic Justice, Facing The Issue -- Matthew 6:31-33 -- 2004
For years, they had all been hearing that our world's economic system is working in a way that makes
Light Is As Light Does -- Ephesians 5:8-14 -- Richard W. Ferris -- Fourth Sunday in Lent - A -- 2004
If you saw the movie, Forrest Gump a few years back, you will remember how Forrest always had
Shalom Shattered -- Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28 -- Arley K. Fadness -- Proper 14 | Ordinary Time 19 - A -- 2004
It's art class.
Influence! -- Matthew 23:1-12 -- George L. Murphy -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - A -- 2004
If you think a mosquito is small and has little influence, try sleeping in a hot room at night with
Going For The Goal In Football And Faith -- Hebrews 12:1-3, 12a -- 2004
I caught the title out of the corner of my eye while wandering through a bookstore.
Don't Be A Turkey! -- Luke 17:11-19 -- 2004
There is little question that the commercially grown turkey is, pound for pound, one of nature's les
A Peek At The Resurrection -- Revelation 7:9-17 -- Charles L. Aaron, Jr. -- All Saints Day - A -- 2004
As the movie Contact opens, the audience sees a precocious girl named Eleanor learning how to
Call Waiting -- John 1:29-42 -- Susan R. Andrews -- Epiphany 2 | Ordinary Time 2 - A -- 2004
Chaim Potok was an intensely religious man; a Jew who explored the dimensions of faith in our lives.
The Letter To Pergamum -- Revelation 2:12-17 -- Bill Mosley -- 2004
You remember the famous story of Balaam and his talking ass?
Worthy Of God -- 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13 -- Richard C. Brand -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - A -- 2004
It seems fair to say that the saints of the Lord have always shown us what it is to be worthy of God
Another Door -- Elaine M. Ward -- 2004
Intergenerational ServiceCall To Worship:
Adam And Evie -- Genesis 2:15-17 -- 2004
(A story sermon with dialogical parts that can be read by a pastor and two or more church members.)
Enjoy The Scenery -- Romans 8:6-11 -- Richard W. Ferris -- Fifth Sunday in Lent - A -- 2004
Some of us can remember the days before interstate highways and massive traffic slowdowns when a lei
Forgiveness And Reconciliation At Last! -- Genesis 45:1-15 -- Arley K. Fadness -- Proper 15 | Ordinary Time 20 - A -- 2004
It happened to a rural Lake County, South Dakota, Lutheran church in August of 2000.
What If The End Is Near? -- Matthew 25:1-13 -- George L. Murphy -- Proper 27 | Ordinary Time 32 - A -- 2004
Someone handed me a note at the door of the church building a few Sundays ago.
Disciplined People -- Matthew 5:5 -- E. Dale Click -- 2004
A television quiz show would flash a word before a contestant and the contestant was expected to say
Valentines -- 1 Corinthians 12:31b-13:8a, 13 -- 2004
Back in February of 1848, Esther Howland, a student at Mount Holyoke Seminary for Females (now Mount
Bear Love -- Acts 1:1-11 -- Bill Mosley -- Ascension of the Lord - A -- 2004
Do you remember everything your mother told you?




