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Passion Sunday - A

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Children's Activity


Betrayed -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Leah Thompson -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2011
Shiny money -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2008
The Bread And The Cup -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Passion Sunday - A
Teachers: The Passion narrative reading for this Sunday is
God's blueprints -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Passion Sunday - A
The Last Supper -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Passion Sunday - A
There are a lot of very familiar themes in our gospel reading for today.
Submission -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Passion Sunday - A
Teachers or Parents: The Passion history gives us a chance to
King Jesus -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Passion Sunday - A
Teachers or Parents: If you have a Palm Sunday processional in your worship service, talk about it.

Gospel Grams 2

Children's Bulletin (ages 8-10) -- Matthew 21:1-11 -- Matthew 21:1-11 -- Passion Sunday - A

Gospel Grams 1

Children's Bulletin (ages 5-7) -- Matthew 21:1-11 -- Matthew 21:1-11 -- Passion Sunday - A

Free Access

Children's Bulletin (ages 5-7) -- Matthew 21:1-11 -- Matthew 21:1-11 -- Passion Sunday - A
Children's Bulletin (ages 8-10) -- Matthew 21:1-11 -- Matthew 21:1-11 -- Passion Sunday - A


Emphasis Preaching Journal

Sacrificial Service -- Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 27:11-54 -- David Coffin -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2023
In most churches I have served this is the week of Palm Sunday.
God’s Love Shines Through the Cross and Changes Us -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 27:11-54 -- Mark Ellingsen -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2020
God’s love shines through the cross and changes us.
The Work Of Salvation -- Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Sandra Herrmann -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2017
The work of salvation is embodied in the crucifixion and death of Jesus.
Which parade? -- Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Cathy Venkatesh -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2014
This Palm Sunday afternoon, I will be joining a festive Walk for Affordable Housing organized by a l
The wrong anthem -- Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66, Psalm 31:9-16 -- William H. Shepherd, Schuyler Rhodes -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2011
The choir director was aghast. "I just didn't realize," she said. "It was totally inappropriate.
Passionate about the passion -- Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66, Psalm 31:9-16 -- R. Craig Maccreary -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2008
I suspect that most preachers will not be looking for ways to dive headlong into
The road to redemption -- Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66, Psalm 31:9-16 -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2002
Last summer my family and I moved from the East Coast to the Midwest.
The servant king -- Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Passion Sunday - A -- 1999
Perhaps we lose the punch of the imagery of "servant" in the Bible when we in our day view on cable
Redemptive suffering -- Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Passion Sunday - A -- 1996
The wrong anthem -- Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 26:14-27:66 -- William H. Shepherd -- Passion Sunday - A
The choir director was aghast. "I just didn't realize," she said. "It was totally inappropriate.

Children's bulletin

Gospel Grams 2

Children's Bulletin (ages 8-10) -- Matthew 21:1-11 -- Matthew 21:1-11 -- Passion Sunday - A

Gospel Grams 1

Children's Bulletin (ages 5-7) -- Matthew 21:1-11 -- Matthew 21:1-11 -- Passion Sunday - A

Free Access

Children's Bulletin (ages 5-7) -- Matthew 21:1-11 -- Matthew 21:1-11 -- Passion Sunday - A
Children's Bulletin (ages 8-10) -- Matthew 21:1-11 -- Matthew 21:1-11 -- Passion Sunday - A

Children's Liturgy and Story

The Village Shepherd

The Braying Of A Donkey -- Matthew 27:11-54 -- Janice B. Scott -- Passion Sunday - A
Call to Worship:

