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Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25

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Emphasis Preaching Journal

New World in the Morning... -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8 -- Wayne Brouwer -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2021
It was 1971 when Kenyan-born British singer Roger Whitaker released his “New World in the Morning” a
God's Entrance -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8 -- David Coffin -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2018
Another cold, autumn Wednesday evening as the sun sets early and the church council gathers into the
The end... and the beginning -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8 -- Cathy Venkatesh -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2015
Advent is a season of anticipation, but as we near the end of the season of Pentecost our readings a
Challenged -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8 -- Wayne Brouwer -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2012
Rabbi Harold Kushner remembered a scene from a television program that he saw years ago.
Propping up or opening up -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- R. Craig Maccreary -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2006
It is never a good place to be when you feel that you are loosing it. When clearly marked
To boldly go ... -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2003
For those of us of a certain age, we can only hear the admonition "to boldly go" as intoned by Capta

Children's sermon

The Immediate Word

Expiration Date -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8, 1 Samuel 2:1-10, Daniel 12:1-3, Psalm 16 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Thomas Willadsen, George Reed, Katy Stenta -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2024
For November 17, 2024:
Not One Stone -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8, 1 Samuel 2:1-10, Daniel 12:1-3, Psalm 16 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Quantisha Mason-Doll, George Reed, Katy Stenta -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2021
For November 14, 2021:
Big Stones, Big Change -- Mark 13:1-8, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, 1 Samuel 1:4-20, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- Mary Austin, Bethany Peerbolte, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed, Ron Love, Thomas Willadsen, Christopher Keating -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2018
This Too Shall Pass -- Mark 13:1-8, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, 1 Samuel 1:4-20, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed, Ron Love, Mary Austin, Robin Lostetter, Christopher Keating -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2015
When the disciples marvel at the impressive physical structure of the Jerusalem temple (“What
A New Provocation -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8, 1 Samuel 1:4-20, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, George Reed -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2012
The voting is now over and this past week President Obama was re-elected to another four-year term.
Scandal, Betrayal, Hope, Thanksgiving -- Mark 13:1-8, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, 1 Samuel 1:4-20, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- Stephen P. McCutchan, Thom M. Shuman -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B
This week Stephen McCutchan will write about how the church gets through hard times by sticking toge


Confidence -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2006
Therefore, my friends, since we have confidence to enter the sanctuary by the blood of Jesus....
Gathering together -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B
Good morning, boys and girls. It is good to see all of you here this morning.
Excuses, excuses -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B
Good morning! I have kind of an unusual question for you
Good teasing -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B
Have any of you ever been teased? (Let them answer.)
Encourage one another -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B
Good morning, boys and girls. How many of you can do this?



Proper 28 -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- Stephen P. McCutchan -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2008
1 Samuel 1:4-20


Emphasis Preaching Journal

Sermon Illustrations for Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 (2024) -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8 -- Bonnie Bates, Bill Thomas, Mark Ellingsen, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2024
1 Samuel 1:4-20
Sermon Illustrations for Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 (2021) -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8 -- Bonnie Bates, Bill Thomas, Mark Ellingsen, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2021
1 Samuel 1:4-20
Sermon Illustrations for Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 (2018) -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8 -- Bonnie Bates, Bill Thomas, Mark Ellingsen, Bob Ove, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2018
1 Samuel 1:4-20 and 1 Samuel 2:1-10
Sermon Illustrations for Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 (2015) -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8 -- Bonnie Bates, Bill Thomas, Mark Ellingsen, Bob Ove, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2015
1 Samuel 1:4-20
Sermon Illustrations for Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 (2012) -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8 -- Cynthia E. Cowen, Mark J. Molldrem, Bob Ove, Ron Love, Mark Ellingsen, Richard A. Hasler -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2012
1 Samuel 1:4-20
NULL -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- Richard A. Hasler -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2012
Not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all th
NULL -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- Mark Ellingsen -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2012
Our lesson suggests that the sacrifice of Christ gives confidence to enter into the presence of God
In 1927, a West African... -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2006
In 1927, a West African man named Asibi was stricken with yellow fever. Few people in
There are basically three ways... -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2006
There are basically three ways to make a vaccine. One method is to isolate or create an
Severe weather struck a working... -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2006
Severe weather struck a working-class community in the next county. The church where
I was scared. I had... -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2006
I was scared. I had visited and prayed with someone at mammoth Los Angeles County-
When the writer to... -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2003
When the writer to the Hebrews encourages getting together and exhorting one another, he is re
In June 1919, Germany... -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2003
In June 1919, Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles formally ending World War I.
Remember the Ten Boom... -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2003
Remember the Ten Boom family in the Netherlands who secretly hid Jews in their home during Wor
Prevenient grace is the... -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2003
Prevenient grace is the understanding that in our relationship with God, God comes to us befor
Coming before God with a... -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2000
Coming before God with a sincere heart implies acceptance of God's will for us, rather than the chur
Anthropologist Margaret Mead was asked... -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2000
Anthropologist Margaret Mead was asked what the first signs of civilization were in a society (the q
The performance of an athletic... -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2000
The performance of an athletic team depends a lot on morale and confidence, perhaps even more than s
Terry and Gina had not... -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2000
Terry and Gina had not been at Grace Church much more than three years.
George Gershwin, the famous U.S... -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 1997
George Gershwin, the famous U.S.