Trickle Up -- Ephesians 4:1-16 -- Constance Berg -- Proper 13 | Ordinary Time 18 - B -- 1999
Paul calls for unity and gives us the seven signs of Christian unity as we make up the body of Chris
Advent -- 1999
At a church meal after a funeral a man told me they were expecting a baby any time now, so each nigh
Incarnation -- 1999
"Mama Ganna" (Amanda Gardner), the Bible Woman of Liberia, West Africa, said of the missionary nurse
Danielle's Laughter -- Matthew 24:36-44 -- Timothy J. Smith -- First Sunday of Advent - A -- 1998
Five-year-old Danielle, along with her younger sister and brother, arrived in time for Sunday School
Aunt Betty's Advice -- Matthew 14:13-21 -- Timothy J. Smith -- Proper 13 | Ordinary Time 18 - A -- 1998
On a warm August afternoon a large extended family gathered for a family reunion.
Roller Coaster Ride -- Matthew 14:22-33 -- Timothy J. Smith -- Proper 14 | Ordinary Time 19 - A -- 1998
Rob was like any other teenager; he enjoyed doing the usual things that teenagers do.
The Exit Ramp -- Matthew 3:1-12 -- Timothy J. Smith -- Second Sunday of Advent - A -- 1998
He stood there at the exit ramp, an imposing figure.
Ida's Attic -- Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30 -- Timothy J. Smith -- Proper 9 | Ordinary Time 14 - A -- 1998
What drew people to Ida was her cheerfulness.
Carla's Persistence -- Matthew 15:21-28 -- Timothy J. Smith -- Proper 15 | Ordinary Time 20 - A -- 1998
Carla was a fighter. That much was evident from several telephone conversations.
Jane's Encounter -- Matthew 11:2-11 -- Timothy J. Smith -- Third Sunday of Advent - A -- 1998
Even though Jane's children were all grown and had families of their own, she still enjoyed attendin
Kevin's Vision -- Matthew 17:1-9 -- Timothy J. Smith -- Transfiguration Sunday - A -- 1998
Kevin often daydreamed about mountain climbing, not just any mountain, but Mount Washington in upsta
Rally Day -- Romans 12:1-8 -- Timothy J. Smith -- Proper 16 | Ordinary Time 21 - A -- 1998
Plans for Rally Day were discussed at the Sunday School teachers meeting.
Mary's Christmas Letter -- Isaiah 7:10-16 -- Timothy J. Smith -- Fourth Sunday of Advent - A -- 1998
Mary was a loving, thoughtful woman who took the time to write personal notes with her Christmas car
What No One Told Karen -- Matthew 28:16-20 -- Timothy J. Smith -- Trinity Sunday | 1st Sunday after Pentecost - A -- 1998
Like countless others of her generation, Karen grew up attending Sunday School and church and then c
Janice And The Bulldozer -- Exodus 3:1-15 -- Timothy J. Smith -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - A -- 1998
The picture in the evening newspaper would certainly catch anyone's attention: three women sitting o
Forest's Mark -- Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 -- Timothy J. Smith -- Ash Wednesday - A -- 1998
Forest never said much when he came to church.
Christmas Dreams -- Matthew 2:13-23 -- Timothy J. Smith -- First Sunday after Christmas Day - A -- 1998
Jeff and Cheryl had a dream. Actually they had the same dream.
The Defining Mark -- Romans 13:8-14 -- Timothy J. Smith -- Proper 18 | Ordinary Time 23 - A -- 1998
Rollin and Tom were colleagues at a small Christian college.
Jack's Surprise -- Matthew 3:13-17 -- Timothy J. Smith -- The Baptism of our Lord | Epiphany 1 | Ordinary Time 1 - A -- 1998
Jack was one of those people that when you first met him you immediately liked him.
Vicki's First Christmas -- Luke 2:1-20 -- Timothy J. Smith -- The Nativity of our Lord - A -- 1998
Life was anything but easy for Vicki.
Amber's Stand -- Romans 14:1-12 -- Timothy J. Smith -- Proper 19 | Ordinary Time 24 - A -- 1998
Amber was thrilled when she made the girl's varsity basketball team in her junior year of high schoo
Take Me Out To The Ball Game! -- Matthew 25:31-46 -- Timothy J. Smith -- Christ The King (Proper 29) - A -- 1998
Whenever visiting the community park he could not help but notice ten-year-old Tony and his younger
Ed's Vacation -- Matthew 20:1-16 -- Timothy J. Smith -- Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25 - A -- 1998
Ed and Darlene were looking forward to their summer vacation.
Home Movies -- Matthew 28:1-10 -- Timothy J. Smith -- Easter Day - A -- 1998
One evening, for some unknown reason, Kay found herself alone in her basement watching old home movi
Two Brothers -- Matthew 21:23-32 -- Timothy J. Smith -- Proper 21 | Ordinary Time 26 - A -- 1998
Bobby and his brother Gordie were waiting to be picked up to attend Vacation Bible School at their n