Children's sermon


Erasing! -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- John Jamison -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2023
Object: A wipe-off marker board, markers, and eraser.
Unfollow -- Matthew 27:11-54 -- Bethany Peerbolte -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2020
In this age of social media, the biggest thrill is getting a follower.
A True Friend -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Mary Kay Eichelman -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2017
Hey, who wants to be my friend?  I have candy to share!  I am so happy that you are all my wonderful
In the Breaking of Bread -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Anna Shirey -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2014
First Thoughts
Emptied -- Philippians 2:5-11 -- Leah Thompson -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2011
But emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness.
Betrayed -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Leah Thompson -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2011
And from that moment he began to look for an opportunity to betray him. (v. 26:16)
What's in a box? -- Philippians 2:5-11 -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2008
... who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as
Shiny money -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2008
Then one of the twelve, who was called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests
A special symbol -- Philippians 2:5-11 -- Passion Sunday - A
Who knows what we celebrate next Sunday? (get responses) That's right!
Ultimate obedience -- Philippians 2:5-11 -- Passion Sunday - A
Good morning! I have here a note from a parent. It reads this
Going down! Going up! -- Philippians 2:5-11 -- Passion Sunday - A
Good morning, boys and girls. Everyone here this morning has
Peter and the rooster -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Passion Sunday - A
Good morning, boys and girls. I brought a rock with me to help
Which vase is Jesus? -- Philippians 2:5-11 -- Passion Sunday - A
... but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness.
The Last Supper -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Passion Sunday - A
Good morning! Who knows what today is? (get responses) Yes!
Submission -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Passion Sunday - A
Good morning! I brought two pictures to show you today. Here
Kneeling before Jesus -- Philippians 2:5-11 -- Passion Sunday - A
Good morning! I brought some dominoes with me this morning and I want you to help me.
King Jesus -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Passion Sunday - A
Good morning! Today I brought a sign with me. Can someone tell me what it says?
God's blueprints -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Passion Sunday - A
But how then would the scriptures be fulfilled, which say it must happen in this way? (v.

The Immediate Word

A Tale of Two Kings -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Psalm 31:9-16, Matthew 27:11-54, Matthew 21:1-11 -- Elena Delhagen, Katy Stenta, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Thomas Willadsen, Christopher Keating, George Reed -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2023
For April 2, 2023:
Sacrifice or Inconvenience? / Lonely in the Midst of People -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Psalm 31:9-16, Matthew 27:11-54, Matthew 21:1-11, Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Ron Love, Christopher Keating, Thomas Willadsen, George Reed, Bethany Peerbolte, Kentina Washington-Leapheart -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2020
For April 5, 2020:
Demonstrations, Marches, And Rallies / Bewitched, Bothered, Bewildered, And Betrayed -- Matthew 21:1-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66, Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Ron Love, George Reed, Beth Herrinton-Hodge -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2017
In this installment of The Immediate Word, we’re offering two main essays -- one fo
From Cheers To Jeers -- Matthew 21:1-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66, Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Ron Love, Leah Lonsbury, Christopher Keating, George Reed -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2014
Taken together, the texts for Palm/Passion Sunday provide something of a contradictory message.
Illustrations For March 16, 2008 From The Immediate Word -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Psalm 31:9-16 -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2008
Just who are those people who come out to see Jesus, as he triumphantly enters Jerusalem?
The Fickle Crowd -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Psalm 31:9-16 -- Paul Bresnahan, Scott Suskovic, Carlos Wilton -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2008
During presidential campaigns, it is customary to introduce presidential candidates with "Hail to th
The Contender -- Matthew 21:1-11, Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 -- Mary Boyd Click -- Passion Sunday - A
Violence has fragmented our world again this week. It seems almost pandemic.



Passion/Palm Sunday -- Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Stephen P. McCutchan -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2007
The Lord God has opened my ear, and I was not rebellious, I did not turn backward.
Passion/Palm Sunday -- Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 -- Stephen P. McCutchan -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2007
Open to me the gates of righteousness, that I may enter through them and give thanks to the Lord.
Passion/Palm Sunday -- Philippians 2:5-11 -- Stephen P. McCutchan -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2007
Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus....-- Philippians 2:5
Passion/Palm Sunday -- Matthew 21:1-11 -- Stephen P. McCutchan -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2007
The crowds that went ahead of him and that followed were shouting, "Hosanna to the Son of David!


