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The Village Shepherd

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Children's Liturgy and Story

The Village Shepherd

What Does "eternal" Mean? -- John 6:35, 41-51 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 14 | Ordinary Time 19 - B
Call to Worship: In our worship today, let us come to Jesus to drink at his
Josie Runs Away -- Luke 3:7-18 -- Janice B. Scott -- Third Sunday of Advent - C
Call to Worship:
The Grain Of Faith -- Matthew 13:31-33, Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - A
Call to Worship:
The Black Cave -- John 1:6-8, 19-28 -- Janice B. Scott -- Third Sunday of Advent - B
Call to Worship: John the Baptist came as a witness to the light. In our worship
Jordan's Story -- Matthew 28:16-20 -- Janice B. Scott -- Trinity Sunday | 1st Sunday after Pentecost - A
Call to Worship:
The Friday Club -- John 3:1-17 -- Janice B. Scott -- Second Sunday in Lent - A
Call to Worship:
Praxis And The Wandering Minstrel -- Luke 1:26-38 -- Janice B. Scott -- Fourth Sunday of Advent - B
Call to Worship: The Angel Gabriel called Mary to special work for God. In our
David's Grandma -- Luke 2:1-7 -- Janice B. Scott -- The Nativity of our Lord - C
Call to Worship:
Jonquil's Daffodils -- John 11:1-45 -- Janice B. Scott -- Fifth Sunday in Lent - A
Call to Worship:
Benjy's Birthday Party -- Mark 8:27-38 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 19 | Ordinary Time 24 - B
Call to Worship: Jesus said, "If any want to become my followers, let them deny
The Folk From The Street Help Out -- Luke 18:1-8 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 24 | Ordinary Time 29 - C
Call to Worship:
The Best Present Ever -- Luke 2:8-20 -- Janice B. Scott -- The Nativity of our Lord - C
Call to Worship: Come, let us go even now to Bethlehem with the shepherds and the
David And Jonathan, Best Friends -- Luke 19:1-10 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - C
Call to Worship:
John And The Power Within -- John 17:20-26 -- Janice B. Scott -- Seventh Sunday of Easter - C
Call to Worship:
The Family -- Matthew 13:1-9 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 10 | Ordinary Time 15 - A
Call to Worship:
Daisy Loved To Dance -- John 4:5-42 -- Janice B. Scott -- Third Sunday in Lent - A
Call to Worship:
John And Jane -- Matthew 5:1-12 -- Janice B. Scott -- All Saints Day - A
Call to Worship:
The Ermine Cloak -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Janice B. Scott -- Epiphany of the Lord - B
Call to Worship:
A Page Boy's Story -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Janice B. Scott -- Epiphany of the Lord - B
Call to Worship: With the kings, on this feast of the Epiphany let us come to
Bunker Stands Alone -- Luke 12:49-56 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 15 | Ordinary Time 20 - C
Call to Worship:
Jo's First Camp -- Luke 14:25-33 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 18 | Ordinary Time 23 - C
Call to Worship:
Mr. Tweedie, The Organist -- Mark 10:46-52 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 25 | Ordinary Time 30 - B
Call to Worship: They said to the blind man, "Take heart; get up, he is calling
The End Of Their Lives -- Matthew 9:9-13; 18-26 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 5 | Ordinary Time 10 - A
Call to Worship:
Lazy Linda -- Matthew 25:1-13 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 27 | Ordinary Time 32 - A
Call to Worship: Jesus said, "Keep awake, for you do not know either the day or the
Ahmed's Gift -- Matthew 28:1-10 -- Janice B. Scott -- Easter Day - A
Call to Worship:

Children's sermon

Children's Story

The Village Shepherd

The Parable Of Bamboo -- John 20:1-18 -- Janice B. Scott -- Easter Day - C
Once upon a time in the heart of a certain kingdom, lay a beautiful garden.
Holly's Worry -- Matthew 6:25-34 -- Janice B. Scott -- Epiphany 8 | Ordinary Time 8 - A
Holly stared at her face in the mirror. She couldn't believe it!
When Jodie Was Lost -- Luke 15:1-10 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 19 | Ordinary Time 24 - C
It was Jodie's first holiday at the seaside, and she loved it.
More Trouble For Praxis -- Luke 17:11-19 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 23 | Ordinary Time 28 - C
Praxis the pixie was in trouble again. In fact, Praxis was rarely out of trouble.
Roly Interprets The Signs -- Luke 21:25-36 -- Janice B. Scott -- First Sunday of Advent - C
Roly lay on the stone floor with his head on his paws.
After Grandma Died -- John 11:1-45 -- Janice B. Scott -- Fifth Sunday in Lent - A
Death is difficult for anyone to understand and accept, and particularly difficult for children
The Moment Of Truth -- Mark 1:4-11 -- Janice B. Scott -- The Baptism of our Lord | Epiphany 1 | Ordinary Time 1 - B
I'd never met my cousin John, although I'd heard plenty about him from my mother.
He Who Laughs Last -- Luke 20:27-38 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 27 | Ordinary Time 32 - C
Henry Hyena had a problem.
What Shall I Do? -- Mark 9:2-9 -- Janice B. Scott -- Transfiguration Sunday - B
James was really miserable.
Molly's Family -- John 2:1-11 -- Janice B. Scott -- Epiphany 2 | Ordinary Time 2 - C
"I'm never going to get married," declared Molly.
Robert's Choice -- Luke 13:31-35 -- Janice B. Scott -- Second Sunday in Lent - C
Even after being warned that Herod was out to kill him, Jesus was still determined to go to Jeru
Adrian's Swimming Coach -- Matthew 11:2-11 -- Janice B. Scott -- Third Sunday of Advent - A
There wasn't much that Adrian was good at, except swimming.
The Mystery Of The Marshes -- John 21:1-19 -- Janice B. Scott -- Third Sunday of Easter - C
Cley marshes (pronounced Cly), are rich in wild life, especially sea birds.
Happy Families -- Luke 10:38-42 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 11 | Ordinary Time 16 - C
One of Martha's earliest memories was of her little sister Mary singing and dancing in the middl
What Matters? -- Matthew 7:21-29 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 4 | Ordinary Time 9 - A
When Lucy Dingall moved to a new house, she was very excited.
Mole's Great Escape -- Matthew 24:36-44 -- Janice B. Scott -- First Sunday of Advent - A
Mole shouted his warning to Fox and rabbit, but Fox hardly paused as he chased rabbit, and rabbit
Richard's Mum -- Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 -- Janice B. Scott -- Fourth Sunday in Lent - C
The prodigal son's father could equally have been his mother, since mothers too are never quite
Whose Job Is It Anyway? -- Luke 10:25-37 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 10 | Ordinary Time 15 - C
Mabel hummed a familiar hymn tune as she made her way to church.
The Marble King -- Luke 12:13-21 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 13 | Ordinary Time 18 - C
Charlie Baker was thrilled. He'd just been given a bag of marbles from his grandmother.
Greater Love Hath No Man? -- John 10:1-10 -- Janice B. Scott -- Fourth Sunday of Easter - A
During World War II, a number of British regiments from this part of East Anglia were sent to th
We Piped To You And You Did Not Dance? -- Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 9 | Ordinary Time 14 - A
He was such a nice man.
Molly The Milk Molecule -- Matthew 9:35-10:8 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 6 | Ordinary Time 11 - A
Molly the milk molecule was scared.
Princess Lightfinger -- Luke 8:22-25 -- Janice B. Scott -- Epiphany 7 | Ordinary Time 7 - C
This is a story about a princess who finds herself in terrible trouble.
Why Doesn't It Work? -- Matthew 18:15-20 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 18 | Ordinary Time 23 - A
They were huddled together leaning against straw stacks in a corner of the old barn, where they
The King Is Coming? -- John 18:33-37 -- Janice B. Scott -- Christ The King (Proper 29) - B
The jungle was abuzz with excitement.