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Prayer

Unison Prayer

Wedding Vow

Women's Day



Third Sunday Of Easter -- 1 Peter 1:17-23 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Third Sunday of Easter - A -- 2001
Theme: A Call To Holy LivingCall To Worship
Proper 16 -- Psalm 124 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Proper 16 | Ordinary Time 21 - A -- 2001
Words Of Assurance
Wednesday Lent 1 -- David R. Mattson -- 2001
Welcome to worship this evening. Tonight, we will hear from Jesus' story of the Prodigal Son.
Ministering To The King -- Matthew 25:31-46 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Christ The King (Proper 29) - A -- 2001
Theme: Ministering To The KingCall To Worship
Second Sunday Of Advent -- Romans 15:4-13 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Second Sunday of Advent - A -- 2001
Theme: The God Of HopeCall To Worship
Third Sunday In Lent -- Romans 5:1-11 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2001
Theme: Our Hope -- Reconciliation With GodCall To Worship
Proper 9 -- Genesis 24:34-38, 42-49, 58-67 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Proper 9 | Ordinary Time 14 - A -- 2001
Theme: Love And MarriageCall To Worship
Conversation At A Rest Stop -- John 4 -- Janet Burton -- 2001
The Samaritan Woman Tells Her Story
Eighth Sunday After Epiphany -- Matthew 6:24-34 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Epiphany 8 | Ordinary Time 8 - A -- 2001
Theme: WorryCall To Worship
Proper 4 -- Romans 1:16-17; 3:22b-28 (29-31) -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Proper 4 | Ordinary Time 9 - A -- 2001
Theme: We Live By FaithCall To Worship
Proper 24 -- Psalm 99 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Proper 24 | Ordinary Time 29 - A -- 2001
Words Of Assurance
Epiphany Of Our Lord -- Psalm 72:1-17 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Epiphany of the Lord - A -- 2001
Words Of Assurance
Third Sunday Of Easter -- Luke 24:13-35 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Third Sunday of Easter - A -- 2001
Theme: Christ Walks With YouCall To Worship
Proper 17 -- Exodus 3:1-15 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - A -- 2001
Theme: God Is CallingCall To Worship
Wednesday Lent 2 -- David R. Mattson -- 2001
Welcome to worship this evening. Tonight, we will hear again from Jesus' story of the Prodigal Son.
Proper 29 (Christ The King) -- Psalm 100 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Christ The King (Proper 29) - A -- 2001
Words Of Assurance
Second Sunday Of Advent -- Matthew 3:1-12 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Second Sunday of Advent - A -- 2001
Theme: Prepare The Way Of The LordCall To Worship
Third Sunday In Lent -- John 4:5-42 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Third Sunday in Lent - A -- 2001
Theme: Jesus, Savior Of The WorldCall To Worship
Proper 9 -- Romans 7:15-25a -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Proper 9 | Ordinary Time 14 - A -- 2001
Theme: Inner ConflictCall To Worship
Doubts From A Dungeon -- Matthew 11 and 14 -- Janet Burton -- 2001
John The Baptist Struggles To Believe
Baptism Of Our Lord (Epiphany 1) -- Isaiah 42:1-9 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- The Baptism of our Lord | Epiphany 1 | Ordinary Time 1 - A -- 2001
Theme: A Light To The NationsCall To Worship
Third Sunday Of Easter -- Psalm 116 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Third Sunday of Easter - A -- 2001
Words Of Assurance
Proper 17 -- Romans 12:9-21 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Proper 17 | Ordinary Time 22 - A -- 2001
Theme: Marks Of The True ChristianCall To Worship
Wednesday Lent 3 -- David R. Mattson -- 2001
Welcome to worship this evening. Tonight, we will hear again from Jesus' story of the Prodigal Son.
Reformation Sunday -- Jeremiah 31:31-34 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Reformation Sunday - A -- 2001
Theme: A New CovenantCall To Worship