Emphasis Preaching Journal

Sermon Illustrations For Passion Sunday (2023) -- Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66, Psalm 31:9-16, Matthew 27:11-54 -- Bill Thomas, Mark Ellingsen, Bonnie Bates, Frank Ramirez -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2023
Isaiah 50:5-9a
Sermon Illustrations For Passion Sunday (2020) -- Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66, Psalm 31:9-16, Matthew 27:11-54 -- Ron Love, Bill Thomas, Mark Ellingsen, Bonnie Bates, Frank Ramirez, M Adryael Tong -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2020
Psalm 31:9-16
Sermon Illustrations For Passion Sunday (2017) -- Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Ron Love, Bill Thomas, Mark Ellingsen, Bob Ove, Bonnie Bates, Frank Ramirez -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2017
Isaiah 50:4-9a
Sermon Illustrations for Passion Sunday (2014) -- Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Ron Love, Derl G. Keefer, Mark Ellingsen, Bob Ove, Scott A. Bryte -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2014
Isaiah 50:4-9a
The psychological concept... -- Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Ron Love -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2014
The psychological concept of schadenfreude is the enjoyment we receive when someone we envy f
Seldom had I been... -- Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Derl G. Keefer -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2014
Seldom had I been to a cross country meet until my granddaughter began competing for her middle scho
Passion Sunday and this... -- Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Mark Ellingsen -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2014
Passion Sunday and this lesson are all about God's surprising ways of taking care of us; he makes go
You won't get any less... -- Philippians 2:5-11 -- Scott A. Bryte -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2014
You won't get any less thirsty by drinking from an empty glass.
One of the most important... -- Philippians 2:5-11 -- Bob Ove -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2014
One of the most important lessons we learn from our Lord is humility. No one is higher than God.
A great city-wide revival... -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Derl G. Keefer -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2014
A great city-wide revival swept across Philadelphia in 1858.
The insidious character... -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Mark Ellingsen -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2014
The insidious character of sin is transmitted in every version of the Passion narrative.
In Proverbs, from the King... -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Ron Love -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2014
In Proverbs, from the King James Version, we have this well-known truth, "Pride goeth before
NULL -- Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2011
Isaiah 50:4-9
NULL -- Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Ron Love -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2011
After the Tucson shootings in front of the Safeway Store, where there was an attempted assassination
NULL -- Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Leah Thompson -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2011
Knowledge is a great honor and a great responsibility.
NULL -- Philippians 2:5-11 -- Craig Kelly -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2011
How many times in this world have we seen people who strive for power and position humbled?
NULL -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Leah Thompson -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2011
"What's in it for me?" One of the secrets to writing a good story is to create strong characters.
NULL -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Ron Love -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2011
Henry Bessemer is best remembered for developing the Bessemer Process, also called the pneumatic con
Isaiah 50:4-9a Lt... -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2008
Isaiah 50:4-9a
Lt. Col. Brian Birdwell survived... -- Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2008
Lt. Col. Brian Birdwell survived the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon, but was burned over

The Immediate Word

A Tale of Two Kings -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Psalm 31:9-16, Matthew 27:11-54, Matthew 21:1-11 -- Elena Delhagen, Katy Stenta, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Thomas Willadsen, Christopher Keating, George Reed -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2023
For April 2, 2023:
Sacrifice or Inconvenience? / Lonely in the Midst of People -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Psalm 31:9-16, Matthew 27:11-54, Matthew 21:1-11, Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Ron Love, Christopher Keating, Thomas Willadsen, George Reed, Bethany Peerbolte, Kentina Washington-Leapheart -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2020
For April 5, 2020:
Demonstrations, Marches, And Rallies / Bewitched, Bothered, Bewildered, And Betrayed -- Matthew 21:1-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66, Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Ron Love, George Reed, Beth Herrinton-Hodge -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2017
In this installment of The Immediate Word, we’re offering two main essays -- one fo
From Cheers To Jeers -- Matthew 21:1-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66, Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Ron Love, Leah Lonsbury, Christopher Keating, George Reed -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2014
Taken together, the texts for Palm/Passion Sunday provide something of a contradictory message.