The Village Shepherd

Advent God... -- Luke 21:25-36 -- Janice B. Scott -- First Sunday of Advent - C
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:
Courageous God, You Took Such A Huge Risk... -- Matthew 25:14-30 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - A
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:
Broken God... -- Luke 24:13-35 -- Janice B. Scott -- Third Sunday of Easter - A
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:
Servant King... -- Revelation 1:4b-8 -- Janice B. Scott -- Christ The King (Proper 29) - B
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:
Healing And Compassionate God... -- Luke 8:26-39 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 7 | Ordinary Time 12 - C
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:
Listening God... -- Luke 18:1-8 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 24 | Ordinary Time 29 - C
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:
The World Is Preparing Once Again -- Luke 3:1-6 -- Janice B. Scott -- Second Sunday of Advent - C
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:
Unexpected God, Awful Times In My Life Occur Out Of The Blue... -- Matthew 25:1-13 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 27 | Ordinary Time 32 - A
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:
Risen God... -- John 20:19-31 -- Janice B. Scott -- Second Sunday of Easter - A
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:
God Triumphant -- Janice B. Scott -- Passion Sunday - C
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:
God Of Perfect Community... -- John 17:20-26 -- Janice B. Scott -- Seventh Sunday of Easter - C
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:
God Of The Highest Heavens... -- Luke 17:5-10 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 22 | Ordinary Time 27 - C
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:
God Of Love, I Find It Almost Impossible To Really Love Outside My Own Family -- Matthew 22:34-46 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 25 | Ordinary Time 30 - A
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:
God Of The Living... -- John 11:1-45 -- Janice B. Scott -- Fifth Sunday in Lent - A
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:
God Of Creation, Every Branch Of Your Church Tends To Think It Has The Whole Truth... -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 26 | Ordinary Time 31 - B
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:
God Of Love, You Promised To Comfort Those Who Mourn... -- John 13:31-35 -- Janice B. Scott -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - C
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:
Understanding God... -- Luke 17:11-19 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 23 | Ordinary Time 28 - C
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:
Joyful God, it's your birthday... -- John 1:1-14 -- Janice B. Scott -- The Nativity of our Lord - B
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:
Matthew 24:1-14 -- Janice B. Scott
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:
Risen God... -- Matthew 28:1-10 -- Janice B. Scott -- Easter Day - A
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:
God Of Creation, Enable Your Church So To Hear Your Voice... -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 - B
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:
Healing God... -- John 5:1-9 -- Janice B. Scott -- Sixth Sunday of Easter - C
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:
Loving And Forgiving God... -- Luke 16:19-31 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 21 | Ordinary Time 26 - C
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:
Bountiful God... -- Matthew 22:1-14 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 23 | Ordinary Time 28 - A
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:
Light Of The World... -- John 9:1-41 -- Janice B. Scott -- Fourth Sunday in Lent - A
Prayers usually include these concerns and may follow this sequence:




The Village Shepherd

The Possible Dream -- Genesis 45:3-11, 15 -- Mary S. Lautensleger -- Epiphany 7 | Ordinary Time 7 - C -- 2006
Note: This is a substitute for missing content from The Village Shepherd.
The Lord Looks On The Heart -- 1 Samuel 15:34--16:13 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 6 | Ordinary Time 11 - B -- 2006
Many years ago when I was at Primary School, an Australian girl joined our class.
Things Change -- 1 Samuel 3:1-10 (11-20) -- Stan Purdum -- Proper 4 | Ordinary Time 9 - B -- 2005
Note: There is no content for Proper 4 / OT 9 / Pentecost 2 from The Village Shepher
Parades And Crosses -- The Challenge Of Ministry -- 2 Corinthians 4:5-12 -- Maurice A. Fetty -- Proper 4 | Ordinary Time 9 - B -- 2005
Note: There is no content for Proper 4 / OT 9 / Pentecost 2 from The Village Shepher
Looking To The Unseen -- 2 Corinthians 4:13--5:1 -- Maurice A. Fetty -- Proper 5 | Ordinary Time 10 - B -- 2005
Note: There is no content for Proper 5 / OT 10 / Pentecost 3 from The Village Shephe
Risking Relationships That Redeem -- Ruth 3:1-5, 4:13-17 -- Mary S. Lautensleger -- Proper 27 | Ordinary Time 32 - B -- 2005
Note: This sermon fills a slot that is not currently filled by The Village Shepherd.
God, Please Send Some Lofty Thoughts -- 1 Corinthians 2:1-12 (13-16) -- Dallas A. Brauninger -- Epiphany 5 | Ordinary Time 5 - A -- 2001
E-mail From: KDM To: God Subject: Truly Human, Truly God's
Let Sleeping Dogmas Awake! -- Isaiah 58:1-9a (9b-12) -- Stephen M. Crotts -- Epiphany 5 | Ordinary Time 5 - A -- 2001
There are many doctrines in the Bible that receive light billing today.
The Illusion Of Neutrality -- Deuteronomy 30:15-20 -- Robert A. Beringer -- Epiphany 6 | Ordinary Time 6 - A -- 1992
Charlie Moran, the old National League baseball umpire, always regarded himself and his decisions hi
The Israelites Looked Back -- Exodus 14:10-31; 15:20-21 -- Janice B. Scott -- Second Sunday of Easter - B
In John Osborne's famous play, "Look Back In Anger", first produced in the post-war
Shout It From The Rooftops! -- Matthew 10:24-39 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 7 | Ordinary Time 12 - A
Years ago, politicians were regarded as the epitome of authority
The Faithfulness Of Mothers -- John 19:25-27 -- Janice B. Scott
To us in England, the fourth Sunday in Lent is always Mothering
The Prophet -- Deuteronomy 18:15-20 -- Janice B. Scott -- Epiphany 4 | Ordinary Time 4 - B
The hypnotist Paul McKenna
Humility And Courage -- 2 Kings 5:1-14 -- Janice B. Scott -- Epiphany 6 | Ordinary Time 6 - B
Walking home from work one evening, a young man was attacked by five thugs. Instead of just
The God Within -- Jeremiah 31:31-34 -- Janice B. Scott -- Fifth Sunday in Lent - B
When my father was dying,
The Day Of The Lord -- Zephaniah 3:14-20 -- Janice B. Scott -- Third Sunday of Easter - B
In the "Manchester
What About Isaac? -- Genesis 22:1-18 -- Janice B. Scott -- Fifth Sunday of Easter - B
If any of us ever stopped to really consider the implications and responsibilities of being a
God's Word Will Succeed -- Isaiah 55:1-11 -- Janice B. Scott -- Sixth Sunday of Easter - B
It's difficult to know what to do with old buildings such as Victorian schools. Many Victorian
A New Beginning -- Ezekiel 36:24-28 -- Janice B. Scott -- Seventh Sunday of Easter - B
The Oprah Winfrey television show started in 1986 and will continue until at least 2011 because
A Web Of Deceit -- 2 Samuel 11:1-15 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 12 | Ordinary Time 17 - B
We human beings so often
Worry! -- Matthew 6:24-34 -- Janice B. Scott -- Epiphany 8 | Ordinary Time 8 - A
I remember as a teenager feeling extremely irritated
Shameful Realisation -- 2 Samuel 11:26--12:13a -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 13 | Ordinary Time 18 - B
God must receive a
The Beat Of A Butterfly's Wing -- Genesis 45:1-15 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 15 | Ordinary Time 20 - A
It's now well known although hardly comprehensible to me, that a single beat of a
Sins Of The Fathers -- 2 Samuel 18:5-9, 15, 31-33 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 14 | Ordinary Time 19 - B
The relationship between fathers and sons can be difficult. The relationship between famous
Potential -- Exodus 1:8--2:10 -- Janice B. Scott -- Proper 16 | Ordinary Time 21 - A
This is a year for babies in