Worship Service

Youth Resources

In addition to the lectionary resources there are thousands of non-lectionary, scripture based resources...
Epiphany 4 (OT 4)
28 – Sermons
180+ – Illustrations / Stories
31 – Children's Sermons / Resources
20 – Worship Resources
33 – Commentary / Exegesis
4 – Pastor's Devotions
and more...
Epiphany 5 (OT 5)
31 – Sermons
180+ – Illustrations / Stories
39 – Children's Sermons / Resources
24 – Worship Resources
33 – Commentary / Exegesis
4 – Pastor's Devotions
and more...
Epiphany 6 (OT 6)
32 – Sermons
180+ – Illustrations / Stories
35 – Children's Sermons / Resources
22 – Worship Resources
29 – Commentary / Exegesis
4 – Pastor's Devotions
and more...
Plus thousands of non-lectionary, scripture based resources...

New & Featured This Week


John Jamison
Object: A sign that says, “The Home of Jesus!” (Click here to download the sign I used.)

* * *

The Immediate Word

Christopher Keating
Thomas Willadsen
Katy Stenta
Mary Austin
George Reed
Dean Feldmeyer
For February 2, 2025:


John E. Sumwalt
Love never ends. But as for prophecies, they will come to an end; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will come to an end. For we know only in part, and we prophesy only in part; but when the complete comes, the partial will come to an end. (vv.8-10)

I, John Sumwalt, believe in God! It’s the reality in which, as the Apostle Paul wrote, “I live and move and have my being.”

Emphasis Preaching Journal

David Coffin
Imagine an aging church leader or preacher who has seen one technology tool after another change the face of how messages of fait are communicated. It started with the chalkboard, overhead plastic sheets on a projector to now various forms of computer software programs off a laptop onto a screen. With all the modern technology changes going at increasing megabytes per second, is God’s Word still as accurate and effective as in times past?
Mark Ellingsen
Bill Thomas
Frank Ramirez
Bonnie Bates
Jeremiah 1:4-10
There are plenty of things in contemporary American society which could use a prophetic voice to challenge them. We think of all the ugliness in our public discourse and on the net. There is the rising tide of anti-semitism. Reuters reported a 268.1 times wage gap in 2023 between the salary of the median employed worker and CEO pay. Racism is hardly vanishing given legislation passed in a number of state legislatures against teaching Critical Race Theory. John Calvin well described an important aspect of the sort of prophecy we need. He wrote:

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott
The story of the presentation of Jesus in the temple is strong on two 'bit-part' characters, Simeon and Anna, both of whom are old, and neither of whom has any other mention in the Bible. This story is an imaginary biography of Anna.


Schuyler Rhodes
Most people, at one time or another, have had the regrettable experience of needing refuge. Untold millions around this war-ripped world are literally refugees, whose lives are shattered as they are uprooted and left bereft of home, family, and any visible means of sustenance. Countless women around the world suffer from the brutality of abuse by their male partners and are in need of refuge. Each day the numbers of homeless poor on the streets of America grows and grows. They, too, need refuge.
Richard E. Gribble, CSC
During the 56 years of his life, Adolf Hitler did incredible harm and was responsible for the death of millions of people. Yet in all of the horror that he unleashed, there were pinpoints of light and nobility. One German soldier, Private Joseph Schultz, was one of those pinpoints.

Derl G. Keefer
Jeremiah had a task, a vision, and a promise from God. The prophet Jeremiah had a call from God to preach his word to a people needing to hear from God. His call has been duplicated multiple times over the centuries.
J. Ellsworth Kalas
David Kalas
In the church, most of us think of Epiphany simply as a season on the church calendar, and sometimes as a season we don't understand too well. We may recall that we are celebrating particularly the revealing of Christ to the Gentile world, via the Wise Men, but not much more.

The dictionary, however, adds further dimension to the word, listen: "a sudden, intuitive perception ... into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience."

Special Occasion

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