I Will Not Be Ashamed -- Isaiah 50:4-9a -- John E. Sumwalt -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2023
The Lord God helps me; therefore I have not been disgraced;


The Village Shepherd

Suffering God... -- Janice B. Scott -- Passion Sunday - A
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:


The Immediate Word

A Tale of Two Kings -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Psalm 31:9-16, Matthew 27:11-54, Matthew 21:1-11 -- Elena Delhagen, Katy Stenta, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Thomas Willadsen, Christopher Keating, George Reed -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2023
For April 2, 2023:
Sacrifice or Inconvenience? / Lonely in the Midst of People -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Psalm 31:9-16, Matthew 27:11-54, Matthew 21:1-11, Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Ron Love, Christopher Keating, Thomas Willadsen, George Reed, Bethany Peerbolte, Kentina Washington-Leapheart -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2020
For April 5, 2020:
Demonstrations, Marches, And Rallies / Bewitched, Bothered, Bewildered, And Betrayed -- Matthew 21:1-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66, Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Ron Love, George Reed, Beth Herrinton-Hodge -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2017
In this installment of The Immediate Word, we’re offering two main essays -- one fo
From Cheers To Jeers -- Matthew 21:1-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66, Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Ron Love, Leah Lonsbury, Christopher Keating, George Reed -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2014
Taken together, the texts for Palm/Passion Sunday provide something of a contradictory message.
Illustrations For March 16, 2008 From The Immediate Word -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Psalm 31:9-16 -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2008
Just who are those people who come out to see Jesus, as he triumphantly enters Jerusalem?
The Fickle Crowd -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Psalm 31:9-16 -- Paul Bresnahan, Scott Suskovic, Carlos Wilton -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2008
During presidential campaigns, it is customary to introduce presidential candidates with "Hail to th
The Contender -- Matthew 21:1-11, Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 -- Mary Boyd Click -- Passion Sunday - A
Violence has fragmented our world again this week. It seems almost pandemic.


Palm / Passion Sunday -- Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Carlos Wilton -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2010
Theme For The Day
Liturgy Of The Palms -- Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 -- James Evans, Stan Purdum, Carlos Wilton -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2006
(Occurs in all three cycles of the lectionary; see Easter, Cycle A, for an alternative approach t
Liturgy Of The Passion -- Psalm 31:9-16 -- James Evans, Stan Purdum, Carlos Wilton -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2006
(Occurs in all three cycles of the lectionary; see Liturgy Of The Passion, Cycle B and Cycle C, f
Sunday Of The Passion -- Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 27:11-54 -- John R. Brokhoff -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2004
THE LESSONSLesson 1: Isaiah 50:4--9a (C); Isaiah 50:4--7 (RC)
Passion/Palm Sunday -- Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Elizabeth Achtemeier -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2004
As we approach the story of our Lord's suffering during what we call this Holy Week, and especially
Sunday Of The Passion -- Derl G. Keefer, C. Neil Strait -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2002
Sunday Of The Passion -- Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Jerry L. Schmalenberger -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2001
Seasonal Theme We head toward the passion and cross of Christ.
Sunday Of The Passion -- Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 27:11-54 -- E. Carver Mcgriff -- Passion Sunday - A -- 1998
The passion and death of our Lord -- Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66, Matthew 27:11-54 -- Russell F. Anderson -- Passion Sunday - A -- 1995
Sunday Of The Passion -- Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 27:11-54, Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- John R. Brokhoff -- Passion Sunday - A -- 1992
Lesson 1: Isaiah 50:4-9a (C, L); Isaiah 50:4-7 (RC)
Sunday of the Passion -- Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 27:11-54 -- George M. Bass -- Passion Sunday - A -- 1989
The church year theological clue