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New & Featured This Week

The Immediate Word

Thomas Willadsen
Christopher Keating
Dean Feldmeyer
Mary Austin
Katy Stenta
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For July 21, 2024:

Emphasis Preaching Journal

Frank Ramirez
Mark Ellingsen
Bonnie Bates
Bill Thomas
2 Samuel 7:1-14a
Frank Ramirez
In each of these scriptures it is up to recognize who is the star of the show. We might be surprised. David thinks he is honoring God by building a temple, but isn’t he really honoring himself as the typical conqueror who builds temples to the gods as a testimony to his accomplishments as a ruler?


John E. Sumwalt
Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! says the Lord... So I will attend to you for your evil doings... Then I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the lands... I will raise up shepherds over them... and they shall not fear any longer, or be dismayed, nor shall any be missing, says the Lord. (vv. 1-5)

The Village Shepherd

Janice B. Scott
Call to Worship:

Let us join together to use this time for rest and relaxation within the preence of our Lord.

Invitation to Confession:

Jesus, sometimes we are lazy and don't do what you want us to do.
Lord, have mercy.

Jesus, sometimes we are too busy and wilfully refuse to take time off.
Christ, have mercy.

Jesus, help us to manage our time and our own physical and emotional needs.
Lord, have mercy.


Julia E. Bland
It is through Jesus, the Good Shepherd, that we become part of his flock.

Scripture: John 10:9

Background Devotions: Psalm 23

Visual Aids: Medicine, a large cup, perhaps a cane. If a cane is used, you will need to explain that the staff was shaped something like a cane but it was much longer and the rounded part was bigger.

Handouts: Activity sheets; star stickers for the color page of the activity sheet, if desired
John E. Sumwalt
Patricia M. Thaker
In February of 2000, my grandfather, Lloyd Dings, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He passed away just twelve days later. My grandparents were married 56 years. The legacy he leaves behind is a wonderful wife and a beautiful family
Kristin Borsgard Wee
Four years ago this week, I was walking through an African village in Namibia with my friend, Solveig Kjeseth. We stopped to look at a strange tower formed out of earth. It was about five feet high, crooked in shape, wide at the bottom and coming to a point at the top. I thought it looked like the top of a giant, rumpled witch's hat, only it was gray instead of black. Solveig informed me, much to my surprise, that it was an anthill. I was even more surprised when we came across many more, some of which towered over my head. They were huge!
William J. Carl, III
Have you ever noticed how some families move a lot? Some are corporate moves, some are military, and some are United Methodist pastors. Whatever the case, every time they move they have to find new lodging. In the military, quarters are often provided. The same may be true for clergy if churches own a manse or a parsonage. But, sometimes you have to look for a new home, which means spending some time with real estate agents traveling here and there to find the perfect house. Of course, no house is ever perfect. When you own a home, no matter where you sit you see something that needs fixing.
Mark Ellingson
On this last Sunday of the Church Year (we call it Christ the King Sunday) our attention is directed to the reign of Christ -- to his glorious reign which has already begun with the resurrection on Easter. It is a Sunday to think about salvation, because where Christ reigns salvation is effected. These themes are especially evident in our First Lesson.
Mark Ellingson
On this last Sunday of the Church Year (we call it Christ the King Sunday) our attention is directed to the reign of Christ -- to his glorious reign which has already begun with the resurrection on Easter. It is a Sunday to think about salvation, because where Christ reigns salvation is effected. These themes are especially evident in our First Lesson.
Through Christ, God has solved the problem of conflict between races.

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