The Immediate Word

Expiration Date -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8, 1 Samuel 2:1-10, Daniel 12:1-3, Psalm 16 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Thomas Willadsen, George Reed, Katy Stenta -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2024
For November 17, 2024:
Not One Stone -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8, 1 Samuel 2:1-10, Daniel 12:1-3, Psalm 16 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Quantisha Mason-Doll, George Reed, Katy Stenta -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2021
For November 14, 2021:
Big Stones, Big Change -- Mark 13:1-8, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, 1 Samuel 1:4-20, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- Mary Austin, Bethany Peerbolte, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed, Ron Love, Thomas Willadsen, Christopher Keating -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2018
This Too Shall Pass -- Mark 13:1-8, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, 1 Samuel 1:4-20, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed, Ron Love, Mary Austin, Robin Lostetter, Christopher Keating -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2015
When the disciples marvel at the impressive physical structure of the Jerusalem temple (“What
A New Provocation -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8, 1 Samuel 1:4-20, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, George Reed -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2012
The voting is now over and this past week President Obama was re-elected to another four-year term.


The Immediate Word

Expiration Date -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8, 1 Samuel 2:1-10, Daniel 12:1-3, Psalm 16 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Thomas Willadsen, George Reed, Katy Stenta -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2024
For November 17, 2024:
Not One Stone -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8, 1 Samuel 2:1-10, Daniel 12:1-3, Psalm 16 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Quantisha Mason-Doll, George Reed, Katy Stenta -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2021
For November 14, 2021:
Big Stones, Big Change -- Mark 13:1-8, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, 1 Samuel 1:4-20, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- Mary Austin, Bethany Peerbolte, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed, Ron Love, Thomas Willadsen, Christopher Keating -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2018
This Too Shall Pass -- Mark 13:1-8, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, 1 Samuel 1:4-20, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed, Ron Love, Mary Austin, Robin Lostetter, Christopher Keating -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2015
When the disciples marvel at the impressive physical structure of the Jerusalem temple (“What
A New Provocation -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8, 1 Samuel 1:4-20, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, George Reed -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2012
The voting is now over and this past week President Obama was re-elected to another four-year term.
Scandal, Betrayal, Hope, Thanksgiving -- Mark 13:1-8, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, 1 Samuel 1:4-20, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- Stephen P. McCutchan, Thom M. Shuman -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B
This week Stephen McCutchan will write about how the church gets through hard times by sticking toge


Proper 28 / Pentecost 25 / Ordinary Time 33 -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8 -- Mark Ellingsen -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2011
Theme of the Day
Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20 or Daniel 12:1-3, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8 -- Carlos Wilton -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2005
Revised Common 1 Samuel 1:4-20 or Daniel 12:1-3
Proper 28 (C, E) -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8 -- E. Carver Mcgriff -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 1999
COMMENTARY ON THE LESSONSLesson 1: 1 Samuel 1:4-20 (C)
Knowing the signs of the Lord's return -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8 -- Russell F. Anderson -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 1996
Theme For The Day: Knowing the signs of the Lord's return.
Proper 28 -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8 -- John R. Brokhoff -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 1993
Lesson 1: 1 Samuel 1:4-20 Elkanah had two wives.
Proper 28, Pentecost 26, Ordinary Time 33 -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8 -- Jerry L. Schmalenberger -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B
Seasonal Theme