The Immediate Word

A Tale of Two Kings -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Psalm 31:9-16, Matthew 27:11-54, Matthew 21:1-11 -- Elena Delhagen, Katy Stenta, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Thomas Willadsen, Christopher Keating, George Reed -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2023
For April 2, 2023:
Sacrifice or Inconvenience? / Lonely in the Midst of People -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Psalm 31:9-16, Matthew 27:11-54, Matthew 21:1-11, Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Ron Love, Christopher Keating, Thomas Willadsen, George Reed, Bethany Peerbolte, Kentina Washington-Leapheart -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2020
For April 5, 2020:
Demonstrations, Marches, And Rallies / Bewitched, Bothered, Bewildered, And Betrayed -- Matthew 21:1-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66, Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Ron Love, George Reed, Beth Herrinton-Hodge -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2017
In this installment of The Immediate Word, we’re offering two main essays -- one fo
From Cheers To Jeers -- Matthew 21:1-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66, Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Ron Love, Leah Lonsbury, Christopher Keating, George Reed -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2014
Taken together, the texts for Palm/Passion Sunday provide something of a contradictory message.
Illustrations For March 16, 2008 From The Immediate Word -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Psalm 31:9-16 -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2008
Just who are those people who come out to see Jesus, as he triumphantly enters Jerusalem?
The Fickle Crowd -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Psalm 31:9-16 -- Paul Bresnahan, Scott Suskovic, Carlos Wilton -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2008
During presidential campaigns, it is customary to introduce presidential candidates with "Hail to th


Learning to Walk in the Dark -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Marian R. Plant, David G. Plant -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2017
If we take away nothing new from the Passion story this year let us take away this: through it we ca
Remembering Jesus -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- David O. Bales -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2010
The novel The Ugly American is based upon facts of how Americans related to people in Southea
Peace and Quiet in an Upside-Down World -- Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Tony S. Everett -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2010
Johnny is four years old and he stopped taking naps before his second birthday.
A Salvation Army Parade -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Lee Griess -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2007
Different churches celebrate Palm Sunday in different ways.
I Love A Parade -- Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Schuyler Rhodes -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2007
I love Palm Sunday.
Humility: We Know It When We See It -- Philippians 2:5-11 -- David O. Bales -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2007
In 1860, Abraham Lincoln won the Illinois Republican Presidential nomination in this way: Lincoln's
Temptation Of The Palms -- Philippians 2:5-11 -- Richard W. Ferris -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2004
Sharing The Pain Of Others -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Richard E. Gribble, CSC -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2004
"Rags, rags!
Dark Ugly Clouds -- Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Bill Mosley -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2004
Things are hardly ever the way they appear and certainly not on Calvary's hill.
A Meeting Of The Minds -- Philippians 2:5-11 -- Harry N. Huxhold -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2001
ABC produced a television program titled Strange World.
Slaving After Freedom -- Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Robert J. Elder -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2001
Preachers often wonder what to do with Palm Sunday.
The Mission Of Christ Is Ours -- Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Richard E. Gribble, CSC -- Passion Sunday - A -- 1998
How does one define the concept of divinity?
Where Is God When I Need Him? -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Richard L. Sheffield -- Passion Sunday - A -- 1998
"Truly, this man was God's Son!" (Matthew 27:54 NRSV).
The Holy Vessel Is Empty -- Philippians 2:5-11 -- Frank Luchsinger -- Passion Sunday - A -- 1998
It was the early 1400s and France was without a king.
The Tragedy Of His Victory -- Matthew 21:1-11 -- Thomas A. Pilgrim -- Passion Sunday - A -- 1998
Some of you experienced the victory of World War II.
God Works Through Opposites -- Matthew 21:1-11 -- Mark Ellingsen -- Passion Sunday - A -- 1992
God simply does not seem to do the sort of things we would expect our God to do.
The Road To The Cross -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Mark Ellingsen -- Passion Sunday - A -- 1992
Passion Sunday, the whole story of the dastardly plots and betrayals that brought Jesus to the cross
God's Spectacular Glory -- Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Theodore F. Schneider -- Passion Sunday - A -- 1992
There's no doubt about it.

Free Access

Remembering Jesus -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- David O. Bales -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2010
The novel The Ugly American is based upon facts of how Americans related to people in Southea



I Will Not Be Ashamed -- Isaiah 50:4-9a -- John E. Sumwalt -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2023
The Lord God helps me; therefore I have not been disgraced;
Finding the Way -- Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Peter Andrew Smith -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2020
Peter forced himself to take another deep breath and sit back in his chair.
Tidal Surge -- Matthew 21:1-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Psalm 31:9-16 -- C. David Mckirachan, Frank Ramirez -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2017
Contents "Tidal Surge" by C. David McKirachan
God's Way -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Psalm 31:9-16 -- Keith Hewitt, Peter Andrew Smith -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2014
Contents"God's Way" by Keith Hewitt "All You Know" by Peter Andrew Smith
In The Arms Of Love -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Psalm 31:9-16 -- Judy Sepsey, David O. Bales -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2011
Upwards Motion -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Psalm 31:9-16 -- Bryan Meadows, David O. Bales -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2008
Contents What's Up This Week "Upwards Motion" by Bryan Meadows
If You Could Choose A Crown -- Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a -- John E. Sumwalt And Jo Perry-sumwalt -- Passion Sunday - A
Palms Liturgy Matthew 21:1-11 Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29Passion Liturgy


A Drama In Three Acts -- Philippians 2:5-11 -- David E. Leininger -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2007
Philippians presents the story of Jesus as a drama in three acts.
Forsaken? -- Psalm 22 -- John E. Sumwalt -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2004
Judith B. Brain
The Maiden Who Seeks Her Brothers -- Matthew 27:11-54 -- Gregory L. Tolle -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2004
Now Jesus stood before the governor; and the governor asked him, "Are you the King of the Jews?"
Sorry! -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Constance Berg -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2001
What if Judas hadn't betrayed Jesus? What if Judas wasn't sorry?
Herman's Stand -- Philippians 2:5-11 -- Timothy J. Smith -- Passion Sunday - A -- 1998
Herman is a courageous Christian who is not afraid to take a stand even if others might perceive it


The Immediate Word

A Tale of Two Kings -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Psalm 31:9-16, Matthew 27:11-54, Matthew 21:1-11 -- Elena Delhagen, Katy Stenta, Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Thomas Willadsen, Christopher Keating, George Reed -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2023
For April 2, 2023:
Sacrifice or Inconvenience? / Lonely in the Midst of People -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Psalm 31:9-16, Matthew 27:11-54, Matthew 21:1-11, Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Ron Love, Christopher Keating, Thomas Willadsen, George Reed, Bethany Peerbolte, Kentina Washington-Leapheart -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2020
For April 5, 2020:
Demonstrations, Marches, And Rallies / Bewitched, Bothered, Bewildered, And Betrayed -- Matthew 21:1-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66, Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Mary Austin, Ron Love, George Reed, Beth Herrinton-Hodge -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2017
In this installment of The Immediate Word, we’re offering two main essays -- one fo
From Cheers To Jeers -- Matthew 21:1-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66, Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Ron Love, Leah Lonsbury, Christopher Keating, George Reed -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2014
Taken together, the texts for Palm/Passion Sunday provide something of a contradictory message.
Illustrations For March 16, 2008 From The Immediate Word -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Psalm 31:9-16 -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2008
Just who are those people who come out to see Jesus, as he triumphantly enters Jerusalem?
The Fickle Crowd -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Psalm 31:9-16 -- Paul Bresnahan, Scott Suskovic, Carlos Wilton -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2008
During presidential campaigns, it is customary to introduce presidential candidates with "Hail to th
The Contender -- Matthew 21:1-11, Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 -- Mary Boyd Click -- Passion Sunday - A
Violence has fragmented our world again this week. It seems almost pandemic.