The Immediate Word

Expiration Date -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8, 1 Samuel 2:1-10, Daniel 12:1-3, Psalm 16 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Thomas Willadsen, George Reed, Katy Stenta -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2024
For November 17, 2024:
Not One Stone -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8, 1 Samuel 2:1-10, Daniel 12:1-3, Psalm 16 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Quantisha Mason-Doll, George Reed, Katy Stenta -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2021
For November 14, 2021:
Big Stones, Big Change -- Mark 13:1-8, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, 1 Samuel 1:4-20, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- Mary Austin, Bethany Peerbolte, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed, Ron Love, Thomas Willadsen, Christopher Keating -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2018
This Too Shall Pass -- Mark 13:1-8, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, 1 Samuel 1:4-20, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed, Ron Love, Mary Austin, Robin Lostetter, Christopher Keating -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2015
When the disciples marvel at the impressive physical structure of the Jerusalem temple (“What
A New Provocation -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8, 1 Samuel 1:4-20, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, George Reed -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2012
The voting is now over and this past week President Obama was re-elected to another four-year term.
Scandal, Betrayal, Hope, Thanksgiving -- Mark 13:1-8, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, 1 Samuel 1:4-20, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- Stephen P. McCutchan, Thom M. Shuman -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B
This week Stephen McCutchan will write about how the church gets through hard times by sticking toge

The Village Shepherd

Do You Need To Go To Church To Be A Christian? -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2012
Many churches in England in small country parishes are struggling.


The Perfect Sacrifice -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- Patrick J. Rooney -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2008
They came day after day in a steady stream, entering the temple with a mixture of excitement and ant
Practicing God's Presence -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- Lee Ann Dunlap -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2005
In the early years of the sixteenth century, a young adventurer named Nicolas Herman left his parent
For The Person Who Is Everything -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- Harold C. Warlick, Jr. -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2002
One of life's interesting experiences is learning how to respond to gifts.

Free Access

Practicing God's Presence -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- Lee Ann Dunlap -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2005
In the early years of the sixteenth century, a young adventurer named Nicolas Herman left his parent



It Could Have Been... -- Mark 13:1-8, 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- Keith Hewitt, Lamar Massingill -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2021
Note: This installment was originally published in 2012.
Mom -- Mark 13:1-8, 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- C. David Mckirachan, Frank Ramirez -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2018
Contents “Mom” by C. David McKirachan
Canary In A Coal Mine -- Mark 13:1-8, 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- Frank Ramirez -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2015
Contents "Canary in a Coal Mine" by Frank Ramirez
A Sacrifice Of Thanksgiving -- Mark 13:1-8, 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- John S. Smylie, John E. Sumwalt, Peter Andrew Smith -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2009
ContentsWhat's Up This Week "A Sacrifice of Thanksgiving" by John Smylie
Atonement -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8, Psalm 113 -- John E. Sumwalt And Jo Perry-sumwalt -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B
Contents A Story to Live By: "Atonement"
Waiting For God -- Mark 13:1-8, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, 1 Samuel 1:4-20, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- Terry Cain, James E. Sargent -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B
ContentsWhat's Up This Week Good Stories: "Waiting For God" by Terry Cain


A Deep Peace -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 -- John E. Sumwalt, Jodie And Georgia N. Hunt -- Proper 25 | Ordinary Time 30 - B
My father died suddenly, at the age of 58, while he was on business in Canada.


The Immediate Word

Expiration Date -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8, 1 Samuel 2:1-10, Daniel 12:1-3, Psalm 16 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Thomas Willadsen, George Reed, Katy Stenta -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2024
For November 17, 2024:
Not One Stone -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8, 1 Samuel 2:1-10, Daniel 12:1-3, Psalm 16 -- Mary Austin, Dean Feldmeyer, Christopher Keating, Quantisha Mason-Doll, George Reed, Katy Stenta -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2021
For November 14, 2021:
Big Stones, Big Change -- Mark 13:1-8, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, 1 Samuel 1:4-20, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- Mary Austin, Bethany Peerbolte, Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed, Ron Love, Thomas Willadsen, Christopher Keating -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2018
This Too Shall Pass -- Mark 13:1-8, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, 1 Samuel 1:4-20, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- Dean Feldmeyer, George Reed, Ron Love, Mary Austin, Robin Lostetter, Christopher Keating -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2015
When the disciples marvel at the impressive physical structure of the Jerusalem temple (“What
A New Provocation -- Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8, 1 Samuel 1:4-20, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, George Reed -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2012
The voting is now over and this past week President Obama was re-elected to another four-year term.
Scandal, Betrayal, Hope, Thanksgiving -- Mark 13:1-8, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, 1 Samuel 1:4-20, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- Stephen P. McCutchan, Thom M. Shuman -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B
This week Stephen McCutchan will write about how the church gets through hard times by sticking toge


Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8, 1 Samuel 2:1-10 -- Charles And Donna Cammarata -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2005
Call To Worship1 Samuel 2:1-10 Leader: My heart rejoices in the Lord;
Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 2002
First Lesson: 1 Samuel 1:4-20 Theme: Hannah's Prayer
A Sad Heart -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8 -- Dallas A. Brauninger -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 1999
Call To Worship
Proper 28 -- 1 Samuel 1:4-20, Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25, Mark 13:1-8 -- James R. Wilson -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B -- 1996
Call To WorshipLeader: Let all who have been blessed by the Lord gather now for worship!
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John Jamison
Object: Two stuffed animals: a lion and a fox.

* * *

Hello, everyone! (Let them respond.) Are you ready for our story today? (Let them respond.) Excellent! And, after we hear our story, I have a game for us to play today, too, so let’s get started!

The Immediate Word

Katy Stenta
Mary Austin
Christopher Keating
Dean Feldmeyer
George Reed
Tom Willadsen
For March 16, 2025:

Emphasis Preaching Journal

Wayne Brouwer
There is an ancient legend first told by Christians living in the catacombs under the streets of Rome which pictures the day when Jesus went back to glory after finishing all his work on earth. The angel Gabriel meets Jesus in heaven and welcomes him home. “Lord,” he says, “Who have you left behind to carry on your work?”

Jesus tells him about the disciples, the little band of fishermen and farmers and housewives.

“But Lord,” says Gabriel, “what if they fail you?! What if they lose heart, or drop out?! What if things get too rough for them, and they let you down?!”
Bill Thomas
Mark Ellingsen
Frank Ramirez
Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18
Today interactions are handled through contracts. Contracts are legal agreements that involve work, services, or pay. Contracts can be (and sadly often are) broken when one party does not live up to the terms of the contract. Contracts are important, but they are not the way God interacted with Abraham. God’s way was deeper than the letter of the law on a contract.


Frank Ramirez
While he was saying this, a cloud came and overshadowed them, and they were terrified as they entered the cloud. (v. 34)

Remember Pet Rocks? Some marketing genius in the mid-seventies packed rocks as pets that provided solid companionship and required next to no maintenance. The rocks came in boxes with ventilation holes and instructions for their care. Though the fad was short-lived, it lasted long enough to make its creator a millionaire.  And more recently, they’ve become a craze again in South Korea.

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott
As you all know, Terry Waite, the Archbishop of Canterbury's special envoy from 1980, was involved in negotiations to secure the release of hostages held in the Middle East. Between 1982 and the end of 1986, 14 hostages, for whom he was interceding, were released. But he himself was kidnapped in Beirut in January 1987 while involved in secret negotiations to win the release of hostages held in Lebanon, and he wasn't released until November 1991.


David E. Leininger
The story of the transfiguration is one of those passages that have given the phrase "mountaintop experience" to our language. Peter, James, and John had joined Jesus and escaped from the crowd for some spiritual "R and R" up in the wilderness of (probably) Mount Hermon. Night had fallen and their eyes were heavy. Suddenly, they awoke with a start. Just yonder they saw Jesus take on something of a supernatural "glow" -- his face and clothes "as bright as a flash of lightning" (Luke 9:29). Then Moses and Elijah appeared and spoke with the master.
George M. Bass
The Church Year Theological Clue
Gregory L. Tolle
The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

When evildoers assail me to devour my flesh -- my adversaries and foes -- they shall stumble and fall.

Though an army encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war rise up against me, yet I will be confident.

One thing I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple.

Donald Charles Lacy
Boldness is necessary to accomplish ministry, especially that which is prophetic and points to judgment. Our dear Lord is boldly assertive and wants there to be no doubt about what his Father has sent him to accomplish. He provides both a lesson and model for us.

Our timidity in the face of odds is not becoming to those who profess to follow Christ. Only when it covers a determined soul for the faith is it in keeping with our commitment. Let's face it, some of the most timid souls in church can be downright raucous at athletic events!

Barbara Brokhoff
You have all made promises; and kept them, but some you have broken. Maybe you didn't intend to break it, but when the time came to fulfill it, it simply wasn't in your power to keep it. Or, upon re-thinking it, you decided it wasn't a good promise, so you reneged upon it.
And, you've had promises made to you; and they've been kept - some of them, but who has not been hurt by having a promise made, and then broken?

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