Passion/Palm Sunday (Lent 6) -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Psalm 31:9-16 -- Amy C. Schifrin, Martha Shonkwiler -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2007
Prayer For Procession With Palms
Passion/Palm Sunday -- Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 26:14--27:66, Matthew 27:11-54 -- Thom M. Shuman -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2007
Call To WorshipOne: Here, in this place,
Sunday Of The Passion -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Matthew 21:1-11, Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a -- Beverly S. Bailey -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2004
HymnsAt The Name Of Jesus (PH148, UM168, CBH342)
Sunday Of The Passion (Sixth Sunday In Lent/Palm Sunday) -- Isaiah 50:4-9a -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2001
Theme: Turning The Other CheekCall To Worship
Sunday Of The Passion (Sixth Sunday In Lent/Palm Sunday) -- Philippians 2:5-11 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2001
Theme: The Humility Of JesusCall To Worship
Sunday Of The Passion (Sixth Sunday In Lent/Palm Sunday) -- Matthew 26:14--27:66, Matthew 27:11-54 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2001
Theme: Dark GethsemaneCall To Worship
Sunday Of The Passion (Sixth Sunday In Lent/Palm Sunday) -- Psalm 31:1-16 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Passion Sunday - A -- 2001
Words Of Assurance
Palm Sunday and Jesus' Passion -- Matthew 26:14--27:66 -- Wayne H. Keller -- Passion Sunday - A -- 1998
The Community GathersInvitation to the Celebration
Sunday Of The Passion (Sixth Sunday In Lent) -- Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 27:11-54 -- Dallas A. Brauninger -- Passion Sunday - A -- 1998
First Lesson: Isaiah 50:4-9aTheme: Like FlintCall To Worship
The Attitude Of Christ -- Philippians 2:5-11 -- Dallas A. Brauninger -- Passion Sunday - A -- 1992
Suggestions:Use before the pastoral prayer.3 readers - all womenKey:
Passion Sunday -- Psalm 31:9-16, Isaiah 50:4-9a, Philippians 2:5-11 -- Norman A. Beck -- Passion Sunday - A -- 1986
The texts selected for the observance of Lent 6 as Passion Sunday each year obviously emphasize the
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Advent 4
36 – Sermons
180+ – Illustrations / Stories
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31 – Commentary / Exegesis
3 – Pastor's Devotions
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27 – Sermons
100+ – Illustrations / Stories
31 – Children's Sermons / Resources
20 – Worship Resources
33 – Commentary / Exegesis
3 – Pastor's Devotions
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Plus thousands of non-lectionary, scripture based resources...

New & Featured This Week

The Immediate Word

Katy Stenta
Mary Austin
Christopher Keating
Dean Feldmeyer
George Reed
For January 5-6, 2025:
Katy Stenta
Mary Austin
Christopher Keating
Dean Feldmeyer
George Reed
For January 5-6, 2025:


John Jamison
Object: A large paper bag with candy or stickers inside, depending on what you are comfortable giving your children.

Note: When the child reaches into the bag, quickly squeeze or shake the bag and make a noise to surprise them. The goal is just to surprise them, not scare them. Have fun with this!

* * *
John Jamison
Object: A small candle and a bright flashlight. If you have a really bright flashlight, just shine it in the children’s direction, and not directly into their eyes.

* * *

Hello, everyone! (Let them respond.) Are you ready for our story today? (Let them respond.) Excellent! Today’s story is about Jesus. But I need to warn you that the story may sound a little confusing when I tell it to you.

One day, a man named John was writing to people to tell them about Jesus, and this is what he wrote. He said:

Emphasis Preaching Journal

Mark Ellingsen
Frank Ramirez
Bill Thomas
Bonnie Bates
Isaiah 60:1-6
David Coffin
An upper middle-aged man is politely led out of the factory where he works by both the union and management representatives into mandatory early retirement. The company wants to hire two employees at a lower rate of pay rather than pay this skilled worker for the thirty years of seniority that he earned through days of sweat and toil.
Mark Ellingsen
Bill Thomas
Frank Ramirez
Bonnie Bates
Jeremiah 31:7-14
Frank Ramirez
Just when you thought the holidays were over, when the last of the holiday snacks, Chex Mix and cookies and the fruit in the basket that arrived in the mail, were finally eaten, New Year’s celebrated and the football games turned off for the moment, and things are almost back to normal — along comes a late Christmas card, with its traditional picture of shepherds and kings and angels and cows and sheep and the light shining out of the manger, a tried and true quotation from scripture or a reference to a Christmas carol, and a swiftly penned greeting from an old friend, to make it all real agai


John E. Sumwalt
Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
For darkness shall cover the earth
and thick darkness the peoples,
but the Lord will arise upon you,
and his glory will appear over you.
(vv. 1-2)
Frank Ramirez
See, I am going to bring them from the land of the north and gather them from the farthest parts of the earth…a great company, they shall return here (Jeremiah 7:8).

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott
Call to Worship:

When Jesus came, many people failed to recognise him. As we worship him today let us try to recognise him in each other.

Invitation to Confession:

Jesus, Lord, have mercy.

Jesus, Christ, have mercy.

Jesus, Lord, have mercy.


John 1:10-18


Stephen P. McCutchan
He has not dealt thus with any other nation; they do not know his ordinances. Praise the Lord!
-- Psalm 147:20

Constance Berg
Karny runs. She runs marathons. She runs races. She runs for fun. Karny loves to run because it reminds her that she is alive. Alive to feel the ocean breeze near her house. Alive to feel the gentle pain in her legs after a good ten-mile run. She is grateful for her life because she was so close to losing it.
Richard A. Jensen
The focus in Matthew 1 was on names. Name after name after name culminating in THE Name: Jesus! In Matthew 2 there is a focus on places. The first place mentioned is Bethlehem. Matthew begins his birth story by simply telling us that Jesus was born in Bethlehem. In the course of the story the Magi come from the east looking for the city in which the "child of the star" was to be found. Herod didn't know. The chief priests and scribes looked it up. Bethlehem!
John T. Ball
Today is an important day in the life of the world and the life of the church. In the northern hemisphere this is the first day of the New Year. Last night many of us celebrated the eve of this New Year -- noisily or somberly. Noisy types went out to dinner and danced until our feet grew weary. We counted down the last seconds of the old year, and wildly greeted one another with shouts, drinks, hugs, kisses, and fireworks. Then we sang the traditional lines of Robert Burn's poem, "Auld Lang Syne," and went home.
Mary S. Lautensleger
Walking in the dark is difficult, even in the familiarity of your own home. Furniture has a way of rearranging itself in the dark so that you can whack your shins a little easier. Small, sharp toys crawl out from their hiding places to park themselves in your path. Your dog or cat is stretched out on the carpet, sleeping blissfully until your foot makes contact with a tail or a paw.
Richard E. Gribble, CSC
One Christmas morning, Dennis, Nancy, and their young son, Eric, were traveling south from San Francisco to their home in Los Angeles. They had spent Christmas Eve with relatives in the Bay Area, but both parents had to work the next day, thus, it was necessary to travel on Christmas. About noon, Dennis and Nancy decided they were hungry so they stopped at a local diner for lunch. Naturally, because it was Christmas, the restaurant was nearly empty and Eric, their young son, was the only child in the restaurant.

Steven E. Albertin
"Sticks and stones may hurt my bones, but words can never harm me."

There has never been a bigger lie that has ever been so widely perpetuated. A friendly playground game erupts into a fight and insults fill the air. One of the combatants defiantly shouts, "Sticks and stones may hurt my bones, but words can never harm me." Even though such words attempt to minimize the harm inflicted by such insults, in fact they reveal just the opposite. These words have wounded him deeply.

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